I can respect the arguments against the actions of the Israeli government. The situation is complex and people are being brutalized on both sides. Even amongst some of my personal friends, however, I see the argument being increasingly radicalized.
Some believe Israel to simply be an imperial outpost of the US. ok
Some believe Israel to exist due to guilt over the holocaust. ok
Some consider the IDF as brutal thugs. ok.
The bottom line is: 6 Million souls reside in Israel. They are a state. I have seen other states delegitimated with brutal consequences. Do some in the arab community have legitimate grievance? absolutely. To delegitimize Israel at this point in time, however, will have an end result far worse than the current situation.
I see the term "zionism" consistently used as a missive. I see Israel compared to Nazi Germany. I see a pass given, by some, to the brutal tactics of certain islamic groups. The goals of Iran, Hezbollah and others has been stated repeatedly, the obliteration of Israel. I see very little mention given to middle east leaders' treatment of their own citizenry.
I appreciate the fact that those questioning Israel on this group do make sensible arguments.
I fear that some out there do not appreciate the ramifications of their viewpoints. At some point, the practical consequence of anti "zionism" becomes anti-"semitism" (Arabs also being semites, it is hard to formulate the correct terms)
At what point does one call it jew hatred? In practice, some of the views being pontificated out there lead to the empowerment of those who hate jews de jour.