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Thread: Future Residence

  1. #1
    Eva Victoria's Avatar Member
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    Default Future Residence

    I have been contemplating a future residence in Phoenix Az, it's nicer and cheaper. SD is so boring and La is too far away, and still expensive. I'm in a predicament, I adore the west coast and all the gorgeous people. Blah!

  2. #2
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    dude,cheaper? maybe. nicer? no way. Ok first of all people in arizona don't know how to drive. have you heard of a turn signal? well they haven't. it's also 120 degrees here, the job market sucks, everyone is pissed off about that fact, so they walk around and act like assholes. they built a prison in the middle of downtown. people leave here to go to california because it sucks. people don't come from california to here because it's better.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Future Residence

    being a previous resident of northwest phoenix and having my family still there..its not SO bad... i got a job the first day i was there, the weather isnt bad as long as you can adjust (i had a nightjob so i never really saw daylight)
    i miss phoenix and wanna move back

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    humm ive been thinkin of movein there also,,,,but i hear water is like ok ,but most peeps drink bottled r filter theres ,mostly cuzz i hate THE FRIGGIN COLD any more ,so im more likely to go to Nevada IF i was to move ?

    one step closer to sin city too

  5. #5
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    NOOOOOOO!!!! Oh god girl. Shall I name the reasons it blows so bad there? Job market SUCKS, good luck finding something if youre a girl with a mohawk (unless you wont mind wearing wigs, and in 120 degree weather, lemme tell you, it is NOT fun). The public transportation sucks, you wont get anywhere unless you have a car, and the gas prices there are horrific, not to mention buying new car batteries every year cause the heat drains them. Ever get a burn just from sitting on your car seats? Lol, I used to have to wear gloves just to touch my steering wheel. The people there suck, theres no scene and if you do find others, they are all stuck up snobs who are friendly to your face and then talk shit behind your back. Many people who move there agree that the people and the scene is all bullshit. Its all about status and who youll fuck, otherwise youre treated like crap. Its also quite boring, unless you like to drink...alot. Theres nothing really going on in Phoenix, so people just get fucked up wether it be alcohol or drugs. Valley of the Spun is such a fitting name. Not to mention if you want to do anything for modeling, youll be hard pressed to find anything. Its just not a friendly city. If you go there, youll see what I mean, real quick.

    You should move to Chicago and come be with me!

  6. #6
    Eva Victoria's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    haha sounds just like SD, not missing much! Seriously though it sounds exactly like what i'm dealing with now. I'm so stressed! No jobs here unless your shit, have no morals, or a business man. Lol I fit none of those. There are a handful of decent nice, down to earth people in SD most are in La.. and fuck me upside down I will not find a nice job there. Except maybe bar sinister that's about it. The scene here blows big cocks.. there is nothing going on. When there is all the prissy wannabe's come out and well me and them don't exactly made a good cocktail. (reminds self of social D show :pouts lol I think i'm just lost. Yup! That's it! SD has the rich and the poor and no inbetween. It has some good times but they dissolve quickly.

    I would love too but I am a little intimidated by chicago. Let's runaway together!

  7. #7
    Eva Victoria's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    dude,cheaper? maybe. nicer? no way. Ok first of all people in arizona don't know how to drive. have you heard of a turn signal? well they haven't. it's also 120 degrees here, the job market sucks, everyone is pissed off about that fact, so they walk around and act like assholes. they built a prison in the middle of downtown. people leave here to go to california because it sucks. people don't come from california to here because it's better.
    hmm it may seem worse then Ca but last night a man was caught a block from my apt. which we live in the better half the city. He was caught for stalking woman, watching them as they slept, and cutting off there cloths while they were sleeping (no lie). Creeps! lol Drivers here are worse then I have ever anticipated. La is better to drive around than SD. I know I sound ridiculous for wanting to move there but i'm not sure this city is for me.. where oh where do I belong? heh maybe a fortune cookie will tell me!

  8. #8
    Pull~My~Hair's Avatar makes your life seem good
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    Quote Originally Posted by Eva Victoria
    hmm it may seem worse then Ca but last night a man was caught a block from my apt. which we live in the better half the city. He was caught for stalking woman, watching them as they slept, and cutting off there cloths while they were sleeping (no lie). Creeps! lol Drivers here are worse then I have ever anticipated. La is better to drive around than SD. I know I sound ridiculous for wanting to move there but i'm not sure this city is for me.. where oh where do I belong? heh maybe a fortune cookie will tell me!
    I live near portland oregon and some guys were arrested littereally under my window lastnight (we are upstairs in an apartment) I think crime is everywhere, unless you go to a little tiny town, but then drugs run rampant.

  9. #9
    Pull~My~Hair's Avatar makes your life seem good
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarkey
    humm ive been thinkin of movein there also,,,,but i hear water is like ok ,but most peeps drink bottled r filter theres ,mostly cuzz i hate THE FRIGGIN COLD any more ,so im more likely to go to Nevada IF i was to move ?

    one step closer to sin city too
    move to Death Valley and work on the resort, rent is free and its like an hour and a half away from vegas. You drive into Nevada to go shopping or anything..pluss there's brothels everywhere!

  10. #10
    mmmcherry's Avatar CHERRALICIOUS!!!
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    hah shit... almost sounds like everywhere sucks in its own way :S

  11. #11
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    wish I could offer more advice, but I don't even know myself. I think that every place is kind of the same. If you go somewhere where you have a lot of freinds and cool people, then it might make a nice place to live.

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Future Residence

    i tried living in SD a couple of years ago without a car... man did that suck big time. you've got amazing farmer's markets, and organic produce... but i was fucked trying to get around to enjoy them... fuck a bunch of california if the rest of it is even vaugely like SD. NYC's no joke to live in, but i can get around with no car, and jobs are plentiful... (not one's that will pay you enough to live here LOL... rent is beyond insane...)

    anyway i'm lookin' for a new place to live too... i hear north dakota's just about depoplulated... we should get a mob of freaks, and take over one of their ghost towns... buy up the land, turn it into an arts/ occult mecca LOL... "Welcome to Satantown USA"

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