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Thread: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

  1. #1
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    Default If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    What Kind Of Place Would You Re-Make The World As ?

  2. #2
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    pretty much the same only with world wide socialism

  3. #3
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    No religion. A moral structure based on valid logic and reason. Worldwide free-market capitalism.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Instead of a place with wars fought by sheep, people would settle their disputes face to face, in gladiator type combat, and the person would Honorably confront their opponent, rather than send millions to die for a stupid cause which they dont really care about. This is just a single aspect of the World I would Create!

    A Place where the Strong survive, and there are no weaklings. This goes beyond simple Might, but encompasses Many Strengths such as Intellect, Courage, Honor, Honesty, Determination, and many other strengths.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
    pretty much the same only with world wide socialism

    So a place of unchanging social structure, where all is almost always the same, and although people are equal and have rights just like others, they also dont advance to better themselves?

    ( Not insulting, but questioning and debating, for intellectual discussion, filled with My notoriously bad grammar of typing?) **

  6. #6
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    I could go on for hours with this one but I will try to keep it simple.
    no poverty = I dont think everyone should have an equal amount but I dont think people should live in poverty. I was reading that for the average 2 bedroom apt. in Los Angeles you need to make at least $21 dollars an hour. when min wage is under $8 how can you live or take care of a family? you cant. min. wage is like an employer telling you I would pay you less if I could but by law I have to give you this.
    education= better education is needed to insure a better work force. we are one of the worst in education.
    no religions= think about whats going on in this world not the next. the most extream use religion to force thier view on others. my morals may not be the same as yours but to tell me my morals are wrong just because your religion says so is nonsense. if Im not braking mans laws (which are sometimes influenced by religious laws) then leave me the fuck alone.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by devil13
    I could go on for hours with this one but I will try to keep it simple.
    no poverty = I dont think everyone should have an equal amount but I dont think people should live in poverty. I was reading that for the average 2 bedroom apt. in Los Angeles you need to make at least $21 dollars an hour. when min wage is under $8 how can you live or take care of a family? you cant. min. wage is like an employer telling you I would pay you less if I could but by law I have to give you this.
    education= better education is needed to insure a better work force. we are one of the worst in education.
    no religions= think about whats going on in this world not the next. the most extream use religion to force thier view on others. my morals may not be the same as yours but to tell me my morals are wrong just because your religion says so is nonsense. if Im not braking mans laws (which are sometimes influenced by religious laws) then leave me the fuck alone.
    I agree.

  8. #8
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    So a place of unchanging social structure, where all is almost always the same, and although people are equal and have rights just like others, they also dont advance to better themselves?

    ( Not insulting, but questioning and debating, for intellectual discussion, filled with My notoriously bad grammar of typing?) **
    no im thinking more like the brand of socialism practiced in places like the Netherlands and to a lesser extent Canada

  9. #9
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Oh and as for religion i wouldnt get rid of it because it helps a lot of people to better their lives and brings them hope i wouldnt allow individual sects to gain a great deal of temporal power like the have now and in the past because thats where the problems come from not the religion itself

  10. #10
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    My ideal society, would have socialized systems, based on logic and fairness.
    But within that structured society, would be areas where people can do what they want.
    "Freedom Zones" as it were...
    Areas where people can go to fight, or fuck, or do drugs, or drive fast, shoot guns, etc...
    Not a zone of total mayhem, but an area where you can go to do the things that
    not everyone wants in their world. So in the main world, there would not be
    guns allowed, and would not allow speeding, or drug use. But if you want to
    speed, there would be racetrack areas, where you can go and race around.
    If you want to do some drugs, there would be places you can go and do
    them legally. That way, people can have the calm, peaceful world
    many people want, but there has to be a place you can go, to let
    loose, and do the things you want to do... It's kind of like the idea
    of not allowing strip clubs in a residential neighborhoods. But if
    you really want to go to one, you can go to an industrial area,
    and go to one. But yeah, regarding the rest of the world, I like the
    idea of socialized welfare, housing, health care, etc...
    I have no problem with capitalism. If people can make
    cool stuff, then great. They can make extra money.
    But I think services like health care and housing,
    should be socialized. One theory I had, was that
    if you can get a job, great. But if you can't get a job,
    you can join a government "peace corps", that would
    feed you, house you, and clothe you, and provide
    you with work. Maybe working in a government
    health care facility, or fixing the roads, or cleaning
    up parks, etc. And in exchange for you work, you
    get a place to live, and food, etc. So that no one
    would ever be jobless or homeless, and in exchange
    for helping people out, we would get work out of
    those people. Anyhow, that's my rough idea of
    how things should be....

  11. #11
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
    no im thinking more like the brand of socialism practiced in places like the Netherlands and to a lesser extent Canada
    with Canada even though their health care system is better and some of their laws are better some laws arent better. I do think that a more democratic system is better. ours is just curupted by money and power.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    My ideal society, would have socialized systems, based on logic and fairness.
    But within that structured society, would be areas where people can do what they want.
    "Freedom Zones" as it were...
    Areas where people can go to fight, or fuck, or do drugs, or drive fast, shoot guns, etc...
    Not a zone of total mayhem, but an area where you can go to do the things that
    not everyone wants in their world. So in the main world, there would not be
    guns allowed, and would not allow speeding, or drug use. But if you want to
    speed, there would be racetrack areas, where you can go and race around.
    If you want to do some drugs, there would be places you can go and do
    them legally. That way, people can have the calm, peaceful world
    many people want, but there has to be a place you can go, to let
    loose, and do the things you want to do... It's kind of like the idea
    of not allowing strip clubs in a residential neighborhoods. But if
    you really want to go to one, you can go to an industrial area,
    and go to one. But yeah, regarding the rest of the world, I like the
    idea of socialized welfare, housing, health care, etc...
    I have no problem with capitalism. If people can make
    cool stuff, then great. They can make extra money.
    But I think services like health care and housing,
    should be socialized. One theory I had, was that
    if you can get a job, great. But if you can't get a job,
    you can join a government "peace corps", that would
    feed you, house you, and clothe you, and provide
    you with work. Maybe working in a government
    health care facility, or fixing the roads, or cleaning
    up parks, etc. And in exchange for you work, you
    get a place to live, and food, etc. So that no one
    would ever be jobless or homeless, and in exchange
    for helping people out, we would get work out of
    those people. Anyhow, that's my rough idea of
    how things should be....
    They have Free Zones like that now. It is called International Waters.

  13. #13
    devil13's Avatar Senior Diablo
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    They have Free Zones like that now. It is called International Waters.
    Arrr thats right and dont let me catch any of ya landlubbers in me waters

  14. #14
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Even though it is off topic, they had an entire episode of The Simpsons the other year.


  15. #15
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    I'd rule it like an Aztec king...daily sacrifices, various games using body parts, skyscrapers of human skulls, and a vast underworld where many go and never return...and I'd fucking nuke Utah.

    Every socialist, communist, and fascist would have their heart cut out of their chest and dumped down 300ft stairway...whatever is left will be put on 20ft pikes for the wild beasts to devour.

    Each of you paint a nice lil peaceful world but I will totally fall into the corruption of my absolute power...and when I am about to die I will slaughter all with a pulse to join me in the afterlife.

    I'm going into heaven or hell with a grand procession of dead...

  16. #16
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    I'd rule it like an Aztec king...daily sacrifices, various games using body parts,
    having that soccer , basketbal hybrid were the winners are the ones that die would be rad

  17. #17
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    having that soccer , basketbal hybrid were the winners are the ones that die would be rad
    I love that game...it'd be the international pastime.

  18. #18
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    I'm Going to Make the shortest answer here,'cuz i too could go for hours(philosophy is my thing)

    one word UTOPIA

  19. #19
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    I really like your free zone's idea, Death Knight. I'm not all about handing down some commandments for everyone to follow, the universal law would be the Golden Rule. other than that I'd recomend freedom to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't violat anyone elses freedom. The one main thing would be no centralised government, each community would be autonomous and independant. I'd push for my freedom rule, but it's not a requirement. each community would be a democratic consensus society where all the members would have to get togther and agree on what the rules should be. if you want your community to be say all christian or drug free, even though it's not total freedom, if that's what everyone in the whole community wanted, then that would be fine, but you'd still have to adhere to the golden rule so No nazi or anti-gay communities, thing's like that. I'd reccomend that each community have it's own militia and i'd recomend that some communities volunteer to be neutral to help mediate disputes that might arise. Of course communities would be free to interact with each other. For this to work out globally, I guess we'd have to have a temporary Socialist state to even the playing feild, but after that each communities growth is up to them.
    That's what i'd use my God powers to create, that's the best that I could do. if people wanted to act the same way and fight each other all the time and be assholes, well that sucks, but that's how it would be. I kinda doubt in such an enviroment most people would want to do that, because it would be pointless and the anti-social psychopaths who want mindless destruction would probbily be few and far between.

  20. #20
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    You know if you gave each community freedom, you would eventually have the nazi ccommunity, or the born-again community, attacking the hippie camp, or the nudist community. People would centralize into these little pockets, that would re-inforce their lame beliefs. I think you need to have one central authority, with some balls and enforcement capacity, to keep everyone in line. I think it would not take too much to turn America into a place like that. Keep the central government in charge of defense, and the overall running of the economy, etc... But let each state set up it's own laws and ethics. And maybe let each city do the same. So that you can have a nudist city, or a christian city, and they can do what they want there. And if you do not want to live there, you don't have to. You can go live in a city or a state that fits you lifestyle. But I think you still need the federal government in charge of things. But with less control over individual freedoms. The way you can go live in Oregon if you want euthenasia for a terminal disease. Or you can go to Nevada if you want to gamble. Or you could go to Montana if you want no speed limits... Things like that...

  21. #21
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    A mixture of Yosuga, Masubi, and some other concepts would be pretty awesome.

  22. #22
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    After much thought ( ok ok very little) i have decided to adopt for my new world order the laws of Chaos. Hell, all the rules in the world now, and no one follows them. Governments and Royals and more, have tried to control their surroundings to no avail. I say.. Cut everyone loose and let the chips fall where they may. Animals have done it longer than we have and they seem to be doing ok. The planet might last a bit longer if there are fewer people on it.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Oh yeah, there can be Magical Stuff and also Entities such as Demons, Gods, Monsters, Extinct Animals, etc.


  24. #24
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Ok...I'm a trekkie...so forgive me.

    There was an episode of TNG where an away-team visits this planet that appears to be a perfect Utopia. Everyone in Greek togas, bathing eachother, playing, eating, fucking eachother freely. How was this created? There were but two law enforcers covering a random part of the civilization each day. If someone was caught breaking a law in that zone, they would be punished by death. No trials, no jail, no beatings...just plain, painless death by injection. Right there on the spot, the law enforcer whipped out his needle, stuck the criminal, who would simply go to sleep forever. The law could be as simple as "don't walk on the grass"...DEATH.

    So why is this good? Because people would simply find no use in breaking any law. They wouldn't know where the chosen zone was, and didn't want to face instant death. Why break the laws anyway? With a Utopia lacking any serious hardships or responsibilites....just live...let live...and me merry!

    People would garden and farm for their own foods. Food would be traded among families for other services/goods...like sewing, or smithing. There would be no TVs, PSPs, DVDs or anything else. Just classic beauty and fun. Sure, people would want to fight, but there are organized sports for such things. You wouldn't go to far or you would face breaking a law and therefore death.

    That is the world I would create.

    Oh, and in the Star Trek episode, one of the crew.."wesley" broke a law unknowingly...so the crew had to save him and convince these people that there system was too harsh. I disagree....just like traffic laws, if you are going to visit a new place...take an hour or so to learn their laws and customs. DUH

  25. #25
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Forestghost
    Ok...I'm a trekkie...so forgive me.

    There would be no TVs, PSPs, DVDs or anything else.
    A rare bird indeed.. a trekkie that advocates a world with no TV's, PSP's, DVD's or anything else.

  26. #26
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Evilbink
    A rare bird indeed.. a trekkie that advocates a world with no TV's, PSP's, DVD's or anything else.

    Point taken. However, such things are unavoidable in our society...therefore watching Star Trek on such devices seems reasonable. I like Star Trek for the social aspects. So if I could live in/create a perfect society, then why would I need to watch it or use electronics....?

  27. #27
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    UMMMMM Cause they're FUN!!

  28. #28
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeathKnight
    You know if you gave each community freedom, you would eventually have the nazi ccommunity, or the born-again community, attacking the hippie camp, or the nudist community. People would centralize into these little pockets, that would re-inforce their lame beliefs. I think you need to have one central authority, with some balls and enforcement capacity, to keep everyone in line. I think it would not take too much to turn America into a place like that. Keep the central government in charge of defense, and the overall running of the economy, etc... But let each state set up it's own laws and ethics. And maybe let each city do the same. So that you can have a nudist city, or a christian city, and they can do what they want there. And if you do not want to live there, you don't have to. You can go live in a city or a state that fits you lifestyle. But I think you still need the federal government in charge of things. But with less control over individual freedoms. The way you can go live in Oregon if you want euthenasia for a terminal disease. Or you can go to Nevada if you want to gamble. Or you could go to Montana if you want no speed limits... Things like that...
    See I kind of doubt that would happen. If a random sect of people in a small community would be so willing to take over other's and make a grab for power, what difference would a central government make? when one group of people has control over everyone what's to stop THEM from implimenting whatever radical beleifs they might want to impose over everyone else? After all that's what the real nazis did, and hitler won the popular vote. But if everyone was on equal footing as in there was one group of nazis and fifty other groups of people that probibly aren't nazis, I think it would be much harder for them to obtain power, and at least if they did, it wouldn't be the one's that they are taking over that gave them the power in the first place.

    as for your second for your second proposition about " You can go live in a city or a state that fits you lifestyle" that was pretty much my point.

  29. #29
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: If You Could Re-Create The World: ( Philosophy)

    PS.I didn't say that eveyone would have total freedom, the one law is The Golden Rule, it would have to be strictly enforced. that's why Nazism doesn't work because they want to eradicate everyone else, and obviosuly they don't think that everyone else should have the right to eradicate them if they want to. I guess if people following my proposed form of government really wanted a Nazi only community and they were able to do so by peaceful means and prove that they were not a threat to other communities, it would be ok, but it would definatly require people to keep an eye on and make sure they are playing by the rules.

    Ok. Some additions to my suggestion, for preserving public order:
    If a small minority is opposed to the rules that are decided for a community, then it would be recomened that they move to another more favorable community. if they really didn't want to, then they would be exempt from having to follow it. I think this is a very unlikely situation and if it did arise would cause little problem since most of the rules of most communities would probibly be common sense and orderly like most of our laws, and not extreme radical views.

    it would be the communities job to regulate itself internally, if someone breaks the Golden rule then they should be exiled to an all Criminal community, which would be like on a deserted Island. This is why I suggest each community have it's own militia, as well as for defense against any other hostile invaders.

    there should be a council of wise people voted in to offer aid and decisions to people, but they wouldn't have any direct power to control things unless a specific community votes to give them power, or a majority vote by all the different communities gives them powers to regulate a community that is severly fucked up and/or violating the law, even if that one particular community doesn't want it. In such a case they would have temporary authority over the Neutral communities.

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