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Thread: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

  1. #81
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by ForrestBlack
    What are we willing to give up? Nothing.
    Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

    This country was not designed to have it's citizens coddled and pampered it's by it's over protective government. Metaphorically, we climb trees and skin our knees, but it makes us healthy and strong, at least that was the plan and I'd like to get back to it, rather than away from it. There is no reason to give up any right or liberty in the name of some boogy man threat. The stronger we adhere to our constitution, the better we are equipt to deal with any real threat..
    Forrest I really like the way you think, you are patriot. Much like me still believe constitution means something and should be driving force for this country.

    I think you have to be very very careful to separate crime from politics. Unity and associative connection should not be a crime in and of itself, breaking the law is a crime. Most people on the lower economic rungs of a society more or less have what could be characterized as 'known criminal links' of some form but far fewer actually commit crimes of any magnitude
    Well we back to square one, there isnt really better way than the local or federal handle it. They are walk that line thin, to keep every thing even. ( lately they are bending it)

  2. #82
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Rockwulf, what the fuck are jibber jabbering about now?

    With modern weapons the little GTA playing sociopaths we have nowadays would slaughter the nazis in about a week.

    Get the fuck off your internet tough guy high horse, didn't that band Good Charlotte make you cry in a bar once when they refused to autograph your moob?

  3. #83
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockwulf
    You've never heard of "white guilt"?

    Where you from?
    Atlanta... or just 50 miles south of Atlanta
    I know what it is, but choice to ignore it... What happen 200 years doesnt really matter to me... Do you think there is British guilt for they did to Irish or to Scots NO! .. Showing guilt for what happen 200 years, come on.. grow up and move on

    Rockwulf Forrest we would not have chance in hell !st of all we are not united 2nd the kids are soft...

  4. #84
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    Rockwulf, what the fuck are jibber jabbering about now?

    With modern weapons the little GTA playing sociopaths we have nowadays would slaughter the nazis in about a week.

    Get the fuck off your internet tough guy high horse, didn't that band Good Charlotte make you cry in a bar once when they refused to autograph your moob?

    Haha, fail. 99% of these little pissants wouldn't know how to work a gun unless it had 12 buttons and plugged into and could play guitar hero.

    Nice try, but go fish for drama somewhere else.

  5. #85
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    Atlanta... or just 50 miles south of Atlanta
    I know what it is, but choice to ignore it... What happen 200 years doesnt really matter to me... Do you think there is British guilt for they did to Irish or to Scots NO! .. Showing guilt for what happen 200 years, come on.. grow up and move on

    Rockwulf Forrest we would not have chance in hell !st of all we are not united 2nd the kids are soft...
    You're right. White Guilt is a specifically American invention.

  6. #86
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    OEC you have better command of the law the land than most. Blast was the wrong term the use. Correct me if was using the wrong term of law.

    If not a war what else military action or just an action
    Everything goes back OEC and Forrest what are we willing to give to be safe on home front and international?I am not willing to give up hebeas corpus, just to fell little safer. ill take chances and keep my freedoms.

    Forrest gangs was a little to vague, and you are right there are gangs that are on the side good. Organization that have known criminal links MS13, Aryan Brotherhood, Black Panthers ect. I would label along with the terrorist.
    I know what you meant by blasting. I'm not sure what you are proposing we do regarding those organizations.

  7. #87
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockwulf
    Haha, fail. 99% of these little pissants wouldn't know how to work a gun unless it had 12 buttons and plugged into and could play guitar hero.

    Nice try, but go fish for drama somewhere else.
    Haha pointing out fail is so fail. What were you raised on the fucking internet?

    Seriously dude, what the fuck happened to you, you used to be a reasonably normal mutant.

    You brag about kicking some 12 year old's ass at a smiley montana concert, and get all pissed because black guys get more pussy than you do these days.

    You sound like a bitter grumpy constipated old man who mutters under his breath about the 'damn punk kids' while picking up other people's dog shit from your front yard.

  8. #88
    Ajax Knucklebones's Avatar God fearing atheist
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Oh snap.

  9. #89
    motormenace's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    People that can't laugh at bad/tasteless humor are the reason that the i going to hell. Can you say Politically Correct?

    Oh, don't let your roommate watch The Boondocks then.......

  10. #90
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    Haha pointing out fail is so fail. What were you raised on the fucking internet?

    Seriously dude, what the fuck happened to you, you used to be a reasonably normal mutant.

    You brag about kicking some 12 year old's ass at a smiley montana concert, and get all pissed because black guys get more pussy than you do these days.

    You sound like a bitter grumpy constipated old man who mutters under his breath about the 'damn punk kids' while picking up other people's dog shit from your front yard.
    I thought I told you to go somewhere else for pointless drama. This fish ain't bitin'

  11. #91
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    Rockwulf, what the fuck are jibber jabbering about now?

    With modern weapons the little GTA playing sociopaths we have nowadays would slaughter the nazis in about a week.
    Have you even been in combat? no way in hell the GTA playing pussies would stand a chance... video game killing is nothing like real combat... i know i racked up more kills than a GTA game in Iraq... and I had to deal with the video game types in the army... tough with a controller in their hands... totally freaked with a real gun and people that can actually kill you... life is much harder without a "RESET" button...

  12. #92
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Here is a video short of real combat... it was an attack on the mahdi militia in southwest Sadr City...how do i know that? i was holding the camera. we (teams from 10th and 19th SFG and the Iraqi ISOF) had just spent about 2 hours in a protracted gunfight with a large number of mahdi militia and were leaving the area after capturing our targets for the night. people died and were injured. 5 Bronze Stars with V devices and 2 Silver Stars were awarded from actions on this mission. friends were lost, we took a beating, but nothing like we gave them. shortly after this Sadr called a cease fire for his militia, ordering them not to engage us when were were on raids. i have no idea how this footage got onto youtube because i didn't post it... i do however have the original footage (a lot longer than this) from 3 cameras that were on the mission that night...

    watch this... then go play a video game... not quite the same is it?



  13. #93
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by One Eyed Cat
    I know what you meant by blasting. I'm not sure what you are proposing we do regarding those organizations.
    OEC I was proposing para -militia organization private or government that would take swift action against said groups. Granted Forrest and yourself help me see many aspects I did not account for. Which made me take really good look, what I was trying to proposing. It was really close to the Gestapo. That was never my intent. I was just looking at from national overlook, not what it would really do to population.

  14. #94
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by motormenace
    People that can't laugh at bad/tasteless humor are the reason that the i going to hell. Can you say Politically Correct?

    Oh, don't let your roommate watch The Boondocks then.......
    PC does more damage that its worth.... Treat people as you would like to be treated you do not need the government telling you that. Shouldnt that be given?

  15. #95
    episode allah's Avatar iconoclast
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny.illuminati

    watch this... then go play a video game... not quite the same is it?
    I prefer being one of the people thats managed to complete all three original Ninja Gaidens for the NES than being an Iraq Veteran. I know you were just making an analogy but 'racked up' is a pretty grotesque way to describe killing human beings. Whatever. I would like to hear more about your experiences though.

  16. #96
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by episode allah
    I prefer being one of the people thats managed to complete all three original Ninja Gaidens for the NES than being an Iraq Veteran.

  17. #97
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bacchus88
    OEC I was proposing para -militia organization private or government that would take swift action against said groups. Granted Forrest and yourself help me see many aspects I did not account for. Which made me take really good look, what I was trying to proposing. It was really close to the Gestapo. That was never my intent. I was just looking at from national overlook, not what it would really do to population.
    Personally? I would decriminalize a lot of drugs/narcotics. It wouldn't put an end to the gangs. It would decrease their numbers significantly, however.


  18. #98
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockwulf
    I thought I told you to go somewhere else for pointless drama. This fish ain't bitin'
    And I thought I told you to blow it out your fat ass.

    Seriously I'm only picking on you because I like you. I figured you had the man parts to take it.

    Oh wait here let me add an emoticon

    There. All better?

    When you were absent from this site for a while I'd think to myself "Where the hell's Rockwulf? That dude was always good for some comedy."

    Since you've returned your tone seems pretty uniformly bitter, and grumpy. Which is fine if that's what you want.

    "Don't start drama" WTF? In a thread you full well expected to offend some folks? Combined with the "Can't you take a joke", and "People who get offended, offend me" stances, seems slightly silly. The "white liberal guilt" crack just smacks of laziness (and I'm as lazy as anyone.)

    Rockwulf I shrug my shoulders at you.

    After all "I'm just joking".

  19. #99
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny.illuminati
    Have you even been in combat? no way in hell the GTA playing pussies would stand a chance... video game killing is nothing like real combat... i know i racked up more kills than a GTA game in Iraq... and I had to deal with the video game types in the army... tough with a controller in their hands... totally freaked with a real gun and people that can actually kill you... life is much harder without a "RESET" button...
    The context was a hyperbolic rant, I was in no way being "serious".

    And in fact I have not been in combat. I lived in places where ducking random gunfire could be on the agenda, finding dead bodies, and blood stains wasn't out the question either.

    Plenty of fist fights. Which I am no longer interested in. Satisfied any and all curiousity I've had about that thank you.

    So yes I agree, from what I understand of the world video games are nothing like real combat. Point taken. (I've always been terrible at them anyway, I enjoyed the original doom, and that's just about it.)

  20. #100
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    The context was a hyperbolic rant, I was in no way being "serious".

    And in fact I have not been in combat. I lived in places where ducking random gunfire could be on the agenda, finding dead bodies, and blood stains wasn't out the question either.

    Plenty of fist fights. Which I am no longer interested in. Satisfied any and all curiousity I've had about that thank you.

    So yes I agree, from what I understand of the world video games are nothing like real combat. Point taken. (I've always been terrible at them anyway, I enjoyed the original doom, and that's just about it.)
    I wasn't directing that at you Buster, it was more of a general statement... not meant to be offensive, just to generate further conversation on the subject and such... i find random gang violence to be much more unnerving than combat....

    i do not judge those around me for the choices i have made in my life (i.e. my 20 years in the service). everyone has a different calling... i might occasionally get on my soapbox/high horse... when i do just find a taller box or a higher horse and we can continue along in the forum... i enjoy all the different points of view...

  21. #101
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    I wasn't offended. Just making a response.

  22. #102
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    And I thought I told you to blow it out your fat ass.

    Seriously I'm only picking on you because I like you. I figured you had the man parts to take it.

    Oh wait here let me add an emoticon

    There. All better?

    When you were absent from this site for a while I'd think to myself "Where the hell's Rockwulf? That dude was always good for some comedy."

    Since you've returned your tone seems pretty uniformly bitter, and grumpy. Which is fine if that's what you want.

    "Don't start drama" WTF? In a thread you full well expected to offend some folks? Combined with the "Can't you take a joke", and "People who get offended, offend me" stances, seems slightly silly. The "white liberal guilt" crack just smacks of laziness (and I'm as lazy as anyone.)

    Rockwulf I shrug my shoulders at you.

    After all "I'm just joking".
    I'm kinda in a shitty spot right now so I've been doing a lot of bitter and grumpy lately. However I do believe the white liberal guilt thing.

  23. #103
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    I didn't say you didn't believe it, it just didn't hold up to the old Rockwulf standard I'd come to expect. (Not that you should give a shit about that or anything either.)

    Sorry you're going through a rough time dude. Apparently I was born bitter, but I've been there.

    C'mon, I'm the guy who periodically extorts folks on the board to "Kill Whitey", because I think it's fuckin' funny, so I don't really expect anyone to take what I write here seriously.

    Anyway, hope things turn around for you. I'm the nicest misanthrope anyone could ever meet, although I hate people with a passion I genuinely, and generally wish almost everyone well in life, if only because I've learned that it makes my life easier when I'm surrounded by well adjusted happy people who are doing well.

    ...and now won't eveyone join me in singing a round of Kumbiya?

  24. #104
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    A rising tide lifts all boats. This thread broke 100. What were we gettin pissy about again? Humanity never had it to begin with (to paraphrase Bukowski)


  25. #105
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    OEC is it just me or doesnt matter what topic is we have round about way of losing it. Or we kinda stand on topic in related way, not really which I think is fine.

    Rockwulf stop with White guilty thing... no more! Be grumpy as a proud white not guilty one...

  26. #106
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly
    I didn't say you didn't believe it, it just didn't hold up to the old Rockwulf standard I'd come to expect. (Not that you should give a shit about that or anything either.)

    Sorry you're going through a rough time dude. Apparently I was born bitter, but I've been there.

    C'mon, I'm the guy who periodically extorts folks on the board to "Kill Whitey", because I think it's fuckin' funny, so I don't really expect anyone to take what I write here seriously.

    Anyway, hope things turn around for you. I'm the nicest misanthrope anyone could ever meet, although I hate people with a passion I genuinely, and generally wish almost everyone well in life, if only because I've learned that it makes my life easier when I'm surrounded by well adjusted happy people who are doing well.

    ...and now won't eveyone join me in singing a round of Kumbiya?
    Heh, thanks dude.

    On another note, I just worked all the way through a fucking Radiohead concert and there's nothing I hate more than white people right now...

    Ya know the difference between Thom Yorke singing and a retard with a stab wound wailing in pain is? The presence of a mic.

  27. #107
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    school should include shooting classes and ciriculums should be centered around 'gun' stuff (it's totaly possible)..........I bet that education would vastly improve

  28. #108

    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockwulf
    Ya know the difference between Thom Yorke singing and a retard with a stab wound wailing in pain is? The presence of a mic.
    I don't know who thom thingy is, but I imagine that a retard with a stab wound wailing in pain would in fact be fairly entertaining.

  29. #109
    jonny.illuminati's Avatar hasn't slept for days
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raza
    I don't know who thom thingy is, but I imagine that a retard with a stab wound wailing in pain would in fact be fairly entertaining.
    not if he's in the movie "Tropic Thunder"

    ... i'm just sayin'

  30. #110
    Rockwulf's Avatar Negatory
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    Default Re: Fuckin' scumbags can't shoot for shit!

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