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Thread: Walking on the Razors Edge

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Same place but I have been just about everywhere inbetween

    Default Walking on the Razors Edge

    WHY!?!?! the voices screm in my head. The memories the thoughts. My mind is thinking more then it use too and I can't sleep. I left friends and ajob to come back out east and it's been nothing but a royal pain in the ass and serious trouble. There's very little positive in my life and what there s I hold dear my creativity these days are nil I can't draw or paint or do much creative...I feel like I am engulfed in a mass confusion and am in complete hysteria in my mind so many problems to deal with and overcome......I want to have a drink but I am scared I will just drink everytime I can't sleep and think to much and I am worried it will leed to acholism and that's not good. I just want to sleep and not think about things or the obstacles I have to over come. I work out and try to saty active but when my head hit's the pillow it's like okay I got this and that to deal with.......

  2. #2
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Walking on the Razors Edge

    my advice is get some salvia 20 extract its similar to a mescaline trip but hits you 10 times faster and it's a complete loss of reality ond perception....sorry thats kinda deep

    i jot down all the experinces so it gets rather scientific(i have only once been able to do this with salvia its' that strong,i coulkd even do while in the midst of a hardcore acid trip((5 hits at one time=complete third eye awareness ,i don't recomend that)

    by the way i know how you feel ,i have seen my feincee 2 times im the last 5 months,and i only hang out with 2people

    on top of that, i lost my job about 3 days ago. i know the feeling ,man just keep in mind times always go in waves some longer than other,at least with me.

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