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Thread: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

  1. #41

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    You're human after all Raza. Phew.

  2. #42

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?


  3. #43

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Don't flatter your self.

  4. #44
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiqadee
    I can read my cats pretty good. Sharp claws to the ankles make you start to pay close attention to thier moods and expresions. My dogs are MUCH easier to read!
    My cat was declawed. Ive fostered tons of declawed cats. I guess if done right, its not as crippling as the media leads one to believe.

  5. #45

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raza
    If it's a comfort, I hadn't even got to the 'submission rings' part of the article before deciding to lend some counterweight to what seemed like an overly one-sided reception.

    I usually just kinda bluff my way through these discussions, adapting my stance as facts turn up and relying on fancy talking abilities to not look like a fool. I'd be satisfied turning out wrong if I'd argued an inpopular position to the best of my ability.
    /bookmarked for next time you want to debate so I can bring this up .haha

  6. #46
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Im gonna remember that too...hahahaha!

  7. #47
    Chiqadee's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    (Id bathe your dog. If I was still grooming. Ive had people video tape me grooming their pet that had issues. Patience and an understanding of the animal is all thats needed.)

    I rescued my dog from the swamps of Mississippi. Which was mostly water, so I don't get it. Maybe bad memories. But he shakes and cries if he has to go out in the rain, snow or being bathed. The minute a groomer sees him shake they tell me 'No'.

  8. #48
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    all i know is the kitten didn't give permission. piercings hurt. generally, cats don't like to be hurt unless they're fighting. (well, i'm sure they still don't like it much....)
    it's not about what's acceptable to do to a willing human. it's about what's not acceptable to do to a non-willing animal.
    and selling the poor thing is so awful.... i hate people.
    cats > humans. my point is proven.

  9. #49

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Asking 400$ is outrageous.
    Chiqadee, maybe your dog is just spoiled.

    Where's everybody now? I guess they went to watch cartoons

  10. #50

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Looking for body jewelry. My septum needs new gear.

  11. #51
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    piercing a cats ears............that's fucked up..........anyone whos actually observed a cat knows that stuff like that seriously hampers a bunch of natural abilities, I can understand some stuff( neutering, declawing) but turning a pet into a pathetic sack of shit......................oh well, people are easier to manipulate once youve had a look at thier pets......

  12. #52
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiqadee
    (Id bathe your dog. If I was still grooming. Ive had people video tape me grooming their pet that had issues. Patience and an understanding of the animal is all thats needed.)

    I rescued my dog from the swamps of Mississippi. Which was mostly water, so I don't get it. Maybe bad memories. But he shakes and cries if he has to go out in the rain, snow or being bathed. The minute a groomer sees him shake they tell me 'No'.
    Its unfortunate that the groomers in your area do not invite you to stay. I can understand a little bit, because a lot of owners freak out and claim animal abuse if their dog freaks out for any reason;[ With my clients, I explained that yes, they know their animals, and yes they can have this and this reaction, but take it slow and youll see a world of difference. Even if it takes 3 or 4 sessions to get to the point the animal is comfy. Of course no charge until we got the animal where it was supposed to be;] Any good groomer could take on any animal and tell when the breaking point is for the animal, minus the freaking out. Poor puppy!

  13. #53
    Jax's Avatar Stay Down
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by OliX
    Asking 400$ is outrageous.
    Chiqadee, maybe your dog is just spoiled.

    Where's everybody now? I guess they went to watch cartoons
    I wouldnt quite call the animal spoiled. While Ive run into many spoiled animals...this sounds like a true fear that needs to be worked through with patience and care. One wrong mistake and that dog could never get over its trauma;[

  14. #54

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    I know. I was just being foolish.

  15. #55
    VoltaireBlue's Avatar just is
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    the person that did that to those kittens should go to jail.

  16. #56
    Vexbeast's Avatar Eat me, I'm nutritious.
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by soma_stardust
    all i know is the kitten didn't give permission. piercings hurt. generally, cats don't like to be hurt unless they're fighting. (well, i'm sure they still don't like it much....)
    it's not about what's acceptable to do to a willing human. it's about what's not acceptable to do to a non-willing animal.
    and selling the poor thing is so awful.... i hate people.
    cats > humans. my point is proven.
    Yeah that.^


    Also, agreed. Cats > humans.

  17. #57
    SyntheticShock's Avatar ...
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Wow, what the fuck is wrong with some people, this really pisses me off as I'm an animal lover, oh and have common fucking sense. Just because you are the owner of an animal doesn't mean you can do whatever you please with them and put them in harms way for your amusment. Animals are meant to be companions, not toys! Grr!

  18. #58
    Dusk's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Did anyone think what would happen if one of these peircings got caught onsomething and ripped out if the cat got in to a fight or was just exploring?

  19. #59

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    I imagine it'd take a fair amount of pull at a very unlucky angle to rip it out, but in such an event I imagine you'd have a cat with a ripped ear. Much akin to the ones you occasionally get when cats without piercings get into fights.

    I mean, it may not be a nice thing, but I don't think the answer to your question quite warrants the indignation you invested into asking it.

  20. #60
    Dusk's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    I think that the chances of these peircings would get ripped out is much higher in an animal, as well as the chance of infection.
    Besides how would you feel if someone grabbe you and gave you a few more peircings against your will?

  21. #61

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Possibly. Many animals that naturally live rougher lifestyles than humans make up with it in the speed with which they heal small wounds and the quality of antibacterial functions, though, so it might easily be the other way around - especially if the owner/piercer applied aftercare as well.

    Besides how would you feel if someone grabbe you and gave you a few more peircings against your will?
    It's a somewhat absurd tangent, but if my personality were somehow transplanted onto a cat and I found myself unable to alter my own appearance in any noteworthy fashion, I think I'd rather be a cat with a bunch of piercings picked for me by someone else.

  22. #62
    Dusk's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raza
    Possibly. Many animals that naturally live rougher lifestyles than humans make up with it in the speed with which they heal small wounds and the quality of antibacterial functions, though, so it might easily be the other way around - especially if the owner/piercer applied aftercare as well.
    Good point, but this was done with out permission, by a person who didnt know what they where doing, just so they could make money by selling a living creature over ebay.

  23. #63

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Asking animals for their consent in matters they don't understand but nonetheless concern them isn't today's pet keeping standard, though. I'm not saying I approve, but it is everywhere, and setting a double standard merely because other practises are normal would be quite distasteful. The same goes for selling them; I think 'property' is ridiculous enough when applied something like a piece of land or an idea, let alone another living creature, but I don't think 'ebay' makes it worse than it is in a pet store.

    My point isn't that this wasn't a bit cruel. My point is that it's just a new, not particularly extreme application of speciesist standards that are ingrained in our society everywhere, and that it's such an easy target for moral condemnation only because it's unusual enough for us to feel unsympathetic to degrees that would be socially unsustainable towards more common phenomena. .

  24. #64
    Dusk's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    I just think that if its done properly it would be alright, but to make money is wrong, also look at the size of the jewlry in that cats ear. It should at least be done with a smaller size, but I dont think they make ear rings for cats.
    I also dont like things like de clawing, docking tails, removing voice boxes, etc.

  25. #65
    Chiqadee's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Yes, my dogs and cats are all spoiled. (My family even spoils them, especially by thier MeeMa) But his fear is VERY real. My other dog loves water. I have 2 dogs (Max and Miss lady) and 2 cats (Angelus and Vinnie 'Two-Paws' Polite). My boyfriend will not allow me to keep any more animals I rescue. I am such a sucker for animals.
    The vet and I have worked out a system. I only bathe Max once a month now instead of once a week and he gets 'special' treats for being good. It takes little steps.

  26. #66
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dusk
    I think that the chances of these peircings would get ripped out is much higher in an animal, as well as the chance of infection.
    Besides how would you feel if someone grabbe you and gave you a few more peircings against your will?
    It's not like we don't regularly surgically alter animals to our liking, anyway.

    We dock the tails and ears of certain species.
    Some dogs have their vocal cords removed so as to not disturb people by barking.
    We cut the balls off most male animals, and perform hysterectomies on the girls.

    Then we declaw cats.....

    Frankly, compared to this,a small piercing hole through the earlobe's nothin'.

    Though I think she's a sick fuck and deserves everything she gets/

  27. #67
    Ajax Knucklebones's Avatar God fearing atheist
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    So what you're saying is I should feel really bad for piercing my dog's labia?

  28. #68
    Bikerpunk's Avatar Ill-intentioned bad apple
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ajax Knucklebones
    So what you're saying is I should feel really bad for piercing my dog's labia?
    Only if doing so gave you an erection.

  29. #69

    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raza
    If she was a skilled pierced and did it with human safety standards, I don't see what the big deal is, to be honest. It's nothing we don't do to ourselves and a fucklot less than some perfectly legal medical or owner-conveniencing procedures for animals.

    Besides, cats have a lot of insensitive loose neck skin. I don't know the anatomy of the tail well enough to judge, but the two points I do understand are nothing to condemn her on.

    Methinks this mostly outrages people because it's unusual and associated with what's a stigmatised social phenominon among humans. It doesn't even begin to approximate something like declawing.
    I don't think it has anything to do with social stigma, it's just fucked up to put an animal though pain for your own amusement.

  30. #70
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dusk
    I think that the chances of these peircings would get ripped out is much higher in an animal, as well as the chance of infection.
    Besides how would you feel if someone grabbe you and gave you a few more peircings against your will?
    that's a very good point. there's a reason for those break-away collars.

  31. #71
    soma_stardust's Avatar ~soul-eating model~
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    Default Re: gothic kittens? wtf should be done with this woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerpunk
    It's not like we don't regularly surgically alter animals to our liking, anyway.

    We dock the tails and ears of certain species.
    Some dogs have their vocal cords removed so as to not disturb people by barking.
    We cut the balls off most male animals, and perform hysterectomies on the girls.

    Then we declaw cats.....

    Frankly, compared to this,a small piercing hole through the earlobe's nothin'.

    Though I think she's a sick fuck and deserves everything she gets/
    i think a lot of times aren't tails and ears docked for the safety of the animal?
    i personally minimise what i do to my cats - spay/neutering makes it so there are less stray animals roaming about. and i would never declaw my cats.

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