from families4fathers on current
With 3 out of 4 marriages ending in divorce and 83 percent of custody cases going to females, it is no wonder that there is a lack of willingness and feeling of despair amongst men when it comes to participating in raising their children. Most men report that they are met with fierce resistance by not only the mother but also the court system that generally has little compassion or willingness to assist in a father’s desire to remain a force in the lives of their children. Family court judges not only allow fathers to be restricted from the lives of their own children, but consistently ignore false allegations, improper conduct, visitation denials, violations of court orders, and false police reports that are committed by the mother.
This brings us to the question of why are men still getting married and having children? With all the odds, statistics, and past cases showing that a man risks not only losing everything he has worked for up until that point but he is almost assured that his ability to survive post divorce is slim to none. When a man runs not only the risk of losing his current finances, his ability to parent his children and then the ability to financially support himself it is no wonder that more and more men are turning to surrogate mothers to bear their children or just not getting married in the first place. Even with a surrogate mother, a man has to be real careful that he not only is not given the child he was promised but there is a good chance he will be financially responsible for a child he rarely gets to see. There have been thousands of cases where the mother was found to have lied and claimed a man was the father of her child when it turned out to be proven that she became pregnant by another man. Not only did the courts fail to arrest, prosecute, or at the very least condemn her actions. Instead, the courts ruled that the non-father was still responsible to provide financial support for the child that was not even his. How is it possible that a mother can be rewarded for lying, committing adultery, deceiving the court and her own child? This is not an isolated case either. It has been proven that 1 in 5 men are not the father of the child that the mother claimed, but yet family court refuses to take action against the false testimony and deceitful actions of the mother.
Which brings us back to the question of when men are going to wake up and walk away from this farce called “family” and marriage which can be dissolved even against a father’s wishes? With the passing of no fault divorce, there is no need to prove anymore a viable reason for terminating a marriage. So, the phrase “till death do us apart” no longer exists. Instead, it is simply. Until I have grown tired of you and have ensured your finances, your future finances, and have gained the child I was looking for. Granted, not all cases end up like this but women are quickly learning that they can achieve everything that they wished for – family, security, and a comfortable life, all at the expense of a man whom was stupid enough to fall into the idea of love and commitment.
It is time that men wake up and either walks away from this farce that is called marriage or they begin to speak up before it is too late. We see and hear from father after father of how bad they were screwed and left broke by their ex and the family court system. We must ask ourselves at this point, whose fault is it? There is no one to blame except himself for entering into such a losing contract to begin with. Any businessman if presented the pros and cons of marriage and raising a family would have to be a complete idiot to even consider entertaining such an agreement. When everything pointed to possible mental, emotional, and financial ruin it is time to get the hell out of there.
Oh yeah, but I love her we hear. Let’s see how much you love her when you cannot see your own child, have no money, and are left with nothing but pain and heart ache.