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Thread: smoking in LA

  1. #1
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default smoking in LA

    as I was driving home today I heard on the Radio that you cant smoke in public in LA, like on the street, I guess that includes in the park and all that, and they said that you can only smoke in your home, is this really true??

    I cant believe it's true because if it is then whats next

  2. #2

    Default Re: smoking in LA

    no way..whats next? take away our first admendment and say we can only use it on the computer?

  3. #3

    Default Re: smoking in LA

    As far as I know the only outdoor smoking ban in LA county is SAnta Monica beaches. There are always groups trying to take it farther, but that is the only successfull outdoor one I know of. Where did you hear this?

  4. #4
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    i heard of a smoking ban recently on the radio too, but fucked if i can remember where it was :S
    i dont smoke... i generally dont like people smoking around me, but overall i really dont care... i think thats kinda gone too far to ban smoking from public... outdoors anyways, i agreed with banning it from resteraunts and shit, cause itll bother other people inside... the only problem i really see with smoking outdoors is that people will leave their ciggarette butts everywhere!! ew.

  5. #5
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    That's why they banned it from the beach.

    Too many cigarette butts in the sand, and it looks gross.

    You can smoke outdoors most places.

    But not in bars, restraunts, inside businesses, etc...

    It's crazy when I go back east, and realize how much more smoking happens everywhere. It makes me appreciate LA when I come back... I have no problem
    if people want to smoke. But I don't want to smell it...

  6. #6
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    Well Thank god i live in little Cali.. I mean Northern Cali. I mean WA

  7. #7
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    I think they should allow people to smoke in any private place that has a designated smoking area, which can include bars and restaraunts, as long as it's seperate from the non smoking area.

    they should be able to smoke in public, other then at a national park, public park, or historical site.

    every person that smokes should have to pay a special Smoking Insurance. Now I know that some people will complain about this but no one complains about paying car insurance. the rates of people that die from smoking related health problems compared people killed in car accidents is 5 to 1. Since there is no such insurance and most people don't have general health insurance, that results in millions of dollars in unpaid medical treatment that falls open the tax payers to cover. I don't care if you want to kill yourself, that's your right, but I sure as hell shouldn't have to pay for it.

  8. #8
    P I L O T's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    i smoke,.. i live in jersey,.. recently they passed a no smoking law at some place i would hang out at,.. i took it personal and stopped going to the place ,.. after I heard staff complaining about cleaning up afterwards,.. ,.. I would spend $50-150 in the hour to 2 hours I'm there if i'm even there that long. they can't sweep up two cigarette butts i leave behind? but they like my $10 tips tho?! everyone likes easy money actually working for it is a issue for everyone.
    I stopped going and my smoking as become more lax for personal reasons,..

    I have to admit there were times I was in that place and i could smell that someone was smoking funny shit with there cigerette,.. so for those type reasons I can understand why they banned smoking,.. but no one in the staff even mentioned that.

    seriously i think this will bring about a more responsible smoker,.. i think there will be places that will continue to allow there customers to smoke,.. for example i find it funny strip clubs still allow there customers to smoke with no issues on smoking at all.

    who knows it might become a similar story to that of Al Capone days,.. I know for a fact that with the billions of dollars in the tabacco industry there will be supporters of mainstream smoking continuing.

  9. #9
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    Jersey is a smokey, smokey, smokey place!

    Banning where people can smoke will not make them smoke any less,
    or get them to quit. It's just for the convenience of the other people
    there who don't smoke.
    Seriously, smokers don't understand this.
    If you are in a restraunt, that has a smoking area,
    and a non-smoking area, the whole place is still
    filled with smoke. It still fills my nose, and makes
    my dinner smell like shit. Smokers are so used to
    the smell, that they don't realize how much it
    spreads, and how gross it smells to other people
    who don't smoke.

    Cigars, cloves, and pipes smell ok.
    But cigarettes smell *bad*...

    If you want to smoke outside, or in a closed-off room, that's fine.
    It's the same with any drug, perversion, etc... Do it at home, behind
    closed doors, and no one will mind. As long as you aren't exposing
    kids to it, or forcing other people to watch, it's fine with me...
    You have the freedom to do almost anything you want in this
    country. You just can't do it anywhere you want. Some behaviors
    offend other people. So you do those things at home...

    Smoking is one of those behaviors that *does* bother a lot of other people...

  10. #10
    P I L O T's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: smoking in LA

    and you know why that is?!?!

    cause its easier to track you and know what your doing in your house than it is anywhere else,..

    with all the spyware and bullshit they put into the things they sell you now,..
    smoke at home but not outside of your house,.. how about if at my garage do i have to track mud and grease everywhere oinside the house or look like a nut to close the garage door and stand in the dark to have a cigarette?

    makes me appreciate my neighbors so much more,... they all smoke or they all just don't give a fuck...

    i hear they are going to secretly going to start putting tiny cameras in monitors and screens now so whomever with the technology can just access you camera and watch you or whatever your doing,..

    for all I know the technology might already be in sound cards,...

    some places are just too cheap to upgrade their ventilation systems,.. for example one place I know of claims,.. why should I bother investing more money into the place if its being shut down in a few months anyway,..

    proves some people really love their lives and really do want to live forever,.. as much as they go around pretend otherwise,.. but thats all they are doing is pretending,..

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