Since it is so beautiful out and flowers are just blooming everyhwere, what are you favorite flowers? I love roses, lilacs and lillies.
Since it is so beautiful out and flowers are just blooming everyhwere, what are you favorite flowers? I love roses, lilacs and lillies.
Irises, damm i cant remeber the name of the others i just seen and like ??
It's so sweet when men like flowers.
hey ,guess im just a softy at heart,,roses r kool tho too..
well need to log ,im yawnin ,and very sleepy ,when i think of the others ones i seen ,i'll post it .. nite all..
lilacs and stargazer lillies, they both smell supergood
awwww lilacs are so yummy except for the little white spiders that seem to live only in lilac bushes hah... yuck.
and tiger lillies <3
i just planted Canna's, Lillies, Gladiollas, Calladiums and we have a few more in our garden i dont know the names of..including 7 huge elephant ears
I love all sorts of flowers, especially unusual ones, everything from daisies in food coloring to bromeliads and orchids. I'm a big fan of chrysanthemums (sp?) too, although I don't see them in Cali much.
Daisies are my favorite. I also like tulips and black-eyed susans.
i like Hostas too ,took awhile but those were it . wildflowerz are the next id say ,cuzz there so random..and sooo many ...
Call me unoriginal, but I like roses and daisies (especially the weed variant called the black-eyed susan.)
cempazuchitl is the coolest flower and not just because its the flower of the dead, but also because i like the bright orange color
I like dead roses-the redder-the deader-the blacker-the better!And cherry blooms cus theys so pretty and smell good.
the peace lily. and red roses. lilacs and orchids.
i like the ones that eat insects and small birds alive.
ohhhh venus fly traps! haha apparently you can even keep those... kindof as super low maintenence pets i guess... my mom had one once, she fed it bits of steak and whatever bugs they found around the house.
it was probably Oscar Wilde who said "i like children, too, but i don't cut their heads off and arrange them in bowls."
although technically he would have had to cut off their genitals and arrange THEM. 'cause that's technically what flowers are.
heh flower penises may just be the only penises that smell nice
I love lilacs, and all flowers. I grow Cosmos the best. I love oriental poppiies, and have a lavedener plant.
Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Red Poppies, Indian Paintbrush, Snap-Dragons, Dark Roses, Morning Glories..That was the short list!!