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Thread: Goth?

  1. #41
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasperino

    i couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Originally From Wisconsin

    Default Re: Goth?

    -Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your local church for proper programs that your child may watch)


    Good To Know

  3. #43
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goth?

    Since it came back up and I'm hurrying to wait this noche. With my due respect to the Orthodox Church, I offer the following

    Quote Originally Posted by Kidthorazine
    i found this on another forum i know this is a joke but apparently quite a few people took it seriously and it sparked quite an interestig converstion enjoy:

    Gothic (or goth) is a very obscure and often dangerous culture that young teenagers are prone to participating in. The gothic culture leads young, susceptible minds into an imagined world of evil, darkness, and violence. Please seek immediate attention through counselling, prayer, and parental guidance to rid your child of Satan's temptations if five or more of the following are applicable to your child:

    -Frequently wears black clothing. Why, yes

    -Wears band and/or rock t-shirts. Why, yes

    -Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick, or nailpolish. I know how to apply all 3, I suppose that make it worse.

    -Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other Satanic worshipping symbols. Every symbol I wear has an intrinsic meaning, I suppose that is worse.

    -Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos. Why, yes

    -Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY. Why, yes

    -Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically. Why, yes

    -Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports. I actually enjoy divine liturgy. I suppose my wholesome activities, being actually somewhat charitable, would not fit their weekly abasement.

    -Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan. I don't necessarily see the connection to satan, which probably makes it worse.

    -Takes drugs. I'm sure caffeine is a gateway drug.

    -Drinks alcohol. Only when being blessed

    -Is suicidal and/or depressed. Nope, got one right

    -Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-mutilation.
    This is a Satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love. Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health center. That's 2

    -Complains of boredom. 3, how can I ever be bored with such horrid interests? I suppose that would be worse too, back to 2.

    -Sleeps too excessively or too little. 4 hours, yeah.

    -Is excessively awake during the night. Day and nite.

    -Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This pertains to vampires promoting the idea that His light is of no use.) Why, yes

    -Demands an unusual amount of privacy. Why, yes

    -Spends large amounts of time alone. Why, yes

    -Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your chid may speak to evil sprits through meditation.) Why, yes

    -Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult. LOL. um.

    -Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this. Why, yes

    -Misbehaves at school. Why, yes

    -Misbehaves at home. Always naked? I suppose that is of the flesh, so yeah.

    -Eats excessively or too little. hmm

    -Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this. Chocula> yeah 'tis good

    -Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and should be stopped immediately.) Attain an archetype, why I never.

    -Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your local church for proper programs that your child may watch.) I'm reading one now

    -Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature. why, yes

    -Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer. why, yes

    -Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music. me and President Bush both

    -Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner. why, yes

    -Expresses an interest in sex. an interest? always saw it as an action

    -Masturbates Why, yes

    -Is homosexual and/or bisexual. Probably by their standards. I do drink mineral water

    -Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism,
    Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.

    Why, yes

    -Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth". hm?

    -Claims to be a goth. nah.

    If five or more of these apply to your child, please intervene immediately. The gothic culture is dangerous and Satan thrives within it. If any of these problems persist, enlist your child into your local mental health center. I must heal my inner child at once!

    ~St. Mary's Catholic Church - Who'd ve thunk it?

    I masturbate and therefore am goth...
    Oh yeah.


  4. #44
    adorn_shadow's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Goth?

    Half of the jocks, goths, punk rockers, and teeny boppers fell into at least 3/4 of these. is the St. Mary's Catholic Church a little scared of change..... I think so.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Goth?

    by the way i am probably the least "goth" person ever. however i do find almost all subcultures to be extermely interesting, and i try to keep an open mind and learn as much as i can from people.

    i'll post pictures of myself when i've posted enough so you can see how much i don't fit in and laugh at me.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Goth?

    also admitedly i find girls with pale complections, tattoos, piercings, crazy hair, etc, to be very attractive.

  7. #47
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Goth?

    I am 30. I am goth I have been since I was 13, I am straightedge vegan, I am proud to be who I am but I have a funny little story about goth in public perception.

    While I was in high school, my grandmother found out I played Dungeons and Dragons (I played it with a local metal band so it still okay I think) and she told my parents that since I wore black I was on cocaine and they should burn my role playing game board because it was Satanic.LMFAO!!!! Even my parents laughed. Fortunately the Gods blessed me with hellarad parents who took a keen interest in what I was doing and began to read Anne Rice quickly becoming fans themselves. They got characters in the role playing game with us and we'd all play til 12 or 2 am depending on the day. They even bought a copy of the metal bands demo tape! This hide from your labels thing is just silly. A label lets people know what you are hiding from your identity doesn't make you cool, it makes you look afraid of admitting what you are. I am a gothpunk I am not here to please everyone else by being what they want me to be, and I won't. That is goth, that is punk.

    All that being said yes, some idiots will think that stuff is true but the rest of us see it as the joke it (Gods willing) is.
    Last edited by Humma; 12-19-2004 at 07:44 AM. Reason: oops

  8. #48
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Rochester NY

    Default Re: Goth?

    i like everyone so i dont have a problem with any one person
    im a mix of everything
    im my own person and i think everyone is too

  9. #49
    Senior Member
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    north of here

    Default Re: Goth?

    Quote Originally Posted by richardpotter
    also admitedly i find girls with pale complections, tattoos, piercings, crazy hair, etc, to be very attractive.
    I don't think I am very goth, but I'm with you there!

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