A friend of mine sent me this link to a Nat Hentoff Village Voice column at the VV's site this afternoon.

It's about just how pervasive the use of torture is, according to recently leaked International Red Cross reports, in CIA-run "secret" prisons, and I think it's worth a look.

It's at http://www.villagevoice.com/news/073...f,77643,6.html.

Am also enclosing another Hentoff column, this one from 10th July of this year, about John Yoo, the Bush Administration legal counsel and author of the DOJ's infamous "torture" memo in 2002, that I found while reading the first article.

It's at http://www.villagevoice.com/news/072...f,77169,6.html.

Please read this, and, if you want, please send these article links to your families and friends, and post them on your blogs, so that no one in the years and decades to come will be able to say, if they can now, that we "didn't know".

Thanks for your kind attention.