My girlfriend, amy, who i met on m-space earlier this year...........
we got into a fight while back and weren't talkign to each other because of something stupid and finally started to talk again this weekend. shes been sick for a while, started out as a headache that wouldnt go away and then she went to the hospital back in february and found out she had a lump in her breast which turned out to be cancer.
this woman is the first woman i have ever met who has treated me as I see myself as being and have hidden from everyone for so long. she thinks im beautiful which i don't see how she could think that at all because she is so much more beautiful than me,
her cancer's gotten worse. the doctors say she's got one to two years before it kills her. shes already had both her breasts removed and i can remember those phone calls and crying along with her listening to them wishing i was there to hold her hand, to let he rknow i thought she was beautiful no matter what.
she's scared. real scared. as am i because I don't want to los eher and i don't want her to suffer thorugh this. i wish her cancer would just go awya. i wish she didnt have to go through chemo or worry about not seeing me so I am going to be researching into getting her out here. there's a new cancer center outside of phoenix and she says she can relocate to out here because of her inheritancce which is great.
I just figured since i've known all of you guys for so long and have been on and off on this site forever so it seems that i'd share this news with you too.
It's no surprise i don't go out much and socialise-im kind of scared of being around people in person i don't know especially large crowds so i do consider alot of you friends even if just online friends it still counts in my opinion and i just thought you guys should know what's going on if i'm not on as much a si normally am to annoy the crap out of you guys okay?
sorry for the long entry. I'm kind of a mess right now and i feel very angry at myself for getting in that fight with her. I hope she's going to be okay and i can't wait until she is out here so i can hold her close and not let go.