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Thread: Half full/half empty

  1. #1
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Half full/half empty

    Do people generally disappoint you or generally exceed your expectations?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    South Carolina

    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    That depends on the person.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Same place but I have been just about everywhere inbetween

    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    it's not dissapointment but I don't expect miracles and often I guess yeah I am dissapointed, more for my self for giving them a chance and proving that they weren't worth it in the first place. I think often it is I can be mistaken for being a snob. Often the people who are in the corner are the ones that blow my mind when it comes to personality and ability, once theya re given a chance to be known that they count as much as anyone else. Some people say they don't judge on appearance but the truth is we do becasue after a while we knowthat a certain group will be easier to fucntion in than another. But also that thoery can be cancelled out due to the fatc that all groups have one black sheep that goes againts the grain of the group collective. For instance I feel a lot more secure around punks then I do frat people..doesn't mean that that gap girl doesn't have anice back piece or read lit or listen to SOcial D. but overall these days eople dissapoint me but I am lil in a bit of a depressed pissed off state baout things so I am lil quicker and synical about my surroundings.

  4. #4
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    people do not disapoint me, because it's up to you whether their thoughts and actions disapoint you, or whether you accept them. what I'm trying to say is that people are going to do whatever it is that they do, and if you hold that against them, it is only your own fault that it bereaves you. On the same token then you cannot hold any expectation of people or you will be disapointed surely, but if your expectation of yourself is to accept them as they are, then they will always fullfill that expectation.
    Of course I wish that people would be greater than they are, but it's not up to me to dictate how other people live thier lives, if they must learn a lesson then it is theirs to learn on thier own. But if someone wishes for my help or accepts my giving, then it is my obligation to do so, as a lover of humanity. If they wish to be greater than themselves, as many do, even without realising it, then I would expect them to meet that aim, or at least try to attempt it if they have the potential, and In thier failing, I too would be failing as a teacher and I would break my expectation, but it must be so, and may lead to greater success in the future, so either way It would not dissapoint me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Born in London, bred in Yorkshire, laid in Dublin.

    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    My cup is generally half full. I'm only disappointed in others - not so much when they fail to fulfill my expectations - when they fail to achieve a low standard that they have set for themselves. But my cup will still be half full.

  6. #6
    Ouroboros's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    I don't expect much from people. And still they disappoint me. It's fucking scary, you know?, feeling so suddenly you're so above the average.

  7. #7
    bre.star's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    dissapoint... its rare when someone goes above and beyond what i expect, and when they do i get excited and make sure they know it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    usualy people like me, and I disapoint them I can't hangout with everyone that says hi to me.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    i try my best not to have expectaions. when i do i usually don't set the bar 2 high.

  10. #10
    Cthulhu23's Avatar Dark Dreamer
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    I have been surprised both ways.

  11. #11
    koolagh's Avatar Resident Barbarian
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    I have never tried to be anything that I am not. I am just me, if you like me, fine, if you don't, I really don't care. As long as I am happy being who I am. I am not about to go out and spend an obscence amount of money on clothing that is uncomfortable to me just so I can impress anyone, no matter who they think they are. Titles and money mean nothing. If someone came to me and said " I am the grand master of the world and have $154,000,000" I would not care, because I know that even with this title and all this money, a slit throat would kill them just as it would me. No one is better than anyone else.

  12. #12
    flame goddess
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    Default Re: Half full/half empty

    i have a wide variety of friends and i dont' expect anything from them but for what their personalities lead that they will do. for example one of my friends likes to gossip, and i expect her to do that because it's in her personality. and i am dissapointed not because she doesn't meet my expectation but because she does gossip like i expect her to, and gossip annoys me. but as far as expecting all my friends to come together and throw me a HUGE party on my birthday every year, i dont' expect crap like that. i don't remember their birthday's why the hell should they remember mine? and if i'm moving into a new place i don't expect any of them to chip in and help me out. but everyonce in a while because i don't expect these favors from them a few of them will magically deside that they want to help out in time of need or something like that and they help me... then they exceed my expectations... so i guess it goes both ways for me.

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