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Thread: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

  1. #1
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    Default What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?
    What makes a person cool, or a tool?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    I think that really varies from one person to another, one situation to another, society, groupings, friends, workplace, fashion and, of course, a combination of all these. Some people are capable of being a winner even when they have lost by our normal understanding of the situation, others lose even though they come away with the winner's trophy or the main prize.

    Being cool or a tool depends more on societal pressures and standards than anything else; fashion and fitting in or having the latest gadget make a person cool whilst having yesterday's cellphone makes someone a tool for those who have today's.

    Perhaps it also comes down to luck as much as anything, certainly in business or - as the English constantly see - in football. In the UK a football team can play one excellent game after another, but either draw or lose at the end and the manager or coach, despite the excellent football, pays for this with his job.

  3. #3
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    in short:

    if your true to yourself and others. your cool.

    if you live your live by lies and aren't your self . your not cool,man

    that's my take on it, live the way you want to,don't let others effect who you are, how you act or most importantly, the way you think.

  4. #4
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    A winner accomplishes their goals and doesn't let the people around them down. It also helps if they can be an inspiration to the people they come in contact with as well. A loser fails to come through for themself as well as those that may depend on them.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    What about a person who believes in themself, is true to themselves, and keeps trying to succeed, is Loyal and acts with Honor, Nobility, and Integrity?

    Basically somebody who acts on principle.

  6. #6
    Thurbane316's Avatar Throbbing Member
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Self respect and respect for others. If you have both, you are a winner. If you have one but not the other, you are somewhere in between, like most of us. If you have neither, you are a loser.

    Oversimplified to the extreme, but it's my basic belief.

    [100 posts - does that make me a winner? ]

  7. #7
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    but what do you define as "respect"? is it simply acknowledging other's goals, and there plans to achieve them, or not, if that's how it ends up? or is it accepting of the means to which they would pursue those goals? and if so where do your draw the line between personal and exterior respect when one's said means is in conflict to your own achievement?

  8. #8
    Thurbane316's Avatar Throbbing Member
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    ...that's more complicated: give me time to mull it over, and I'll give you a more in-depth answer.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurbane316
    Self respect and respect for others. If you have both, you are a winner. If you have one but not the other, you are somewhere in between, like most of us. If you have neither, you are a loser.

    Oversimplified to the extreme, but it's my basic belief.

    [100 posts - does that make me a winner? ]
    Dont know. I never got My shirt lol.

  10. #10
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    Dont know. I never got My shirt lol.
    October isn't over yet.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    I thought that was for making 100 Posts? *Shrugs , then goes back to the topic*

    What exactly is a "tool" when referring to the insulting term for a person? I forgot what that meant and hadnt heard that for a while until today.

  12. #12
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    What about a person who believes in themself, is true to themselves, and keeps trying to succeed, is Loyal and acts with Honor, Nobility, and Integrity?

    Basically somebody who acts on principle.

    Intent alone does not make one a winner. Belief in oneself is a good trait to have, trying will help get you there, loyalty is noble, honor and integrity are great traits to have as well, but they are mostly still based on intent. You can be a good person and still not quite a winner. To be a winner, you must achieve. You must win as well as potentially lead. A follower can be true to themselves, believe in themselves, have loyalty, honor, integrity, principle, and even nobility. They may even try to succeed. But if they do not, well, then they are not the winner, no matter how good a person they are. That certainly doesn't mean they are a bad person to have around though.

  13. #13
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    I'd assume a tool would be something that can only be used by other people, and cannot be of any use to itself. as with inanimate utilitarian objects, and more metaphorically with people.

  14. #14
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    I thought that was for making 100 Posts? *Shrugs , then goes back to the topic*

    What exactly is a "tool" when referring to the insulting term for a person? I forgot what that meant and hadnt heard that for a while until today.
    Well, it would be 100 posts by when? There would have to be some sort of deadline, right? I thought Amelia said that the end of October was the deadline for this batch. I'll have to check with her though.

    A tool can mean a few things. Some people associate it with derogatory anatomical connotation, much like being called a pud or something. A more complex association has to do with being a susceptible follower, sort of an easy mark to be used, gullible and perhaps too eager to please.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?


    Isnt a pud similar to a grunt though? Hmm, Maybe I should make a thread for terms, nicknames, and insults.

    Private Message Me if you need the address again , since that was months ago that I sent it.

  16. #16
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    yeah what gives? didn't phallic symboles used to suggest power? I wouldn't mind being called a giant penis. ok. so maybe I would, but in many regards i'd still take it as a compliment.

  17. #17
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    yeah what gives? didn't phallic symboles used to suggest power? I wouldn't mind being called a giant penis. ok. so maybe I would, but in many regards i'd still take it as a compliment.
    I've heard people call certain guys 'a tool' when they were talking about someone fun to sleep with, but about as smart as a box of rocks. I think that fits the description above.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    I've always come across the term tool as a derogatory term for someone who is incapable of completing something. Tool is, of course, also used for penis on occasion.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by ForrestBlack
    Well, it would be 100 posts by when? There would have to be some sort of deadline, right? I thought Amelia said that the end of October was the deadline for this batch. I'll have to check with her though.
    What? There was a competition for a certain number of posts in a month? I guess I missed that post somehow, and I've been sooooo careful and thorough (399, by the way!)

  20. #20
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    it's in the fine print next to the part where you signed your soul over to forrest and amelia

  21. #21
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    No, it is a reward for all the cool folks that helped us out by contributing their thoughts and opinions here letely. Amelia knows the perametiers best, but I'm pretty sure you qualify Nightingale, so don't feel left out or whatever.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by ForrestBlack
    No, it is a reward for all the cool folks that helped us out by contributing their thoughts and opinions here letely. Amelia knows the perametiers best, but I'm pretty sure you qualify Nightingale, so don't feel left out or whatever.
    Oh, I never feel left out, I simply overlooked the t-shirt bit and, had it not been mentioned, I wouldn't have noticed anyway.

    I'm not really a t-shirt person, to be honest.

  23. #23
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    Quote Originally Posted by ForrestBlack
    A winner accomplishes their goals and doesn't let the people around them down. It also helps if they can be an inspiration to the people they come in contact with as well. A loser fails to come through for themself as well as those that may depend on them.
    True. It is interesting how you instinctively separated actions/achievements from intent and personal traits. A winner is not necessarily a great person all of the time.
    It's really about crossing the finish line of what you intended. For me, it is better to swagger and stumble to my goals than to be attributed with a set of personal traits
    by way of "intentions", loyalty, and so forth. These things are important when looking in the mirror and loving your friends and family. Only thru focus and intense self-observation will you even be able to use these in a tangible way.


  24. #24
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: What makes a person a Loser or a Winner?

    personally I have no respect for anyone's goals that are not the same as my own, only for the means to achcieving those goals, so long as it proves a worthy challenge to mine, and all the more greater than it is to overcome them. I wage life like a war. each individual battle of expereince can be a win or a loss, but it is only in succesion to the true goal, which is the ultimate victory. In fact, each win and loss is even more irrelevent in that I define a loss as given a chance to pursue new knowledge and expereince, and a win is pursuing that chance and expereince which leads to victory. so they are really one and the same. and if your goal is to try to succeed, then you can't fail. even better is if your goal is to fail, then you can only succeed.

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