Should have done this before, but g4 died tragic death and using borrowed lappies with short term use, therefore I am a bit behind the game. Nevermind, catching up ASAP.
I am very fond of my treasured Blue Blood Bear and all things related to Blue Blood, and I hope to keep some smiles on your faces and keep the stroke factor high. I am a gothMILF pornstar, fetish model, dominatrix, mainstream actor, artist, writer and retired scientist.
FYI: I just want to share that I like my coffee black, no cream or sugar. I am bisexual, pro porn feminist, recycler, bicyclist, pedestrian, and yes, I never fake an orgasm, and I only shave when I have to work.
My website is coming along, and I am busy shooting content every week for it, so if you are interested in doing trade, please hit me up. I live in downtown LA and I go to SF/NYC/London often, so the 6 degrees of seperation are there. Make it happen! xoxo