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Thread: Aspirations!

  1. #1

    Default Aspirations!

    I just posted a list of things I have in mind for my future to my LJ, and this place is pretty dead so I figure it'd make a half-decent thread here too.

    Here's mine:
    - Learn to weld, and make those neat statue things out of random metal junk
    - Learn archery, and decorate a cool bow and quiver set
    - Live on a ship, decorated as an aquatic pirate-punk fortress.
    - Learn magic and disintegrate a cop car. This one might have to wait...
    - Participate in creating an outdoor goth/industrial festival designed more along the lines of electronic music festivals - so more focus on decorations and ongoing DJ'ed music at dance floors, less with the overcrowded bands packed impractically across indoor stages that you never really want to see more than one in a row of. I'd want to design the industrial floor in a kind of post-apocalyptic built-from-the-rubble style.
    - Learn to reliably place Micro Dermal Anchor piercings and execute the layouts Izta and I have been working out for ourselves
    - Declare independence as an autonomous community/territory with a reasonably sized squatted area somewhere
    - Learn to poi-dance, then use fire pois on spiked chains. Preferably without hitting myself and setting my hair on fire.
    - Learn to play the violin
    - Finalize and execute my plans for my new hairstyle

    What are you up to, working towards or otherwise aiming for? Do you expect to achieve it? What's holding you back, or what's your key to success?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Stupid Earth

    Default Re: Aspirations!

    Among mine have also been learn to play Violin, and also piano
    speak another language ( coherently)
    grow some herbs ( herb garden in general)
    Growing any plants ( coencides with above)
    Travel the globe
    Help ppl in need
    Seek any lost treasures
    Deep sea diving
    Be a DJ ( goes along with producing and creating any outdoor festys)
    Participate in any seance
    Own a collection of Miu Miu shoes ( and or hand bags)
    Paint something that someone will actually buy
    Inspire someone

    prolly think of a few more..

  3. #3

    Default Re: Aspirations!

    In Fight Club, Tyler Durten called self improvement masturbation.

    I think he may be right... but masturbation is brilliant so.

    I am going to learn Spanish.
    I am going to go to Spain.
    I am going to go back to Capoiera class.
    I am going to finish reading the growing pile of books around my desk.
    I am going to finish writing the two stories I have started.
    I am going to listen to Poe and Tom Waits a lot.

    That is all for now, all plans are subject to change without notice.

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