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Thread: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

  1. #41
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    Finally being in a state where medical marijuhana is legal, in a city where the cops don't give a fuck (proof being I've seen blunts passed at bus stops with a cop sitting right there) Hell, I'm higher right now on LEGAL prescription drugs than I've almost ever been on weed.. and I've smoked pot for a good many decades as well as lived in Amsterdam for a year (after getting out of rehab for *serious* chemical dependancy - $180k a year cocaine habit)

    I would more like to see the approach that the Dutch government has taken with the decriminalization not the legalization of 'soft' drugs... while it is legal to purchase weed in coffee shops you are only allowed so many grams per day which you can smoke there or at home, buying weed or smoking it in the streets is not recommened nor legal (not that you will actually go to jail, but it is possible)

    Narcotics should never be legal... but this is a PERSONAL standpoint... for the reason being the total destruction they can cause physically, mentally and so on... in very small amounts. I have never known someone to smoke pot and go on a killing spree... or kill a dealer for more weed... nor owe a dealer hundreds of thousands of dollars for a pot. And I've NEVER known anyone ADDICTED to weed, potheads yes, but not addicts.

    Weed should be allowed to be openly sold in shops, where it is taxed and maintained to a standard of quality... those tax dollars should go 100% to the education and rehabilation to those who need the help with addiction... with all 'drugs'... cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine and whatever.

    While I was living in Detroit, simply smoking weed is 90 days in jail and/or $100 fine... having a single joint or any amount is ONE YEAR in prison and/or $2000 fine... and it's no wonder why the jails and prisons there are full of non-violent and first time offenders. Here they passed the I75 law that decriminalizes up to 40 grams for personal use... cops have orders to make weed busts their lowest priority and in a year they have decreased the number of inmates for possession by 300%. With the excellent quality of BC bud that comes across the border, there really is no need for someone to have more than 40 grams, unless for criminal intent and that is what the cops are looking for.

    If you are really interested in making changes in the laws, join NORML, it's a start and you have to start somewhere. Once the attitude is changed about weed... then its possible to make other changes to laws about other drugs.

    Here's some reading material for you as well. Be informed and make informed choices.

    Enough opiate induced ranting from me.

  2. #42
    Pzychotic's Avatar Dark Entity
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    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    Finally being in a state where medical marijuhana is legal, in a city where the cops don't give a fuck (proof being I've seen blunts passed at bus stops with a cop sitting right there) Hell, I'm higher right now on LEGAL prescription drugs than I've almost ever been on weed.. and I've smoked pot for a good many decades as well as lived in Amsterdam for a year (after getting out of rehab for *serious* chemical dependancy - $180k a year cocaine habit)

    I would more like to see the approach that the Dutch government has taken with the decriminalization not the legalization of 'soft' drugs... while it is legal to purchase weed in coffee shops you are only allowed so many grams per day which you can smoke there or at home, buying weed or smoking it in the streets is not recommened nor legal (not that you will actually go to jail, but it is possible)

    Narcotics should never be legal... but this is a PERSONAL standpoint... for the reason being the total destruction they can cause physically, mentally and so on... in very small amounts. I have never known someone to smoke pot and go on a killing spree... or kill a dealer for more weed... nor owe a dealer hundreds of thousands of dollars for a pot. And I've NEVER known anyone ADDICTED to weed, potheads yes, but not addicts.

    Weed should be allowed to be openly sold in shops, where it is taxed and maintained to a standard of quality... those tax dollars should go 100% to the education and rehabilation to those who need the help with addiction... with all 'drugs'... cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine and whatever.

    While I was living in Detroit, simply smoking weed is 90 days in jail and/or $100 fine... having a single joint or any amount is ONE YEAR in prison and/or $2000 fine... and it's no wonder why the jails and prisons there are full of non-violent and first time offenders. Here they passed the I75 law that decriminalizes up to 40 grams for personal use... cops have orders to make weed busts their lowest priority and in a year they have decreased the number of inmates for possession by 300%. With the excellent quality of BC bud that comes across the border, there really is no need for someone to have more than 40 grams, unless for criminal intent and that is what the cops are looking for.

    If you are really interested in making changes in the laws, join NORML, it's a start and you have to start somewhere. Once the attitude is changed about weed... then its possible to make other changes to laws about other drugs.

    Here's some reading material for you as well. Be informed and make informed choices.

    Enough opiate induced ranting from me.
    BRAVO... Although I have been clean for quite a few years now, I feel that what you have said is right on the money... As far as NORMAL is concerned I have been a member for about 10 years now and am a paid lifer, even though I am no longer active in it I still support their beliefs...

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    I do not partake of drugs, but I fully support the right of individuals to choose what they wish to consume. I think Kellie made some excellent points about implementation.

  4. #44
    skully's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    histironica: i am not sure of the full technical aspects of it but they are right it involves drinking so much water that you delute the sodium levels in your body (sodium controls your heart rate as well as other stuff) and thins out your blood to the point where you are getting less oxygen to your brain thus getting high. but it is considered very very dangerous to get to that point...many endurance athletes and millitary people have died do to overhydration(mostly b/c they drank to much water without anything to replenish the salt) there is more to the technical side (something havign to do with salt increasing the electrical connections that fire signals between cellsbut i am not sure on that)

  5. #45
    purplepixie's Avatar Senior Member
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    same place as above

    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    I dont take drugs there is far too much mental history in my family to make a habit of it however I think that weed is legal here now or in the process of being legalized (or thats what was being said at christmas i never heard the verdict) but only for home use. But I know that the police dont care about it as my brother was caught suppling and useing infront of a cctv camera and he didnt even get a warning!!!! besides which in one part of my town we have a drug shop and a cannabis cafe (that says no drugs no alcohol on the door but thats what I found out it was) on the same street

  6. #46
    Histrionica's Avatar Hardhearted Hellion
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    Default Re: Do you think Drug Use should be Legalized?

    Quote Originally Posted by skully
    histironica: i am not sure of the full technical aspects of it but they are right it involves drinking so much water that you delute the sodium levels in your body (sodium controls your heart rate as well as other stuff) and thins out your blood to the point where you are getting less oxygen to your brain thus getting high. but it is considered very very dangerous to get to that point...many endurance athletes and millitary people have died do to overhydration(mostly b/c they drank to much water without anything to replenish the salt) there is more to the technical side (something havign to do with salt increasing the electrical connections that fire signals between cellsbut i am not sure on that)
    Thank you skully! I was most curious about that. Your information may help me find out a bit more.


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