Conversation Between MissCheviousTess and Atharaxia

  1. Atharaxia
    Me parece genial todo lo que me contaste!las culturas precolombinas de amiroca son super interesantes!
    Me encantaria conocer Europa, tan exotica.
    Te comento que aqui en Argentina hay muchas bandas Goth, pero ninguna de mi agrado,por lo menos las mas populares son demasiado soft para mi gusto...
    Amo el metal europeo, como los primeros discos de Theatro of tragedy, Katatonia,Tiamat....
  2. MissCheviousTess
    Dear Atharaxia,I'm from Europe ( I know here it shows Russia but it's beacuse I was born there.But I do not live in Russia right now.I live in Eastern Europe)
    So unlike people from USA I know that Argentina is in Latin America.
    To be honest, I happen to know quite a lot about the region since I'm very into archeology of Latin America, to be precise I'm into so called "pre Columbian Latin American cultures"-Inca,Aztecs, The Olmec etc. Not to mention that even a friend of mine is currently touring Latin America with his blues band so I'm getting latest news from Your are from my friend on daily basis now.
    If Your English is bad You can write me in Spanish.
    And I will write You back in English and over time You're English will improve.
    Wanna know a funny thing? One of the very popular tv shows in my country now is La Lola.
    Yes, I like it too.
    Btw, do You know any new good gothic bands from Argentina?
  3. Atharaxia
    You are really sweet! thats very beautifull, iM from Argentina, in Latinoamerica! and mi english is very very veryyyyy bad!!!!!hahahaa
  4. MissCheviousTess
    Yes. I'm new in here. Pleased to meet You.
    I've accepted You friend request. I hope we will make friends for real.
    Once more, pleasure to meet You.
    Given that I'm bisexual ( just don't get scared, doesn't mean that I chase after every woman just because she is a woman. In fact biological sex of a person matters to me less than a personality of this person ) I really like feminity and being around women so nice to see a first woman here among my friends.
    Btw, just out of curiosty, what made You to ask me to become Your friend?
    Are You by any chance Spanish or of Spanish origins? Judging by Your look and the way in which You use a question mark ;-)
    I'm learning Spanish
    In fact I'm starting my day from reading news on El Mundo
  5. Atharaxia
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