I occasionally notice links to my various web sites on social bookmarking sites like Digg. Do you use social bookmarking sites? Any particular ones you like and find cool new stuff on?
I occasionally notice links to my various web sites on social bookmarking sites like Digg. Do you use social bookmarking sites? Any particular ones you like and find cool new stuff on?
I am considering doing so now. I have really lost some great bookmarks going from computer to computer. Do these sites give recommendations? Right now, I'm backing up a lot on this goof off blog I have.Originally Posted by Amelia G
No, it isn't practical for me.
OEC - Just a heads up, you can save bookmarks and move them to a different computer with a jump drive or external.
I know. Not after a fire or hd crash though.Originally Posted by Lady Alias
it's not a social bookmark site, but there is a plugin for mozilla firefox called foxmarks that lets you back-up and synchronize bookmarks between multiple computers... MAC or PC or Linux or Unix.... my wife and i use it between her MAC and my PC and MAC...
Digg, slashdot....
Oh...right...I kind of forgot about that. Sorry for being retarded.Originally Posted by One Eyed Cat
I don't, never really saw the point TBH.
no, pointless for me
No sure don't. Just kind of annoying to me really.
I check up on Reddit a fair amount, certainly more than many of the others anyway.