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Thread: Fate

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Fate

    I'm not asking if you believe in love, I am asking if you believe in fate. Do you believe that their is one person in your life who completely compliment you andif you screw that up, will you ever be able tobe as truly happy again?

  2. #2
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    no, simply because it would be impossible to find that one person, think of the odds

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Fate

    no....fate is bullshit...i don't really think things are ment to be either...

    but then again,i dont beilieve in anything 100% so who knows...

    and yea,you will be happy again....just takes time and more time...

  4. #4
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    Fate: the belief that life is predetermined.

    If fate exists, you can't miss them. QED.

    /me bows, goes to recieve Nobel Prize for Arrogance.

  5. #5
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    killerkat, any chance of you turning female at some point and moving to england?

    by jove watson, i do believe ive just came onto a man!

    watson: You came on him sir???

    no no, ive performed the ritual of showing ones intrest!

    Watson: Ahhh i see sir! jolly good!

  6. #6
    Howrangi's Avatar So how old are you again?
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    Default Re: Fate

    Fate is what you determine. i mean that you decide in the choices you make. So you determine fate. and yes you can find true happiness again.

  7. #7
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    oh, i would also like to add, any belief is a human construct and by this fact alone flawed.

  8. #8
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Flip
    by jove watson, i do believe ive just came onto a man!

    watson: You came on him sir???

    no no, ive performed the ritual of showing ones intrest!

    Watson: Ahhh i see sir! jolly good!
    Well, that's an etremely effective way of showing you're interested in him. Clean up in aisle 5.

  9. #9
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    i have actually scared myself because i believed it for a second, but i have grounded myself in reality and confirmed my sexuality so all is good

  10. #10
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Flip
    i have actually scared myself because i believed it for a second, but i have grounded myself in reality and confirmed my sexuality so all is good
    /me mourns gassily.

  11. #11
    vixta's Avatar rabid mutterings
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    Default Re: Fate

    true love/soulmates exist, because i'm with mine. or perhaps i'm delusional. all i know is that we've never had an argument, he adored me before we got together, i adored him before we got together and that we both kept turning up at the same places on a whim. oh, so sickeningly in love am i, get the buckets at the ready. it seems like fate to me because of the amount of huge coincidences and strokes of luck that precipitated us getting together.

  12. #12
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Haze
    I'm not asking if you believe in love, I am asking if you believe in fate. Do you believe that their is one person in your life who completely compliment you andif you screw that up, will you ever be able tobe as truly happy again?
    Oh sure, I am with him now... I believe in all of that. That's what all the movies and songs are about. There is a reason. It's all true.

    But some people never find that person, some people just settle for something kind of boring.

    It's not always easy to find that person, but when you do, just hold on to them.

  13. #13
    Belladonna's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fate

    fate i don't know about but true love yes it's real.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Fate

    Yes, I believe that. I also believe that Fate is a tendency for things to go some particular way, not an absolute certainty. It requires deliberate action on our parts to bring it about.

  15. #15
    keiko's Avatar baker of geekery
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    Default Re: Fate

    Getting married to him friday morning. We've been together this long and no one's been killed we figure it's time ot mkae the jump. shh don't tell anyone. my mom doesn't know yet. Nor does anyone else.


  16. #16
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by keiko
    Getting married to him friday morning. We've been together this long and no one's been killed we figure it's time ot mkae the jump. shh don't tell anyone. my mom doesn't know yet. Nor does anyone else.

    All right your secret is safe here...unless I somehow bold the key points in that statement and bump this up.

    Which I wouldn't do. Ok I would.


  17. #17
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by keiko
    Getting married to him friday morning. We've been together this long and no one's been killed we figure it's time ot mkae the jump. shh don't tell anyone. my mom doesn't know yet. Nor does anyone else.


    HOLY CRAP .... !! Big Congrats You have all my best wishes.

  18. #18
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fate

    Of course I believe in fates

    There are so many to choose from

  19. #19
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    In other words choose wisely, like I did

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Fate

    mista Karl YOU THA MANN!

  21. #21
    Bondage Clown's Avatar Butter up da Goat
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    Default Re: Fate

    Just like comedy.. it is all in the timing... Relationships may come, may go.. but sometimes they come back yo.. hee hee that rhymed

  22. #22
    reubs's Avatar Senior Member
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    as above lol

    Default Re: Fate

    i dont believe in fate. id rather think that the way my life unfolds has to do with the things i choose to do, not some preordained storyline

  23. #23
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by vixta
    true love/soulmates exist, because i'm with mine. or perhaps i'm delusional. all i know is that we've never had an argument, he adored me before we got together, i adored him before we got together and that we both kept turning up at the same places on a whim. oh, so sickeningly in love am i, get the buckets at the ready. it seems like fate to me because of the amount of huge coincidences and strokes of luck that precipitated us getting together.
    Honestly, if i had of read this about 2 months ago i would have thought u were a twit, but right now i completely agree with you.

    I worked with this guy over a year ago, i liked him alot but was too shy to talk to him and vice versa. I quit working there so i didnt see him for awhile then i saw him at school we talked a bit but nothing happened, then this year we have a class together and we started talking more. then I went to a festival and there he was, within the next week we started dating. We seem to be completely in sync with each other.

    i think there is definately some one your suppposed to be with. I think all the shitty, bad relationships u go through first are there to guide u to that person and help u to know who they are. also to cancel out the things u dont want in a relationship and so u appreciate that one person all the more.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Fate

    I believe in fate and I did meet that one person. Unforetunately I fucked it up. Now I'm even more miserable that I was before I met her.

  25. #25
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by inox
    Yes, I believe that. I also believe that Fate is a tendency for things to go some particular way, not an absolute certainty. It requires deliberate action on our parts to bring it about.
    you can believe that if you want unfortunatly the actual meaning of the word "fate" differs

    n noun
    1 the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.
    2 the outcome of a situation for someone or something.
    3 the unescapable death of a person.
    4 (the Fates) Greek & Roman Mythology the three goddesses (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) who preside over the birth and life of humans.
    n verb (be fated) be destined to happen or turn out in a particular way.

    this may appear as if im being an ass but thats not my intention, i just have a habit with words and their meanings. in reference to the quote, of course you can believe what you like in life, you can believe that we have direct control over the outcome of life, but you do not believe in fate

  26. #26
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fate

    oooh a dictionary quote. the topic i believe (correct me if i'm wrong) if about belief not fact. and if that belief is that 'yes i believe in fate but i believe it is this' then that is still a belief.

    same with other things such as death, hell, heaven etc. webster's meaning of the word is one thing, but it means different things to different ppl.

  27. #27
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    the main reason i dont believe in true love is because there is no outline of what true love is (considering its subjective), or any real way to determine if what you have is true love.

  28. #28
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by morbid_lady
    oooh a dictionary quote. the topic i believe (correct me if i'm wrong) if about belief not fact. and if that belief is that 'yes i believe in fate but i believe it is this' then that is still a belief.

    same with other things such as death, hell, heaven etc. webster's meaning of the word is one thing, but it means different things to different ppl.
    i said they were entitled to their belief, but what they believed was not fate, as fate is an established word with a particular meaning.

    its like calling someone a bastard but telling them its ok because you believe it to mean "nice person"

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Fate

    I can't quote the dictionary as I haven't one in front of my at the moment. But beleif is the acceptance of something without having proof. Therefore if morbid_lady wants to believe that it requires deliberate action to bring about fate she is entitled to. Next look up the word semantics.

  30. #30
    Flip's Avatar Tea Drinker
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    Default Re: Fate

    n plural noun [usually treated as singular]
    1 the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.
    2 the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.

    there you go :|

    first off it wasnt morbid lady it was inox

    secondly i didnt say she/he couldnt believe what they wanted, merely that what they believed in was not fate...

  31. #31
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Fate

    I believe that when a person is born- they have a purpose on this planet.
    Life is not exactly 'predetermined' because each of us has choices in our lives that could swing our lives one way or the other...this happens on a contstant, daily basis...so there really can be nothing 'predetermined' except for death.
    As long as there is 'free will' there really can BE no fate.

  32. #32
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    There is no fate.

    There is no destiny.

    There is no reason.

    There are no chosen.

    There are no prophecies.

    All there is is hate, rage, and fire. All there is is love, hope, and tears. All there is is what we make, ourselves, and what we choose to believe. There are mistakes and lies, truths and miracles-- but it is not prewritten. We make our own reasons, and this is how we are strong.

    Even true love, soul mates... they do not exist. Perfect partners? Perhaps. But not predestined partners. I believe those who say they have found their soul mate has, indeed, found perfection-- a match that, by luck, by effort, by coincidence and hope and determination, they have found that will last with them forever-- but not someone they were made to be with.

    To be made, forced, shunted into a relationship with anyone-- even an ideal-- is to cheapen it. Shackles of gold are still shackles and all...

    And, while I make it clear I do not believe this of anyone on THIS board, many people find their soul mates... have their heart broken... and move on to the next.

    You will not miss your One. Your One never existed. To claim that you would or could miss her is declaring yourself to failure. You may not find the person who's perfect for you; you may not. But...

    It's not necessarily someone you've met, or someone you haven't. And it's not whether destiny got in your way or whether fater intervenes in your relationship...

    It's effort. Try and you can succeed.

    Believe in yourself. You are strong, a little god, like everyone else. The only thing that limits you is effort and belief.

    Try. You shall succeed.


    Of course, these are my beliefs. My opinions. Do not let me force them upon you. You're a little god. You can decide for yourself.

  33. #33
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Fate

    that is true skinman, but people are not entirely in control of thier own destiny. you'd be a fool to think that outside forces aren't constantly swaying you, whether it be people, places, hell even temperatures are constantly in flux and directing the path that you follow.

  34. #34
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    that is true skinman, but people are not entirely in control of thier own destiny. you'd be a fool to think that outside forces aren't constantly swaying you, whether it be people, places, hell even temperatures are constantly in flux and directing the path that you follow.
    Heh. Agreed. But I don't think that those are driven by destiny, either. The wind's blown by heat and cold. And other people-- wow, they often control your destiny more than you do.

  35. #35

    Default Re: Fate

    First, I must say I am sorry for being so long winded, as you will see. It is necessary to explain myself so I can follow a logical process in my mind.

    I am searching for demon-like-kin because I believe that either I may be one, or atleast my Ideal of one which ofcourse could be completely wrong, or that a true one could atleast point me in the right direction if the version I think of is not correct. I search not for a label, but for a better understanding of myself.

    Let me offer a bit of background information: I believe Good and Evil are a completely human concept, and truly believe that it all comes down to Order vs. Chaos, or atleast what our minds can comprehend of the two basic driving forces of all that exists, including the things that dont.

    First, there was Chaos, or void...nothingness, or atleast the possibility of everything, and then Order was imposed upon it by "God" (who did so for "good" works?) Chaos, due to its nature, must always try and bring down Order because Order stagnates possibility, and Order must stand firm in the stoic belief that without itself, there would be nothing. I believe this is a very basic explanation behind the motives and thought patterns of "good" and "evil".

    All of my life, I have felt I am a vessel of Chaos...where ever I go I bring change, and in many different ways. I could give many details, most of which would more than likely have me marked as the "rpger", so I will give the basics. I dream of chaos, and my thoughts and feelings always try to twist themselves into a "pattern that is not a pattern". There is a place I go when I dream that is not like anything that has ever been described to me before.

    In this place I see and feel endless possibility, and I can feel strands, or pools of a raw energy that does not exist, but can do anything when it is filtered through a "model" or "mould". The ground is solid, but not present, and birds who look like spots fly through a sky filled with fire that burns black, and clouds that rain upside down, raining stones rather than
    water, from the ground to the clouds...and I understand all of it.

    I know that the above does not make much sense and is probably most unbeliveable, but I must face the chance of being rediculed for my ideals, rather than rot as I am, never even searching for answers. I feel that the common conception of celestial would be on the side of order, as demonic would be to chaos. Think of the basic forces of good and evil, one is to
    protect and the other to destroy.

    "So? Get on with the point!" As I said, I am searching for others who may share my beliefs and ideals, and since I have never heard of chaoskin(?) so I believe demonkin is as good a place to start as any. My whole process of thought, and actually my life in general, is such a paradox that I feel entirely out of place and lost, and have no actual idea of what I am here for...assuming we are all here for a purpose, but then again I feel that I AM here for something. When I try to explain everything at once it becomes jumbled and the ideas conflict, or atleast to the person I tell, but when I explain a little bit at a time they begin to see past the paradox of two statements, and see the truth of both.

    Then again, there are also the common concepts of Celestial and Demonic...beautiful and androgenous beings with pristine white feathered wings, and the poor sap whose body and mind are twisted by the pure and primal anger he contains within his being. The demon in this concept most likely posesses such a rage at being what he is, or at the the reason he is that way, that it can be seen burning behind his eyes, or heard in his voice, or even felt in his presence. He would more than likely take what he wanted, when he wanted, and would work to see that no other person would be happy, other than himself, even though he knows it is not in his nature to be truly happy, and he would have both sorrow for what he is, and a fierce love and pride of himself and the tortured pain of being what he is because even if he has nothing, he may pass his pain on to others. Or some such variation...I can be the latter of those two, in a manner.

    I can go on for hours about the way I feel and give more supportive details about myself, and though I would love to talk about myself for my own sense of pride and vanity, I would rather hear opinions now from other people; again, not to be labeled, but to be pointed in the right direction.

    From what you have said, you would indeed be gravitated towards the chaotic nature of the demonkin, but not all demonkin are completely chaotic. It is a matter of self indulgence, I think, in what your mind tells you should be done. This is one reason why I refuse to deny someone wasn't in their right mind...because it was most likely right in their own sense of things, understand?

    As for your dreams... I don't exactly know what it means to you, but from the ways you described it... it sounded like your idea of what the world should be like.. anarchistist, in a sense, if that is even a word >.<. I myself... I don't dream at any rate, haven't since I awoke to what I am, which was hard seeing that I was only at the tender age of eight years of age. I was not fully aware of what I was until the age of ten. What I am trying to illustrate in that point is that you may not be fully sure of what you are for quite some time, and even still, some are still not sure what they are, such as my friend Avalon. He tends towards both order and chaos at the same time... somewhat like a fea would... but I know that he is no child of grey..

    Do you find yourself fantasizing about another person's or societies demise? I know that I do sometimes. I have never let out my true nature to anyone in this world, save for one of my ex-girlfriends, but that is a different story. It is true that most of the demonkin are deffinately leaning towards the chaotic polarity, if you will, but not all of them act on that desire to create the turmoil that the so desire. Most that do end up in jail, prison, or dead. I cannot and will not tell you that you are or are not a demonkin, or closely related, because that is not my place, and I do not know you at all. I would have to know you and be around you to see what you are like, how you handle yourself to trully know what it is that you are. And even then I may not be able to help you.

    I wish that I could help you more so that just explaining in little detail what demonkin are like... if I knew more it would help me towards an opinion of my own wether or not you are a kindred spirit of the demonics. Oh... I don't think that there is a such thing as chaoskin... but that is from my knowledge of things, there may be and I may be mistaken, I do not know rightly.

  36. #36
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Fate

    anarchy is about cooperation, not chaos.

  37. #37

    Default Re: Fate

    I do have one question though... When you close your eyes and picture yourself, what do you see? Do you see something different from what everyone else around you sees? Or is it the same?

    Then I believe I must allow the self indulgence of chaos...it seems to call to me the strongest. Ofcourse, I have orderly tendancies, but most are used normally in a chaotic way: I can and do use logic frequently, and logic itself is imposing a sort of order upon a situation so you can figure out its next step, and I can argue law, or anything in general, as well as a lawyer can.

    My dreams are not exactally such. It feels more like a place I go to WHEN I should be dreaming...this place feels too natural and real to be not, and when I utilize these "nodes" of energy or pull their strands, I notice small changes have taken place in certain things when I wake up. The discription I gave by is not always how it appears, sometimes it is a non-existant colour similar to black...like if black were entirely nothing, but so full of everything that it gave it a rich anti-luminescence. I cannot explain exactally what this place is, but it is certainly a part of what I am, and it feels like a "home" of some sort.

    I frequently do fantasize about other peoples destruction, or indeed, of humanity in general. When people anger me, I envision things in my head of what I would like to do, and the visions are so strong that my body typically moves in concert with the visions, atleast to a small degree. I have learned to plot and plan ahead, and pull certain strings attached to people's emotions and actions, so I can lead them almost as a puppet to my own ends, though I rarely do so...normally only to people who have made me hate them so severly I feel I must have revenge. A good example of what I mean would be the character of Edmond Dantes from Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo and his actions which led his enemies to destroy themselves. Most of the time I DO feel the desire to create this type of turmoil all around me, but I fight it for obvious reasons, like you said, I do not wish to go to jail any time soon *grin*.

    You have done more than you realize, in the giving of the small ammount of information you have passed so far. I think atleast I am on the right track, for now anyway. What other kin, or otherworldly entities in general, would have much in common with demonkin?

    As to your question, when I close my eyes and picture myself, I see me...a crisper and more clear me. I cant quite explain it...it seems to change and fit to circumstance but one thing is the same normally though: I, and all others who view me in such a manner see something of a more primal nature, something containing the anger of which I spoke in my last post. My friend describes wings "similar to a negative image, antimatter, or void, and of an inky black that is too dark to see the colour of" and a "halo that sucks IN light, rather than gives off", and I appear "more beautiful, or graceful". I dont understand the last part, because neither he nor I are gay but that is how HE describes it, but I believe I would agree with him. This picture of myself has always been with me, even since I was little, and as I grow I look more and more alike to it.

  38. #38
    skintwisterman's Avatar Sunswallower
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    Default Re: Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Toe Cutter
    I do have one question though... When you close your eyes and picture yourself, what do you see? Do you see something different from what everyone else around you sees? Or is it the same?
    I see meat. I see a throat. I see teeth.

    I can bite, I can swallow, and I, myself, can be eaten. That is the sum of the parts.

    There are, of course, other parts... but those somehow seem so... important. Teeth, flesh, and a throat.

  39. #39
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Fate

    I have alot to say to Toe Cutter...but rather than be long winded...I think I might have the answer you seek, or rather...the direction. Feel free to email me. My email can be found in the thread about my book.


  40. #40
    sunkarma's Avatar Evil666..reborn
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    Default Re: Fate

    It's odd, but I only see darkness when I close my eyes and envision myself. It is not that I have some idea of what or who I should be...my image indeed is nothing but a shadow...we are all transient beings. If I had to picture myself I would picture myself as a beam of light that varies in color..like a spectrum...then sometimes I see myself as darkness, which is not the absence of light..but the combination of all the colors...(it makes black, does it not?)
    Is it odd not to see yourself in the physical sense...but in the sense of the energy that lies inside you?

    I remember as a child reading about Anpu (Anubis is his greek name). When I was into wicca..I loved the egyptian pantheon. Anyway...His gateway was...
    "When you can reach out into the darkness and be not afraid..you have found me" Perhaps that is why I see myself as such...I dunno.

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