I have read a little bit about bob and it's cool philosophy to attain slack ( at least that's what I think it's about) but I haven't had much time to ponder it but in a nutshaell what's it about??
I have read a little bit about bob and it's cool philosophy to attain slack ( at least that's what I think it's about) but I haven't had much time to ponder it but in a nutshaell what's it about??
wow....well to be honest, its really confusing....but once you get through all the gobbeldy gook, its about being yourself and believing in yourself so strongly that the world will eventually turn around to your way of thinking and things will fall into place from there...thus attaining "slack". Thats as close to a nutshell as I can get on this topic.
yeah what I thought, I only hoped that slack meant the mortgage was free
oh I remeber seeing a like tree picture thing , maybe a triangle, sort of showing the steps but I cant remember where, where can I find that ?
not sure....I had a copy of "The Book of the Sub-Genius" and I think it was in there...but there are several sites dedicated to the Sub-Genius...ummmm....faith? Im sure a search will turn up several leads. I'll look around and see if I can find it
it's about none of that frosh. it's about sending your $30 to the good Reverend Stang, so you can get your membership card which also acts as a ticket for the escape saucers, so that when the aliens from planet X come to destroy the Earth, you'll escape.
praise Goddamned "Bob"!
reverend doktor nikolai kingsley
Pfffff. All hail Eris.