Does anyone here listen to Loveline? That show with Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla (sp?).
Does anyone here listen to Loveline? That show with Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla (sp?).
I used to but now i refuse to listen to clear channel radio so no...
You must not listen to much radio thenOriginally Posted by Kidthorazine
I use too...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in High School. Have not listened to it since then. Never liked Adam on it...I liked it when it had Ricky Rackman and Poorman...I still remember the magical night when all of southern CA figured out a way to use the phone operators ability to essentially break into every call ....nothing got done that night in terms of taking calls but holy hell it was hilarious. By the end of the show the phone operators were mini-celebs.
Seems due to regulations and what not they HAD to patch in every request and interrupt every call. It happened again for a few nights but never as bad as that one night...ah...memories.
At one point...they had MULTIPLE phone operators breaking into the same calls...when you have phone operators interrupting other phone's some juvinile fun at it's finest.
This was 94' or so...the age before the huge internet boom and land lines where plentiful and exploitable.
Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
Yeah i remeber when i was like ten and the net had just took off (actually i had prodigy and a very primitive telenet on my comp since i was eight and i got into phreaking man i did some crazy shit and i had almost every box imaginable.
I remember my 28.8 B something modem. Holy shit that was slow. I also remember windows 3.1 but This is super off topic.Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
actually I remember when it was Dr. Drew and the Poorman back when it first started that was some funny shit
oh yes the 28.8 baud modem i still have one i wasnt that slow back then since all you could access was text stuff and other peoples files (naughty) of course it would be kinda slow when you tried to upload a 50k virus (very naghty) and remeber in a time when a 10Mb HD was considered huge (my old comp had like a 4 Mb HD) that was a very big fileOriginally Posted by TheQuietPlace
It was the best...the show was never as funny after Poorman left..I remember the whole mess that revolved around him leaving too. Took up a whole show with the drama related to it.Originally Posted by devil13
yea he also had a music video show on chanel 56 before cable tv. now he does these videos that are kinda like girls gone wild.
Ah that's right..he's had a few lil odd shows since his K-ROQ days...he never should have left...he thought he was far more popular than he really turned out to be.Originally Posted by devil13