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Thread: Google Apparently Wants to be the Taliban

  1. #1

    Default Google Apparently Wants to be the Taliban

    Google apparently wants to be the Taliban, or headed that way anyway. It knows best what's good for us and we better get in line or get cut off. Mind you, BlueBlood.net has never run Google Ads, but some of our partner sites report that they are running into more and more ridiculous problems trying to work with Google. Sure, they could choose to use different services, but it does bother me that a corporate entity as pervasive as Google feels...
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  2. #2
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Default Re: Google Apparently Wants to be the Taliban

    hmmm....could be now's the time to start up a specialized search engine....that focuses on the good stuff....leave the other stuff for google.

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