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Thread: Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

  1. #1
    Mekahoel The Pandafist's Avatar Cold, wet and hungry
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

    I have been a percussionist for the last 9 years (trap set six) and I want to learn the bass guitar. Methinks I will try to learn the bass line for "Bela Lugosi's Dead" or "Hurt". I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a beginning bassist, or would just like to give their fave bass/drum/riff OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

    my big suggestion would be to make sure you get a halfway decent instrument like a fender jazz or percision bass those are cheap too if you already have one pratcice at least two hors a day and my fave bass line of all time is the intro to Black Sabbaths NIB

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2004
    Same place but I have been just about everywhere inbetween

    Default Re: Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

    having been thumping away at a bass for a long time...13 years to be exact, I would say learn Jazzchords and all the basics first. Spend your warm up doing scales and use all your fingers...see that lil finger that finger can make you or break you make that puppy strong an adjile it will be you saviour. Rythm as you already know is key, simple bass lines can seem complex. Some of my favourites are Snapcase, and Refused they are simple but the progression and rythm are hwta make the so amazing, also learn a song you like you mesntioned a few that you like and they are fairley simple. Also listen to lots of Jazz one of the most underated modern Hardcore bands Refused used this to an amzing point....anyhow good luck, oh and satrting out any old bass will do, start with the BASICS then go form there.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

    I was bassist and screeamer on mic in my ex band... death metal
    bass is most powerfull instrument
    start with learning funky on bass, then everything else will be joke

  5. #5
    darki's Avatar darki must die
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    Default Re: Drummer trying to learn the Bass Guitar

    Quote Originally Posted by Mekahoel The Pandafist
    Methinks I will try to learn the bass line for "Bela Lugosi's Dead" or "Hurt". I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a beginning bassist, or would just like to give their fave bass/drum/riff OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    nice choice, cool songs!
    my suggestion is: do some blues, that's a good "base".

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