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Thread: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    This is my Favorite Greater Demon of 40K

    What is yours?

    (I am practicing posting links and photos, but also making a statement)

    SLAANESH, Lord of Pleasure
    Description: Slaanesh is the Lord of Pleasure and the Chaos God dedicated to all manners of perversions and sexual debauchery. He smiles upon hedonistic pleasure, the overthrow of all codes of decent behaviour and all forms of perverse pleasures of the flesh. He is pleased when his followers explore all their fantasies and joyous when it is particularly perverse. All sensations must be explored, including pain, agony, fear and terror.

    Physically Slaanesh is portrayed as a bisexual humanoid, being male on the left side and female on the right, with an unerring and unnatural beauty not present in any of the other great Chaos Gods. Golden hair flows from his head like a cascading waterfall and from this mane of gold sprout two pairs of shiny horns, decorated in many fantastic and elaborate jewels and precious stones. In his right hand he holds the magical jade sceptre, which is his greatest and most prized treasure, and he wears a beautiful mail shirt fringed with velvet and this is usually encrusted with some of the most amazing jewels that a mortal could desire.

    Symbol: Followers of Slaanesh wear somewhere about their person the symbol of Slaanesh, though not openly in the towns and cities of the Old World. However, they will openly wear elaborate jewellery bearing erotic motifs. Cultists will wear robes which are often opened to leave the right side of the chest uncovered, a requirement of many of the rituals involved in Slaanesh's worship. Pastel and electric shades are the chief colours with white used occasionally. Followers of Slaanesh often where these colours along with their art of clothes, which always tend to be of high quality. The number of Slaanesh is six and cult meetings are always this number or in multiples of it.

    Worship: The worship of Slaanesh is especially popular among the nobility of the Old World, notably in the cities of Bretonnia, the Empire, and parts of Estalia and Tilea. How many people of the upper classes have alters to the Lord of Pleasure hidden somewhere in their homes? How many merchants conduct business before an orgy, where every vice and whim is explored? How many moral upstanding people have been murdered during these acts of debauchery? Whatever the case, the worship of the Lord of Pleasure is the most widespread of all the Chaos Gods and their are many cults. They are also popular with university students and there are many potential recruits there for any cultist or Chaos Champion.

    General: The aims of the Slaaneshi cults are not like those of most other Chaos Gods. They do not especially have an interest in political power - although the sheer size of some cults, including many important politicians, merchants and nobles, makes this a matter of opinion - and certainly very little, if any, interest in martial power. That isn't what the worship of Slaanesh is about and it certainly is not a cult of warriors. Indeed, some followers of Slaanesh will even finance, or own, orphanages or mental institutions in order to prey upon the vulnerable members of society and abuse them as is their sadistic way.

    The followers of Slaanesh maybe seen as a comical bunch of sexual deviants, but in truth they are a lot of sadistic, masochistic, hedonistic, self-indulging, perverted torturers. Few outsiders survive a cult meeting as they are typically tortured in unspeakable ways, with their last vestiges of life dedicated to the Lord of Pleasure before they are gleefully put to death.

    The text is credited to GW,Incorperated****
    Last edited by BrightStar; 05-28-2004 at 02:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    It's sad how they recently changed the face to that lame cliche' angry demon face...it lost all the cool statanic/giger qualities to it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Personally, I love the new Leather Mask or whatever its called that the new model has.

    That Model with the Bovine-like head goes back to at least around the 70's or 80's

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Let me know if anybody wants info on the Other Gods.

    Sing For The Pleasure Of Slaanesh- BrightStar

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Slaanesh is MY favorite God. Did any of you want info on the others?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Hey Drakken, When I posted this, you hadnt joined yet, so here ya go. Enjoy

  7. #7
    Drakken's Avatar Self Proclaimed Deity
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    C'tan Deciever for my Necron army;

    Gods from ancient times, the C'tan appear as metallic skinned apparitions floating above the battlefield. Phantom, ethereal winds howl around their vestments, wreathing them in ghostly fires that emanate from deep within their bodies. Their touch is death and to look upon their countenance is to gaze into an abyss of time that has known the span of millions of years. Though they choose to appear as humanoids, they are utterly alien and exist only to serve their own ends.

    Of the C'tan at large in the universe, two are known to many races: the Nightbringer and the Deceiver. The Deceiver has been active for longer, pursuing complex plots apparently for the sheer delight of causing mischief. It sees mortals as its playthings and delights in breaking their minds and spirits before consuming their essence. The Deceiver's powers are all derived from a combination of its voice, its presence and an inexplicable knowledge of other beings' thoughts, desires and fears.

  8. #8
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    Default More of My Favorite Demons/Demonettes


    Gifted with disturbing beauty, Daemonettes are the Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh. What unearthly delights they might pleasure your soul with none can say, but upon the reeking field of battle, pain is what they bring. Vicious, spiteful, yet loving in the fatal affections they lavish upon those who dare refuse their chaotic charms, Daemonettes are swift and deadly to all who cross their path. On lithe legs they surge across the battlefield, dancing from foe to foe, gifting each in turn with gaping wounds from their scythe-like talons.

    Daemonettes may be included in your Daemonic Chaos army as a Core choice, or in your Beastmen or Mortal Chaos army as a Special choice.

  9. #9
    memorydream's Avatar Sage
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Did you paint them too? Because if you did they look to be a fine job.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My Favorite Model of Greater Demon, and Info on my Favorite God

    Quote Originally Posted by memorydream
    Did you paint them too? Because if you did they look to be a fine job.
    I didnt paint those, but I could paint at that level though.
    Anyways, I decided to go with Blood Angels Instead, since I LOVE Vampires.

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