Originally Posted by
Morning Glory
like my ideal civlization would be the one of the native americans. they blieved that they belonged to the earth and not the other way around like we seem to today. they were thankful that they got food from the ground and the animals, and if they had some food, they'd eat it, and if someone was hungry they'd give it to them. same with everything. because they knew that there life was much better if somone else had shit too, instead of them just having useless shit that they wouldn't even use other than to prove thery had more and were better than someone else, which they wouldn't wanna be. and if you wanted to come live with them and share with them, they'd let you as long as you didn't try to fuck up thier shit, which some people did, and that's why they had wars, but they didn't change and become the same as their enemies for it, they were smart enough to see that was pointless as well. of course then a bunch of fucking white men came and killed them all and took all thier shit, so the moral is that white people fucking suck.