Ok... that's cool and creepy.
Two thumbs up!
I think I ate one of those before. Dont they come in BBQ and Ranch style?
WOW.. I fond that strangely beautiful, in an artsy sort of way
i dont know why... but this really scares me. like honestly... ive had nightmares about things like this..except these guys look like the non evil kind.
Very Dr. Moreau...I like it.
omg maybe thats why its creepy... that movie really weirded me out!
its facinating though at the same time, i cant keep my eyes off of it...
Weird. Are you sure they're puppies and not ETs?
those are the works of Australian artist Patricia Piccinini from a series called "We Are Family" truly neat stuff, youd swear they were real creatures
i like kitties better...
awwww purdy 'iccle kitties! my kitties are purdier though, they're norwegian forest cats with big fluffy tails
hahaa oh thats dirty... dirty kittie...
norweigian forest cats are freaking gorgeous... i love them
Kitty pornOriginally Posted by suicidal_tendencies
since theis has turned into the post pictures of kittens thread here i go
yay for all the kitties! *grins from ear to ear*
hahaa if this is a thread turned into kitten pictures... i may have to completely over populate this thread.
i have like 500 pics of cats on my computer :S you guys are so lucky im lazy and not at home right now.
or do you want ze kitties?
i love that kitties can sleep anywhere...i wish i had that ability
Have you seen this before?
i just wish i had one. my bnuddy just got a new kikii named blue. its like 2inches long and pitch black.