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i've been kinda following this story going on about north korea over the past few days inw hcih they said they were planning to launch a satellite but turns out the satellite they were planning to launch is in actuality a long range nuclear missile that is capable of reaching alaska.
now, they Have done this before, even launched one and it lasted maybe a minute in the air before exploding over the ocean and although most people are in agreeance that kim is nutso crazy,
he's not "dress up in a teddy bear suit and call yourself the easter bunny" crazy,
he's is definately "dangerously kidnaps movie stars for private entertainment and has nuclear weapons he isnt afraid to fire off " crazy.
and being as he has fired off one before and it failed, should we seriously be using words like "firing another one off would be a provocative act." ?
bathing in a bathtub full of chocolate pudding in times sqaure is provocative,
making a legitimate documentary that opens people's eyes about soemthing is provocative,
firing a nuclear missile capable of landing on sarah palin's front door-althuogh they'd probably be doing the democratic party a solid favor for 2012 since she's planning on running for the white house..........
I'm sorry, i don't think that really fits in the "provocative" category, do you?