no, why have you? *suddenly*jealous*for*no*reason*
no, why have you? *suddenly*jealous*for*no*reason*
Who's been sleeping in my bed?
uh, are you sure that's porridge someone spilled on those sheets Evilbink?
Should we have the sample sent to the lab?
will Grissom of CSI be there?
would you really want the fuzz in on our exploits?
excuse me? EXCUSE ME; is this the way to Lafette Park?
hmmm, excellent question BD...fuzz, or shaved clean?
Can someone explain why I am a little fuzzy on the topic?
Was anyone actually expecting a topic?
The topic at hand is the Pants Free Party I intend to throw, and I want to know.. will you all be coming?
Who got into my stash?
who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
What was your last dream about? (details)