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Thread: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

  1. #41
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    Quote Originally Posted by helcyon
    Well I don't dislike him. If anything I'm predjudiced or scarred .

    Confession: I was briefly dating a really nice woman who is heavily involved doing promotions for Anthony Robbins, Deepak as well as others plus is, I think, a director in a "wealth empowerment" type outfit that was going to float on the stock exchange (may've done so - lost track). It was weird - we were from unimaginably different worlds. She buying sports cars, me not in scope. She hosting testimonial videos for Anthony R (was cool to show off to my mates by pointing her out on the web), me not ever likely to go anywhere near "The Power Within" or woteva.

    Anyway believe it or not I'm a bit of a provocateur. For instance one day she said "I'm thinking of buying commercial investment property" and I couldn't resist replying "What is commercial investment property?". = stunned look. Yeah I'm rough trade. So another time I said to her, for no reason, "Deepak Chopra is a prick.". = stunned look. Ignorant humour has a reverse charm or so I thought. I'm rarely serious and people who know me get to know that. Even a current schmooz who is rather hard-core left wing is getting the idea and doesn't get her militant hackles up too much at my enormously provocative mouth any more.

    well I don't actually but I didn't mean to imply dislike for Deep C - who I know nothing about - I don't really know what I meant (clearly) but it probably stems from a jealousy, a scarring past event or more likely poor nutrition and bad upbringing. And I'm a PC

    Driving people you might date into an inchoate frenzy is a good reason for almost any bad behavior.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    Okay, so to actually respond to the thread topic-

    I was gifted with an apple iBook years ago. it had a neato wifi card, and all sorts of doohickies I didn't need.

    It's still running mostly fine.

    It was given to me specifically because I do not have the patience to deal with rebooting windowsmicrosoftwhatthefuckever, and debug shit constantly.

    I would never have spent the money on an apple though, not when a comparable PC was a fraction of the cost.

    Over the years I was pretty happy with it. There was only one small turd in the flan.

    Fucking iTunes.

    Makes all other mp3 programs useless on that computer. Makes any mp3 player that is not an iPod useless.

    And when I finally broke down, and bought an iPod, it made using the thing such a fucking pain in my rectum that I swore I'd never buy another fucking apple product ever again. especially not since they're so fucking over priced, and now have the same fucking hardware that PC's use.

    I can get a cheap ass mp3 player that doesn't work right for $19, why would I pay $50 for an apple iPod that won't even work on with my apple?

    So I'll run that iBook into the dirt. When it goes away I will get something else, much cheaper. I will not be installing microraep anything on it though. I'll go with ubuntu, or something else.

    The only exception I'm willing to make for this is if I need to use software for one or the other apple, or microanus for some project, or bit of hardware. There's a program I want to use that only runs on windows XP, and they refuse to update it, so there's that... but other wise fuck both Jobs, and Gates.

    So, fuck'em. A plague on both their houses.

  3. #43
    episode allah's Avatar iconoclast
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    you can run windows on a mac btw.

  4. #44
    HeadlessBill's Avatar Innocent Bystander
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    Quote Originally Posted by episode allah
    you can run windows on a mac btw.
    You can run Ubuntu, too.

  5. #45
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    I'm a pc and until now I always thought deepak chappra was one of those channeled entities

  6. #46
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    episode_allah, Headless Bill- Yes, I know you can run those programs on a mac. I may do that soon, since dredging this up has reinforced my animosity towards apple over their iTunes scam.

    I'm a total luddite though. I dislike them both.

  7. #47
    Bacchus88's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    XP pro preson myself... like how PC is was at them refreshing to see that....

    But Xp against mac,lol

  8. #48

    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    I grew up using PCs. I still don't know where anything is on a Mac. My Mac-user friends have forbidden me to touch their laptops. Smug, arrogant Mac users, always irritate me, too.

    I tired Vista once but I wasn't really a big fan. I keep hearing stories of programs not working or other random things going wrong with a computer after people have installed Vista, so I think I'm going to stay with XP for a while.

  9. #49
    helcyon's Avatar i am no one
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Friendly

    I was gifted ...all sorts of ...hickies I didn't need.

    ...I ...fuck ...and ...shit constantly

    ...I was pretty happy with ...fucking ...in my ...cheap ass

    ...I will get ...much cheaper.

    ...I'm willing ...to ...fuck both Jobs, and Gates.
    Aw sorry Buster Can't really justify this misquoting other than to say it was done on a mac running XP and it worked fine

  10. #50
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: New MicroSoft Ad Campaign Bitch Slaps Apple

    Quote Originally Posted by ForrestBlack
    I do find a lot more people who claim to be very down on Vista than I seem to find people who have actually used Vista, which kind of raises a bit of a red flag to me. I'm not saying your experience is invalid or whatever, but the I don't like Vista seems to have reached meme level social distribution and that makes me very suspicious of it's technical authenticity.
    Couldn't agree more!

    on a good PC Vista is a brilliant operating system.

    It's also about time someone bitch slapped apple for that damn annoying "im a mac" rubbish.

    and before any iHumans start I run windows, linux and mac... and my mac is the least reliable and Vista far better than the other 2 options

    *ducks from the iPie fight*

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