do you meditate? and if so, how where whe and how often?
me, i try t get in a physical coreograph eery dayif i can with my nnjato bokken just to getmy body in tune and rythym, followed by atleast a half hou or more of sitting in my room with my lighs turned off and mymult color discs turned on that lit up my sword dispay. normay I fos my view to my monkey king stae or to m gong-fu fan. i rarelyever clear my mind completely as I have foun awers cometo me better when I st and ocus on one subjt while meitating at a time. idnt get all yogi positioned or anything, Ijust sitcmfotaly, somtiesholding sword or one of my canes.I find it makes me less of an angry person (although ill probably never be notangryabout something) how do you meditate?