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Thread: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

  1. #1
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    yup,it's that time again...philosophy happy hour!...

    *few facts first to let you in*

    Daath means Knowledge. Knowledge without Understanding.

    Daath represents the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the Tree of life...

    "The philosophy to Daath is that in order to become whole as a human being, we need to come to terms with all sides of ourselves(positive AND negative). In other words, in order to grow and realize our potential, we need to take a long honest look in the mirror and not be afraid to accept what we see"

    ok,so hope you get it enough....

    i Really believe in this....you can't be peace loving hippy all the time..you can't live in a fancy house with everything givin to you and life a "whole" life..you cannot be whole in life if you can experince both sides of the "good/ bad" axis,etc...ya get me?...

    ok...i ment to type a Ton more,i have alot of thoughts ofer the years about Daath and what it represents and the basic philosophy it entails BUT i kinda feel like shit right now,haha,sorry....

    it seems pretty basic,but if you really think about it most people are still gonna say things that are "wrong" are wrong,and not exept it,all that jazz...

    but yea,Discuss....Do you Agree?Why? Why not? all the normal goodness...


  2. #2

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    No, I agree, and understand. It's really really really really hard to accept the bad parts about yourself, and I often find myself avoiding those or ignoring them, even though I know they're there.

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    i've just been noticing alot of really happy people lately,that are compleatly ,like, transfixed on staying happy,not just letting their shit flow..

    and having a few discusion with some intolerant asshole vegans...

    and some other stuff...but yea..you guys are a high caliber group so i thought i'd bring it here....

  4. #4

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Well, I'm not much for faking happy. I've done it before, but it makes you absolutely miserable, so you might as well not fake it. Though it feels horrible to see that side of yourself or someone else, it makes you understand more, and it helps you grow more.

  5. #5
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....


    if you never experince Hate,greed,homicidal fucking maniac,hah,all that nasty shit...how can you be a person,ha,how can you "Be"...

    it was just getting on my nerves so it brought the topic back up from way back....

    i just can't bring my thoughts to my tounge,well ,,fingers today....sorry,haha...

  6. #6
    Umbilical Lotus's Avatar Pregnant with Atrocities
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    At some level, people are usually aware of their own faults. People instinctively shy away from things that are uncomfortable, though, and a lot of people have large enough egos and small enough self-esteem that ANY blow, especially an internal revelation of that nature, stings like a motherfucker and brings more pain than that person finds worthy. It's instinct, the same instinct that causes us to withdraw our hand from a fire, or squeeze it to ourselves when it gets punctured. Leads often to wholeness of the body, but dishonesty in the mind.

    Personally, I'm a realist. Whatever is, simply is. Good and bad, positive and negative are relative terms, and often a thing simply is a thing, despite the 'grace' or 'flaw' terms we might attribute to them. I find it terribly easy to drain a quality of all meaning of worth - easy enough to see the ocean's floor if you drain out all the water, so to say. But I see the worth of that philosophy, and I do believe people could benefit from it. It takes a long time to learn when not to mentally flinch away.

    (I guess I'm aided in that when I'm hurt or shocked, I freeze instead of withdraw. I'd be dead in the wild :p)

  7. #7
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    i know i didn't quite cover it in the topic...but i also mean the "negative" events in life...

    example: i've lived a Really fucked up life,done all kinds of shit...been in all kinds of terrible situations....

    i think life can't be whole without those situations...

    i'm gonna try to elaborate at least somewhat later,or something ...

  8. #8
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    ah good old asshole vegans.. I assume since they are so high and mighty that they don't live in permanent shelters, and that there clothes and shoes are hand woven from grasses. if not then you might want to remind them that using any electrical or gas utlities, using any products that are manufactured by a machine and any commerically grown agriculture causes chemical waste that is damaging to the environment and animal species. at that point you can then ask, So I guess you don't mind killing animals as long as you don't put them in your mouth, is that it?

    ya know I see these tribes that live in the amazon and have had the same culture for thousands of years and I imagine these assholes in thier Hot Topic shirts sporting MTV2 bands giving those people shit for eating meat, despite the fact that they are more free and independant and in touch with the earth then they will ever be.

    they don't need to fight wars in the middle east for gasoline to make those hardcore records.

  9. #9
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    ah, but back on topic... have you read Hermann Hesse's "Demian"? if not you should, it's about what you are talking about.

  10. #10
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    ah, but back on topic... have you read Hermann Hesse's "Demian"? if not you should, it's about what you are talking about.
    That is one of my favorite books of all time.

  11. #11
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Death is not really a bad topic. In fact, its a great one. I welcome the chance to die because I know it will be a new experience. I don't believe that when you die..you cease to exist. You just exist in another form. So in that case, there really is no death at all, just a change of states from one to the other...like liquid to gas when ice evaporates...
    In fact, in reality (which kills...LOL) we die a little every day...so who can escape it? No matter what you eat, (ie: vegan or not), what good deeds you do, whatever...you will die. Then what?
    Absolutely nothing. So whats the point of being goodie goodie?
    ...just for the sake of it. It makes you feel as if you are contributing something to a world that doesn't really give a shit.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    I remembered coming across this text on www.wimp.com when I opened this thread... It doesn't have much to do with the topic except that somebody here could use it wright now :P

    A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200 he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?"

    Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this."

    He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it?"

    Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "What if I do this?"

    And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?"

    Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who do love you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are. You are special, don't ever forget it."

    Remember to count your blessings, not your problems. If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!"

    funny little story

  13. #13
    the_darkness_calls's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    ooooo, i like that story, olix... and funny, this is just the kind of thing i'm dealing with in my life right now. by this point, i've realized that ignoring the negative side of things does absolutely no good whatsoever. nor does ignoring the good, for that matter.
    also, everytime something majorly good happens in my life, it's followed by something really bad (or vice versa), so i totally believe in a balance between the two.

  14. #14
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    actually there's a lot you can do to a bill to negate it's value. there are some banks that won't even take it if it has writing on it.

    oh that wasn't the point? I guess motivational speakers aren't trained in the art of how not to say bullshit.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    I knda believe in karma too T.D.C.

    well M.G. those are just some banks compared to all the banks in the world......
    some banks would exchange your old broken bill for a new one for free

  16. #16
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    I knda believe in karma too T.D.C.

    well M.G. those are just some banks compared to all the banks in the world......
    some banks would exchange your old broken bill for a new one for free
    oh man, that just made me think of panhandling in front of an ATM machine. that way no one could cop out and say "sorry, I would, but I don't have any money on me."

  17. #17
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Olix, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...
    then I had to go puke...

    Yes, you are right...but some people's lives just aren't worth the ink or the paper the 'worth' is printed on.

    We determine our own self worth, then have OTHERS determine it for us by our association with them..such is life.
    Then we bitch and complain because we aren't accepted,loved, admired, cherished, etc...and no where where we want to be. Why? Because WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY.

    We are what we believe and think we are.

    I'm the fucking queen of england....and in my mind, that is all that matters.

    The question is, what is your self worth....I know for damn sure it's more than 20.00.

  18. #18
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    wish i could say that i was from somewhere interesting...but i was born in tarzana, ca...and pretty much raised in the santa clarita valley.

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    just wanted to say a quick hellow. im new here, and will be back to see whats going on here. -love and rockets-

  19. #19

    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    who's not worthy sunkarma? so you wanna story with $200 bill or auction on e-buy =P

  20. #20
    DARKGYM's Avatar King of the night
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    I think that yes to live a "whole" life you must experience both positive and negative experiences.

    Sunkarma, too true no matter what decisions you make and what events happen around you only you can let your self worth depreciate.

    Without defeat you can't appreciate victory.

    As for those people who are obsessed with staying happy, give it up. No matter what you do there will always be pain and despair in life. Doing whatever you desperately can to stay happy (like rats fleeing a sinking ship) will ultimately burn you out and leave you miserable when you realise that all you have done can't remove pain from life. (the ship is sinking in the ocean, the rats have no place to go aand ultimately drown.)

  21. #21
    evilassmaster's Avatar Exiled
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    I think that personifying emotions and knowledge into spiritual experiences and divine incarnations is utter bullshit.

  22. #22
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Daath:Tapping into the Negative side....

    Darkgym....agree totally
    Evilass...Ditto. But everything is bullshit. It's just if you believe in it or not..

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