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Thread: family blows

  1. #1
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default family blows

    wow. i was at my grandparents' for 5 days visiting with them and my little brother. it felt like forever. i forgot how bad my grandparents can be. like they were born as adults.
    long story short, i need to get my shit together so i can take care of a 13 year old boy >.>
    get a fucking job! i don't care, i'll do pr0n. i'll do whatever it takes. it's time for me to stop being so damn selfish.
    i don't contribute enough anymore! i'll be around more, i think. i'll try?

  2. #2
    Ajax Knucklebones's Avatar God fearing atheist
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    Default Re: family blows

    Ahhhh...So it was the ever-famous "guilt" trip you went on, huh?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: family blows

    Just think of the inheritance money...

  4. #4
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: family blows

    Family can suck, but at least you are motivated to do what you need to do to make ends meet. Some people just wallow in self-pity, and never do anything to change their situation.

  5. #5
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default Re: family blows

    Quote Originally Posted by Ajax Knucklebones
    Ahhhh...So it was the ever-famous "guilt" trip you went on, huh?
    oh god, you have no idea.
    80-year-old ex-marine grandma... she's the the champion of guilt.
    i think i'll get into pr0n and/or stripping.
    i'd make enough money...
    and it doesn't scare me quite as much as a *gasp* normal job.
    and now i have the kick in the ass that i needed. i lived under the illusion that he was ok without me... i was oh so very wrong.
    i'm trying to get my brother's cell phone working without my grandparents' knowledge. this is difficult since they seem to have eyes and ears *everywhere*

  6. #6
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default Re: family blows

    Quote Originally Posted by Vix
    Just think of the inheritance money...
    yes, that does help a bit.

    i love them, i'd miss them, i'll be sad when they're gone. but. shit. they've always made my life so miserable. and they've changed my baby brother. they beat the spirit out of him, just like they did with me.
    it's unacceptable.
    and i now have the belief of a child that i will keep my promise to take care of him. that's the best motivation anyone can ask for.

  7. #7
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: family blows

    Even people who are "family" are not always the best people.

    A good plan in life is to get the fuck away from people who make you miserable, and surround yourself with friends who make you laugh, who accept you, etc... Some people will always bring you down, or try to get you to see things their way.

    It's not like you have to be mean to those people.
    You can leave nicely, and just explain that you need a different kind of life.
    Their idea of what someone should be, or how they should behave,
    is probably very different from yours, especially with the age difference.

  8. #8
    Ajax Knucklebones's Avatar God fearing atheist
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    Default Re: family blows

    I learned a long time ago that "Family" are just like everyone else. They're human and can make mistakes when it comes to advice...But Soma...You have a son....A son that will always need his mother. So, yeah, you really need do to right by him at much as you can. The WORST fuckin' thing that can happen is for him to turn into something you'd never wanted and then for him to totally blame you for all of it. It's possible the actual blame could be bullshit, but...You're human too. You hurt, you bleed...And if he blames you for his life ( If it doesn't turn out so good), try as you might...It'll follow you to the grave.

    You don't have to be rich. You don't have to be a celebrity. You don't have to even really be happy. But when it comes to your kids....You HAVE to be his mother as best as you can.

    I truly understand (And this is from what you type...That you do not have custody) because you think he'd be better off being raised by others...But kids need their parents. It just instinctual. I hope what I typed doesn't piss you off.

    Just always remember that it's not how much money you have in your pocket that will help your children, but it truly is the love that you can give them.

    Sorry about the lecture. I just sooo know how fragile children's emotions are.

    And...Like Mr. DK stated...If your family brings you to a depressing place, you don't want to be, then yes, sometimes, it is better to scrape them off.

    I figured out a long time ago that anybody who makes me feel weak, has no place in my life for me....And that goes for family too. Who are usually the biggest culprits.

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