Are we talking single celled organisms or the front office at Amoeba Records?
Are we talking single celled organisms or the front office at Amoeba Records?
does it really matter? What if it was the amoeba boys from powerpuff girls?
Would you really want to go there?
Where else should we go?
why are we in this handbasket and where are we going?
it's awfully dark, does anyone else sense heat, or see a faint glowing below us, as we plummet?
anyone know where our pants are?
I thought you had stuck them on the midget's head? Or did you put them on Keiko?
what makes you think keiko is wearing pants?
well, then just who is wearing the pants in this handbasket?
Are we taking shifts?
are we wearing shifts?
don't shifts tend to make you look like an old lady?
do old ladies nag in shifts?
why wouldn't they? Can we shift to another topic?
Is it getting awkward for you?
Isn't asking about old ladies and their slips always awkward?
are we talking about when old ladie's bladders slip?
wouldn't that be a nasty thing to slip in?
What else would you like to slip in?
who wouldn't want to slip into a loverly blueblood girl?
this is a trick question right?
what part of it is a trick?
Is the trick really if a loverly Blueblood girl would want me to slip into her?
who's turning tricks?
wouldn't you like to know?
Aren't you being coy?
Are you going to let him talk to you like that?
Are you going to stop him?
Do we have to resort to fisticuffs?
wouldn't you rather resort to fuzzy handcuffs?
Can't we all just go to bed and have BB models dancing in our heads?
How about we have the BB models dance on our beds?
how many Blue Blood models can dance on keiko's bed?
Wouldn't the answer be "All of them"?
And who wouldn't like that?
i dunno...someone hiding under the bed?
Isn't that where the midgets are?
wouldin't they get squished into midget waffles?
Have you seen the Bed?