Originally Posted by
Morning Glory
He stuck by his policies yes, but those weren't his campaign issues. He ran on a platform of those "values" I mentioned. He spoke out against abortion and gay marriage, but he didn't pass any legislation against them while in office. He also passed laws favoring immigration, a position that earned him criticism from conservatives which as a group generally lean against it. On the other hand the democrats talked of getting us out of Iraq and in general cleaning up Bush's mess, but Congress hasn't done either one and have pretty much stated that they won't even consider the issue and leave it up to the next president. They are also the one's that overturned the DC handgun ban and spoke up for 2nd amendment issues, as was pointed out, which liberals as a group generally lean against.
So really the point is that they do whatever is politically convenient at the time, not what their ideals are supposed to be about.