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Thread: drugs, etc.

  1. #1
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default drugs, etc.

    I am taking amelias advice and starting a new thread on the subject, but not so as to debate pro's and con's, which has been done to death in my opinion, and after pages and pages of discussion on other boards that got nowhere, it occured to me that this is perhaps part of a larger issue of discussion then just personal choice. The issue of drugs is one that many people have opinions on, and in my expereince seems to be one of the stongest. the quesion is why? why do people feel so much stonger in some cases about recreational hobbies than they do about religion, politics, and personal philosophies? why is the use of drugs so ingrained as a part of our culture?

  2. #2
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: drugs, etc.


    I agree that the pros and cons have been debated to death.
    In the end, it is personal choice.
    As long as people do it without driving,
    and just have fun, I do not care what they do with their time.
    I don't want someone telling me what I can do for recreation.

    So the real question is why people are defensive about criticism of use?
    Or what?

    Life is hard, and it can suck.

    So people just want to have fun, and forget, and have a blast.
    Maybe they do drugs, or watch TV, or have sex. They are all ways to escape, and relax...

    People having sex in a car crashed head-on into another car recently, killing the other driver, and critically injuring other people as well. So that is just as dangerous as doing drugs or alcohol when driving. It's just that not everyone is having sex in their cars on Saturday night, but a lot more people drink/drug and drive. So it is more noticed.

    But when it comes down to people doing their own thing, on their own time, not at work, etc, it's their choice. If they are always late to work, then they will get fired. If they are more creative, then great. Maybe people on coke or meth at work are harder workers than other people. All I know, is that it all works out in the end. If you abuse drugs, or get a bad habit, it will screw up your life. If you keep it low-level, it probably won't. People just have to weigh their fun, and relaxation, versus the downsides. If the downsides get too bad, then they should look at alternatives.

    Personally, I just try to have fun naturally now. Not because drugs don't work. They do. They are fun. But I have several reasons. One, is that I have seen the downsides. I have seen people I know die, or have shitty lives, and problems, because of their drug use. Two, I like to feel like I am strong, and I do not want to use things to mask my unhappiness. Three, I like to use my dissatisfaction with life, to motivate me to change things. If I want to have more fun, then I want to seek it out. If I am bored, I want to be creative. I don't want to let drugs do the entertaining for me. The same way I do not want to be a TV vegetable, entertained by the tube, instead of creating my own entertainment. If I am unhappy with my job, or my life, I want to use that unhappiness as my motivator, instead or erasing the pain with drugs or entertainment. But that is just my view, and my choice.

    If people want to party their asses off, then go for it.
    A happy life is better than an unhappy one, hands down.
    I would rather live a drug life, than an unhappy life of misery.

    The main problem with living a drug culture life, is that you need to keep it up, to keep entertained, and to keep happy. Normal life won't cut it after a while. If you get used to life on drugs, it becomes REALLY boring to go out to a club completely sober. But if you do things sober, it might make you expand your horizons, and try new things, because you are bored. The same thing happens with some drugs. You use one for a long time, and get bored. So you try something else. I prefer to do that with normal life. When I get bored with normal life, I will do something new. Maybe do art, make a costume, explore new things, go someplace new, learn something new, read a book, etc... If all I did each night, is drop a tab of acid, I would not do anything. I'd just watch wall-o-vision.

    Seriously, I totally understand why people do drugs.

    Personally, I stopped when I got a bad batch and ended up in the ER.
    I realized the level of fun and entertainment I was getting, was not worth dying for.
    I still do risky activities, so it might seem hypocritical. It's just that it did not seem
    like the fun I was having with drugs, was worth dying for. I suppose the fun I might
    have on a motorcycle, or skydiving, is not worth dying for either. But I guess it all
    depends how you do things, how much risk you take, and how it affects your life.
    Having some fun that is risky, and does not affect your life in a bad way, is not
    a bad thing. Even if it is chemical. But if it is not affecting your life in a positive
    way, then it's time to re-evaluate things...

  3. #3

    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    ...why do people feel so much stonger in some cases about recreational hobbies than they do about religion, politics, and personal philosophies?
    If you attack peple with comments like "yeah and did you know that poe died in the gutter becasue he was a fucking stupid druggie like you?" then you will get a stronger reaction.

  4. #4
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: drugs, etc.


    See, Poe explored life, did drugs, wrote cool stuff, etc...
    That's all cool.
    A writer or artist using drugs for inspiration, is fine.

    But when drugs are where your money goes,
    so you have to live on the street, and suffer,
    and not have a home, or food, etc, then it is
    obvious that the person is not looking at the
    positives versus the negatives...

  5. #5
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    i think that the whole thing about drugs is really a lot of hype mostly created by the government sure drugs cause problems for some people then again so does eating (or lack therof) i think people need to stop worrying abour it unless they or someone they no really hasd a problem and the whole war on drugs thing is just a load of crap thats used as a politicl rally to make people feel safer by "protecting" people from something that isnt that dangerous in the first place

  6. #6
    Pzychotic's Avatar Dark Entity
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    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    "why is the use of drugs so ingrained as a part of our culture?"

    Well I shant dare answer all your questions but, this one I can shed a little light on...

    My belief on this is fairly simplistic... It is because of people like me who used and abused drugs and did just about anything to get them... I am a recovering addict and my life is checkered with a few different stays in a few different county run "Motels", I have been in trouble with the law because of my use of chemicals from just about the time I started using them... I started at 13 years old and at 16 was in jail for stealing cars just so I could have a ride to get drugs, from this time on I had no more fears of jail and my crimes against society and myself only got worse... Theft, b&e, possesion, assault, assaulting a police officer and so on...

    It is behavior like this, which only amounts to about 10% of all those who may use chemicals, that puts all drug users in the spotlight... Those of you who can use recrationally, I say go for it, for me I choose not to use anything at all I prefer the purity of a clean mind and soul...

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    its fun, its wrong, everyone is doing it, you can sell it and make money at it. good money too did it for years. I have had so many drug habbits i prolly onlly got 10 years to live. some say beer can be a cause the fact that its excepted and most drug users say well thats legal so what im doing isn;t so bad. i have even told myslef that. its kinda liek fucking. you can get pregnant and have a kid but fuck it it feels good right. people like doing what feels good. even when they tested drugs on rats. the rat hit the button get high. he kept doing it. the perpus of the experiment was to see how many time it will hit the button beofre it will give up. with herion it hit the button half a million times before it gave up. we are the rat. or any animal in general.

  8. #8
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Campbell's (or is it Warhol's?) Primordial Soup

    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    ah, I just came accross a lovely poem that I Think you guys will like:

    "The drugs'll kill ya...
    But never fast enough.
    And I've lost more friends to drug loss,
    Than I've lost to drugs.

    Since everyone
    Does drugs anyway,
    Why not be conscientious
    Of the world today?

    So why buy cocaine?
    It supports such un-American groups
    As the Colombian cartels, and the CIA
    When there's hard working Americans
    Here at home, keeping the last bastion
    Of free-enterprise alive, and bringing you such
    All American drugs as LSD, and crystal meth. "


  9. #9

    Default Re: drugs, etc.

    i'm convinced, i'll start doing drugs tomorrow

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