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Thread: Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

  1. #1
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

    Over the years, it was often hard for me to accept a choice of death at one's own hand. In dealing with a myriad of issues, this is no longer the case. I am dealing specifically with the following situation currently:


    If anyone is interested, I would be curious how people interpret the quality of life v. death issues. This goes beyond my cousin and myself. I have reached a point of acceptance of his mortality: regardless of what the coming days bring. Neither of us are in need of sympathy or condolences. We had this conversation when it was necessary.

    How do you interpret a life that may no longer be one the individual would have chosen to live? What duties may you have in confronting such a situation?

    My second pondering concerns "critics". One of my friends played MPLS on friday. His band became well-known in the 90s for a theatrical style of presentation. His show was more acoustic/electric and consisteds of a 4 piece + violin. The reviews were primarily very positive. His performance evoked emotion in people who generally did not listen to his style of music. A marriage proposal was made on stage.

    Yet, one bad review reaked of personal attack. How on earth do people surrounding the artist just blow it off? The guy is trying to be "cool" with me yet makes sophomoric attacks on my friend's choice of performance. He referred to him as a "great musician and songwriter", yet said things too juvenile to even publish here.

    How would those of you in the business handle it? The actual substance was laughable to me. My response was catty. What say you?

    For that matter, how do you deal with critics directly? I don't deny they occasionally have valid points. It seems that, more often, some degree of bitterness is self-evident.

    I do criticize labels, venues etc that fuck with my people. Beyond that, I don't really care.

    On a personal note: This incident has taught me to only emphasize the performances/bands/artists I like. All jokes aside, some comments are just ain't just. Some of y'all know just what I mean.

    I may be off for obvious reasons given the situation in my family. I will read your input, however.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

    Hard topic... I had "issues" with death all my life until some circumstances blew away that fear. I'm not saying that I'm looking forward to die but I don't fear the death anymore. It's just unnecessary stress. Remember! Natural healing makes wonders. It's just right state of mind that's needed. No stress and optimistic input is what you cousin needs. I see that he already has a big support. That's good!
    As for critics, you'll always have "good" and "bad" critics. "Good" that really puts effort in criticizing in way to give advice for future improvement of the criticized and "bad" critics that really doesn't care about anyone except to be heard. Fuck those bad critics!

    Stay cool and positive!

  3. #3
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

    have you read Camus' the Myth of Sisyphus? it deals with that.

  4. #4
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    have you read Camus' the Myth of Sisyphus? it deals with that.
    That's one of my favorite books. I believe he is correct. The key philosophical question is existence itself. The thing being: I am dealing more with a very fundamental quality of life issue. The individual I mention lived his life in a manner that stressed dignity over longetivity or safety. He faces a very real perspective of having severely limited capacity should he survive. I know what he would want should the circumstances dictate it. What are our duties when we know how an individual would answer Camus' question in the negative .... yet cannot fulfill his own desire?


  5. #5
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Death and Critics - An Evolution of Thought

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    Hard topic... I had "issues" with death all my life until some circumstances blew away that fear. I'm not saying that I'm looking forward to die but I don't fear the death anymore. It's just unnecessary stress. Remember! Natural healing makes wonders. It's just right state of mind that's needed. No stress and optimistic input is what you cousin needs. I see that he already has a big support. That's good!
    As for critics, you'll always have "good" and "bad" critics. "Good" that really puts effort in criticizing in way to give advice for future improvement of the criticized and "bad" critics that really doesn't care about anyone except to be heard. Fuck those bad critics!

    Stay cool and positive!
    Thanks My own mortality is no issue at all for me. If I go tomorrow, I will die happy.

    I guess the odd thing about "critics": I verbally sparred with the guy (I know him) until he had to concede musicianship and lyrical quality. Still, it is a repetitive theme here. I think I need to create a new forum (or even venue if possible) The ninnies tend to dissuade some great people from organizing better events. The opinions don't matter per se, they sure can fuck up some good ideas though with their whining though.


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