WHY!?!?! the voices screm in my head. The memories the thoughts. My mind is thinking more then it use too and I can't sleep. I left friends and ajob to come back out east and it's been nothing but a royal pain in the ass and serious trouble. There's very little positive in my life and what there s I hold dear my creativity these days are nil I can't draw or paint or do much creative...I feel like I am engulfed in a mass confusion and am in complete hysteria in my mind so many problems to deal with and overcome......I want to have a drink but I am scared I will just drink everytime I can't sleep and think to much and I am worried it will leed to acholism and that's not good. I just want to sleep and not think about things or the obstacles I have to over come. I work out and try to saty active but when my head hit's the pillow it's like okay I got this and that to deal with.......