Theres one of my few regrets in life, I never got to see AIC perform live. That was one band that had such potential, and yet never had a chance, with a singer hooked on heroin. There was a point in my life, where I thought everything I knew was a lie, but somehow, listening to AIC kept me going. I remember the day they announced they had found Layne Stayleys(?sp) body, my friend AcidIceAdam, posted me the news. He knew how much I was into them. It was so sad. I had tickets that night for STP, in CT, and Scott Weiland did a solo that night, dedicated to Layne, it was The Big Empty. Thats so fitting. Thats exactly how I felt.
as for Metal, I dont want a return of hair bands, I want loud, in your face, make you feel something metal. I was always an old metalhead. :p