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Thread: Think Global, Kill Local

  1. #1

    Default Think Global, Kill Local

    I like the tagline for the forthcoming Resident Evil movie, Resident Evil Retribution, which opens September 14th of this year. The slogan is, "Think Global. Kill Local." They may not have meant anything profound by it, but I personally like mobster movies and dislike war movies. I get why people might do violent things for personal reasons, but I can't relate to the idea of doing violence...
    Read the full article

  2. #2

    Default Re: Think Global, Kill Local

    ...That is not for fighting in.

    Pretty, though.

  3. #3
    nathanmbailey's Avatar Batteries not included
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    Over there.

    Default Re: Think Global, Kill Local

    I thought the story was going to be completely different from the title. I thought you were going to go on some activist rant about everyone worrying about global issues and killing local businesses and stuff. Guess I was way off. More on topic, I'm tired of sequels and remakes, especially when they're the only thing being put out as summer blockbusters. I'm still waiting on a movie worth the hassle of going to the theaters, even with my various discounts on movie passes.

  4. #4
    Pleth's Avatar Junior Member
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    Seattle, WA

    Default Re: Think Global, Kill Local

    On the one hand I can go to a movie theater and pay for over priced seats, listen to rude people talk on their phones and be forced to watch 30 minutes of previews and on the other I can sit in my recliner and watch a movie in 1080p bluray, surround sound, have my kitchen 5 feet away and NOT HAVE ONE ASSHOLE ruining it for me by talking out loud like an idiot. Oh, and the precious pause button. I'll take the latter.

    I'm with nathan on picture quality, too. Hollywood churns out 95% crap.

  5. #5
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Aug 2007

    Default Re: Think Global, Kill Local

    Go see Moonrise Kingdom. Sweet, awesome little film.

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