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Thread: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

  1. #1
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    San Fransisco

    Default You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    As creative people I know a lot of us get involved with various projects, some of which stick with us for long periods. I do have to admit that sometimes I just want to burn some of my projects down and totally start fresh but for whatever reason I really probably shouldn't. A lot of times there are legacy systems and old requirements that hang around one's neck like some sort of albatross and making progress just seems like such a slog though.

    Does this make any sense? Does it ever happen to you?

  2. #2
    malcolm's Avatar the bored one.
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    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    I did that with my comics. started out doing one called monkey litter and was working towards publishing it but shit just hit the fan with it cus it was about stories me and my buddys had and my ex was in alot of it too.

  3. #3
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    oh, I've done it lot's.................I'd do it to everything I've made, except a few things I've made are just too difficult to destroy(as in physical effort required), and some thing's were saved by other people, so they're not my problem anymore.

    some stuff I actually make to survive my purgings.

  4. #4
    Nos's Avatar Senior Member
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    The most haunted city in the midwest.

    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    Quote Originally Posted by F
    A lot of times there are legacy systems and old requirements that hang around one's neck like some sort of albatross and making progress just seems like such a slog though.

    Does this make any sense? Does it ever happen to you?
    I think I feel this way every day! after I've put in so much time, sometimes even years, into a project, I feel I must finish it no matter how bad I wanna bury it the backyard. Otherwise all that time and energy was for nothing. (in my mind anyways.)

    I can't let stuff go.

  5. #5

    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    I 'unno. Not really. I'm too flaky for that; if I get stuck or frustrated somewhere, or even just if I get distracted by a new idea, I'll just put something down indefinitely and get to something else.

    In fact, I'm not sure I've finished a thing in my life. Though most of it already looks nice halfway through, so I'm disinclined to burn it down on that account.

  6. #6
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    Definitely. I refer to it as purging. Can be any project really. It is generally better to keep open the possibility of going back to it though.


  7. #7

    Default Re: You ever have a project you want to burn to the ground and start over?

    Well it's not really a creative project but I'm so sick of my research right now I wish I could just quit/set fire to the lab. Creative projects I usually just give up on if I don't like how they're turning out or if it's not enjoyable anymore.

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