Conversation Between Brigeyboo and RubyViolence

  1. RubyViolence
    Of course! Very cool!
  2. Brigeyboo
    I've been keeping it moist definitely, It's sealed over now it seems, and I really don't get o_O
    and thank you ;D that's one of my favorite pieces of art by Luke Chueh :3
  3. RubyViolence
    I hear that, hehe but it's worth it. The most important thing is to make sure it stays moisturized and clean. Otherwise you'll be fine. I love your tat.
  4. Brigeyboo
    Thank you so much, me too haha. It's seeming like so much trouble right now @_@
    I'm terribly lazy :/
  5. RubyViolence
    Hope your ink heals nicely.
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