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Thread: Goths for Jesus

  1. #1
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Goths for Jesus


    this site makes me laugh uncontrolably, not that you cant be christian and goth or anything like that but theese people have no fucking clue what they are talking about especially since half of the groups they list in the music section are eather black metal or evanesence type groups (well some people think they are goth but me and most other goths dont and they are looked at by most as trying to cash in on selling a watered down form of the subculture, kinda like Hot Topic) so anyways what do you guys think of this?

  2. #2
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Fucking Hilarious!!!!..........

    next were gonna have "StraightEdge/emo/goth's for Christ" ........

    ohh,wait they all ready are like that^.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    My brain hurts...

    You mean funny like scary, not like...funy haha....right?

  4. #4
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    yeah i mean funny as in scary and ridiculous

  5. #5
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    I'm not sure weither I want to laugh or cry.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Bah...church...jesus. *Shakes Fist*


  7. #7
    Chaotika's Avatar Fetish Bunny
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    i... i'm scared.... o_O

  8. #8

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Lol, that's great. Isn't "Goths for Jesus" an oxymoron or something? But by the way, I don't see any death metal bands or Evanescencey bands on their music list. Which ones are you thinking of?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    always gonna be someone out there trying to be what they arent, but let them try,. and Hot Topic is ok, but http://fuckthemainstream.com is much better for clothing and other such things

  10. #10
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Alright; I'm Jewish-Christian, just don't ask me to go into details. I damn well hate talking about religion. But really, I have to reply to this...

    Man, that shit was screwed up.

    People these days. They don't make 'em like they used to. I really don't see the need for a Christian Goth site, let alone webring. Faith's faith, goth's goth, and they really have nothing to do with each other.

    Not that you can really call that lame-ass mallternative crap gothic.

    ...I'm setting up a Jewish Metalhead webring for shits and giggles.

  11. #11
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    no more jesus please. my uncle is a pastor and it already drives me nuts already

  12. #12
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    they is going about it the wrong way. they should be trying to market JESUS for GOTHS. emphasise the piercing bit. heh. "Ghastly" comic, with Jesus on the cross, to a domina.. "I TOLD you I was hardcore!"

  13. #13
    DavidC's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    I just saw that... the comics in particular... hilarious !

  14. #14
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    I actually know a few christian goths......... not like those guys though. But I believe Evanescence was a christian rock band for a while.

  15. #15
    a_small_death's Avatar The ugliest dj on earth
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    They are smoking some real bad crack here. fucking funny though.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Lol, I can't say I completely understand what these people are thinking, but you gotta have some respect for people who fuck what everyone else says and stand up for their own views, even though their fundamentalist Christianity is spurned by the left and their goth/punk-ness is spurned by the right. I don't see why you think they're "smoking some real bad crack."

  17. #17

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Huh, I just read through their "Goth FAQ". They even make the point of saying that Evanescence isn't Goth, and they have a couple paragraphs devoted to why Death/Black Metal isn't the same as Goth Rock. Their band list seems to be pretty solid with real goth bands. I don't see how they are HotTopic/mallgoth-y... maybe I'm missing something?

  18. #18
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    are a member of that site that signed up for this board just to stick up for them?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    If you're referring to me, no, I'm not trying to "stick up for them." I'm just wondering what several people on this board have stuck up their asses that's making them so prejudiced and closed-minded. I can't say I totally agree with everything on that website, but it looks like it was pretty damn well thought through and professionally made.

    Plus, I'm a pretty big fan of goth rock myself and I don't see anything poseur-ish about these folks. They don't list any mainstream or black/death metal bands in their music list, and by the looks of their FAQ they seem to have a pretty good grasp on things. So what's the big deal?

  20. #20
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    nasty website

  21. #21
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by forthehibbedy
    If you're referring to me, no, I'm not trying to "stick up for them." I'm just wondering what several people on this board have stuck up their asses that's making them so prejudiced and closed-minded.
    Yeah what's up with all of you not opening your minds to one of the most dominant, force fed, hypocritical, fearful, and violent faith on the planet? Why can't you accept "Christian Goths" and "Christian Heavy Metal Fans", "Christian Hip Hop", "Christian Porn", "Christian Heleoticians "?

    I mean it's CHRISTIANITY!!!! You have to accept it or you're close minded!!!! Don't you know that if you don't tolorate it you're declaring war on it? Or that if you don't respect it you're hate filled?!!!

    What's wrong with you people!!!! Accept the mainstream trying to infect every subculture by grafting onto it like new skin on burn victims.

    Hope I got it into some of your heads that Christians Goths are as valid and cool as "Normal Goths"..or "Secular Goths"...

    "Christian Goths" are silly in what they stand for and how they go about it. It borders on insulting and while I wouldn't hit em in the head with a brick I sure as fuck won't sit and hear how if I don't accept the twisted fucks I'm close minded and prejudiced...these are christians we're talking about...they're not exactly the most open minded folks these days no matter what style, music, scene, and pop culture they attach themselves too.

  22. #22
    Umbilical Lotus's Avatar Pregnant with Atrocities
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus


    The condescending and heavy-handed judging is so pure there that I SWEAR I could distill it into liquid form.

    This is going straight to Something Awful.

  23. #23
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    I found another similar site http://www.gothicchristianity.com . I see nothing wrong with it, assuming they are not proselytizing. I was surprised by the literalist interpretations of scripture I found in some of the essays. I've known plenty of christian gothic folks, they tend more towards a more esoteric interpretation of their religion. In darkness light? I can understand the premise.


  24. #24
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    there's been a lot of debate in the uk recently about religious tolerance due to a bill to outlaw incitement on religious grounds. a lot of comedians are concerned that any jokes about religion will now effectively become illegal. to be honest, if you live your life according to one book then you deserve to have the piss ripped out of you, no matter what the damn book is.

    and would that mean they'd have to take 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live' out?

  25. #25
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH those comic strips - i can see some teenage jesus lover sitting with that smug expression on their face... gotta go sacrifice a few babies and bunnies to calm myself down...

  26. #26

    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    You have to accept it or you're close minded!!!! Don't you know that if you don't tolorate it you're declaring war on it?
    Last time I checked, tolerance didn't mean accepting or even seriously considering something, it just meant respecting. Something I've seen very little of shown to people of different beliefs on this board.

  27. #27
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by forthehibbedy
    Last time I checked, tolerance didn't mean accepting or even seriously considering something, it just meant respecting. Something I've seen very little of shown to people of different beliefs on this board.
    That is such bullshit...this board rarely even brings up religion. Their are no "Christians Suck" threads or even that mentality...but sites like that and the overly fundemental are and always will be ridiculed. Tolorence does not mean respect...it simply means you put up with it. I put up with sites like Goths for Jesus...I don't go on their boards and make fun of them,I don't spam them, and I sure as hell don't make their site something I visit daily...but if it's brought up here, I'll poke it full of holes if need be.

    Lack of respect for having diffrent beliefs? nearly all of us have diffrent beliefs ranging from how we see other people to politics and lifestyle...and yet we all get a long. It's clear you have little understanding of those here.

  28. #28
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by Umbilical Lotus

    The condescending and heavy-handed judging is so pure there that I SWEAR I could distill it into liquid form.

    This is going straight to Something Awful.
    Haha...yeah, they're pretty vicious to stuff like this. Rightly so too in some cases.

  29. #29
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    That is such bullshit...this board rarely even brings up religion. Their are no "Christians Suck" threads or even that mentality...
    he he I did start a "god is dead" thread and it should be "christianity sucks" not christians because they are just mindless followers. not like any of them started or changed christianity in any way.

  30. #30
    funkatron's Avatar Dead Agent
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by devil13
    he he I did start a "god is dead" thread and it should be "christianity sucks" not christians because they are just mindless followers. not like any of them started or changed christianity in any way.
    I know plenty of people who would call themselves Christians that are far from mindless.

  31. #31
    funkatron's Avatar Dead Agent
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by hewhoisagod
    I actually know a few christian goths......... not like those guys though. But I believe Evanescence was a christian rock band for a while.
    I mastered a compilation that Evanesence were on for a Xian gothic/industrial zine, a couple years before Fallen was released. So yeah, they certainly were in those circles, although the gamut of belief is pretty wide-ranging in "Xian music." I don't think you could tell the diff between them lyrically before they became mainstream and now.

    A lot of groups like this cringe at the "Christian" label because they don't feel that they're making "Christian music." They're making music and happen to call themselves Christian. They don't feel that makes their music "Christian" any more than Tolkein's beliefs would make the LOTR books "Christian."

  32. #32
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    the lord of the rings books were based on germanic (pagan) mythology. sheesh, christians want to take credit for everything... thor, wind up that fist again, buddy...

  33. #33
    funkatron's Avatar Dead Agent
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    the lord of the rings books were based on germanic (pagan) mythology. sheesh, christians want to take credit for everything... thor, wind up that fist again, buddy...
    I was saying that simply because Tolkein was a Christian (specifically, a Catholic) does not mean that his books are "Christian." I'm not sure what part of that you're getting fisty about, exactly.

  34. #34
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    it's the chronicles of narnia that are based on christianity.

  35. #35
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by funkatron
    I know plenty of people who would call themselves Christians that are far from mindless.
    I said mindless followers and all of them are just that, followers. most dont even know the trueths about thier own religions and follow just because thats what they where told. some actually do know about their religion and still follow on just faith. It is just my oppinion but, to me thats a mindless follower. I lead my own life and dont follow anyone or any hocus pocus religion that says the gods will be angered and punish me. Im not some primatave who out of fear thinks that lightning, a volcano, meteorite, an eclipse, or tidalwave is the wrath of some god. so why do they follow? its not really faith, its fear. fear of death and fear of the dark. what lies beyond what they can see. what lurks in the shadows. thats why they follow and thats why they are mindless.

  36. #36
    Chaotika's Avatar Fetish Bunny
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Holy crap is that comic AWFUL.
    I'm gonna go vomit, now.
    excuse me...

  37. #37
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by devil13
    I said mindless followers and all of them are just that, followers. most dont even know the trueths about thier own religions and follow just because thats what they where told. some actually do know about their religion and still follow on just faith. It is just my oppinion but, to me thats a mindless follower. I lead my own life and dont follow anyone or any hocus pocus religion that says the gods will be angered and punish me. Im not some primatave who out of fear thinks that lightning, a volcano, meteorite, an eclipse, or tidalwave is the wrath of some god. so why do they follow? its not really faith, its fear. fear of death and fear of the dark. what lies beyond what they can see. what lurks in the shadows. thats why they follow and thats why they are mindless.
    You're entitled to your opinions, but please be less horrible about it. You're being rather mean :/

  38. #38
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Although I appear to be one of the more tolerant folks in this thread, I believe that one has to judge these matters for themselves. I'd rather see folks take a stand as opposed to a mamby pamby "acceptance". At the end of the day, we've been getting along just fine on BB since its inception. I disagree with any quantification of "all" christians (having known some very unusual Orthodox folks), but I do believe fear plays a major factor in the literalist interpretations of scripture we have been introduced to on those sites.


  39. #39
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedCat
    Although I appear to be one of the more tolerant folks in this thread, I believe that one has to judge these matters for themselves. I'd rather see folks take a stand as opposed to a mamby pamby "acceptance". At the end of the day, we've been getting along just fine on BB since its inception. I disagree with any quantification of "all" christians (having known some very unusual Orthodox folks), but I do believe fear plays a major factor in the literalist interpretations of scripture we have been introduced to on those sites.

    Damn straight.

    ...In fact, to be truly honest, I don't really mind if you say "All Christians 'xcept Skintwisterman." I just don't wanna be heaped in with these right-wing assholes or those left-wing wusses. XD

    Aren't I a noble and shining example to follow?

  40. #40
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goths for Jesus

    Quote Originally Posted by skintwisterman
    Damn straight.

    ...In fact, to be truly honest, I don't really mind if you say "All Christians 'xcept Skintwisterman." I just don't wanna be heaped in with these right-wing assholes or those left-wing wusses. XD

    Aren't I a noble and shining example to follow?
    --- haha you need not be an example to anyone, but I agree with you on the idiocy of the political spectrum.


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