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Thread: Warcaft 3 registration Key

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Ok you Video game perverts I really would love some help after torment and strife with my mac I am rawking balls out on it now. When i bought it from the person who previoulsy owned I got a burned copy of Warcraft 3 but the person couldn't take the time to write down the registration key code. they did the same with starcraft as well. anyone mind PM an asnwer? Thankyou

  2. #2
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    PMs arent working just go to warez sites and find one

  3. #3
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Well...here's the problem. Blizzard ties the Serial Numbers the game uses with the accounts you use to play online with these games. If you don't plan to play online then you can just do a google search and use any SN's that come up...if you WANT to play online though...then you need new copies of the game.

  4. #4
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    oh yeah forgot about that

  5. #5

    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    I remember a trick that I heard long ago from someone.... don't remember now, but it goes like this: go to cd shop, whenever they sell WoW, take picture of a cd key on cd case with your cell... and have fun..... anarchy!

    if you don't have mobile with camera then buy your self a one PUNK!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    I remember a trick that I heard long ago from someone.... don't remember now, but it goes like this: go to cd shop, whenever they sell WoW, take picture of a cd key on cd case with your cell... and have fun..... anarchy!

    if you don't have mobile with camera then buy your self a one PUNK!
    Same thing works with any of the M$ products at BestBuy. If you look on the side of a demo computer you will 95% find a cd key of what version of winblows they are running. Along with any demo software like office and whatnot. CD keys are all over the place...especially if you can find a bargain bin where they take the games out of the boxes and just throw jewel cases in the bin...where there is usually always a sticker with the key on the back..simple click on the phone (or text it on your to do list on the phone) and there ya go.

  7. #7
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    I remember a trick that I heard long ago from someone.... don't remember now, but it goes like this: go to cd shop, whenever they sell WoW, take picture of a cd key on cd case with your cell... and have fun..... anarchy!

    if you don't have mobile with camera then buy your self a one PUNK!
    That may work overseas but RETAIL copies in the states have the CD Key INSIDE the box or at times INSIDE the CD case itself...can;t see it.

    Unless you open the box and places tend to frown on that (You open it you buy it) is usually the case. This could work with bargin bin stuff but really....this is pointless since you'd have to already HAVE the software and that's pretty rare.

    If you can figure out how to DL pirated software but not the CD Key's...you're not THAT bright.

    In this case...War 3 is dirt cheap and so if SC...

    You couldn't pull this off with WoW though since you would need to set up the account you pay monthly with using the CD key...you can't play for free in any way.

  8. #8
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Quote Originally Posted by CPRB
    Ok you Video game perverts I really would love some help after torment and strife with my mac I am rawking balls out on it now. When i bought it from the person who previoulsy owned...

    indeed. call Blizzard and try this one on them.

    okay, i like getting software for free as much as the next person, but there are some cases where i think you should be supporting the people who create it. for example: i could spend the next year downloading Babylon-5 via bittorrent, but i found it much easier to wander down to J&B Hi-Fi and buy the DVDs. fifty bucks Australian for an entire season.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    wow, ask for water I get mud...fairley simple question, I just wanted a key code not a political debate about pirated sofware, or anyhting else. I dodn't want to go to any of those websites becasue they have piggyback cookies that fowl up my already fowled up system and I am not one for playing online, except flight sims.

  10. #10
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    dud just go to the website disable cookies then use ad-aware when your done

  11. #11
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Quote Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
    dud just go to the website disable cookies then use ad-aware when your done
    Some people are too stupid to use computers. Appearantly this is one of those people.

  12. #12
    funkatron's Avatar Dead Agent
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    Default Re: Warcaft 3 registration Key

    Quote Originally Posted by CPRB
    wow, ask for water I get mud...fairley simple question, I just wanted a key code not a political debate about pirated sofware, or anyhting else. I dodn't want to go to any of those websites becasue they have piggyback cookies that fowl up my already fowled up system and I am not one for playing online, except flight sims.
    1) Last I checked this wasn't a warez site, so don't be surprised if not everyone agrees with your interest in piracy.

    2) Starcraft costs what, like $5? Buy it.

    3) W3 costs what, like $20? Buy it.

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