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Thread: And The Slaughter Is On...

  1. #1
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default And The Slaughter Is On...

    I gotta admit I love this time of year. It has the best holidays, the weather is right, and all the good TV shows start their season. This year however in the land of those crazy Americans there is a presidential election. You may have heard about it.

    I'm in CA..so it's pretty much a lock that Kerry will take the state since this is not exactly a Bush loving state...well at least not in the presidential sense. Now that makes for a fun seat to the action that will be election night. It's shaping up to be one vicious and downright mean event...not unlike a title fight. Both sides are stirring up pure unrestricted hate...and as much as I should say it's wrong of them to do...It's really entertaining.

    From the hardliners like Michael Moore and his army of Zombie he does the thinking for to Ann Coulter's Stormtroopers you have enough to at least see a bodycount in the hundreds if all goes as it should. But really that's what pundits are for...someone has to pour fuel on a fires crafted by their puppet masters (If you can't see the strings you're in denial). They add the colorful humor to what is in all truth a pretty serious election. You have all the big things needed for a good drama...aging hippies who are having flashbacks of Nixon, an unpopular war, raving bands of psychopaths wanting to destroy our country, terrorrists we can't seem to find expect on the internet when they release videos, and an election system that is already falling apart (thank you AGAIN Florida...you fucks can't build houses that'll stand why on earth did the nation think you'd all put together a working voting system.)

    This is FUN though. Deep down I know some of you see that too...cause I know you have that same bloodlust I do to see both sides of a system that really could care less about... you bleed each other dry in ways we as a disarmed, disillusioned, and heavily pandered voting public will never REALLY do. Save the your vote matters tag line along with the VOTE OR DIE bullshit cause unless I get a lobbyist group on my side not a fucking thing will change in my life or yours...unless we're drafted then at least we get good healthcare.

    Plus added to all this we get a nice soundtrack thanks to musicians who in all truth push their importance to levels that would make even a dictator go "you've gone TOO far." But hey I get a kick out of watching aging rock stars on stage singing Fortunate Son...it's a good tune with a fresh and important message to tell another generation. Plus it pushes a few more CCR greatest hits albums off the shelves...and in our dire economy and dying record industy (so say the RIAA and their lobbyists who are more of a danger to civil libirties and our constitution than ANY Terrorist.)

    This great show is only days away and we all have VIP seats...so who's gonna watch this grand play of violence and lies like the season ending episode it's been scripted to be?

    I know I got my tivo already set.

  2. #2
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: And The Slaughter Is On...

    You know what's wrong with politics? POLITICIANS.....but I'm actually responding with a question of sorts....are Bush and Kerry the only choices on the ballots in the American presidential election?

    I have a friend who got a pizza and watched the Canadian elections this past year...I watched it on the internet...it was interesting because of all of the minority groups that were depending on votes for funding (the more votes a minority got, the more money they got to campaign for next election). We had everything from the Green Party to the Neo-marxists.

    All of the advertising I've seen for this American election makes me sad. A lot of the public isn't making their decisions based on the "right thing to do for our children and future" but on who can "out-shine" the other. I'm thinking that elections might go a whole lot smoother if there were written pamphlets outlining each canadate's platform, then one radio interview, then one TV debate. That's it, let the people decide based on facts and not wholly on charisma and background. I want a group of politicians running my country based on their principles and how they will improve the world, not based on how "pretty" or "popular" their leader is.

    Anyway, I'm just babbling....but there it is...I think I should go back to bed and not to work!

    oh, and no, I will not be watching the American elections....I hate reality TV. lol

  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: And The Slaughter Is On...

    This election could be a bit more interesting than I would like it to be. Based on the current polls, there are no less than 33 scenarios by which the electoral votes will be tied 269-269 and the election will be determined in congress. This would be especially precarious if Kerry wins the popular vote as the repubs are the majority and would vote in Bush. Another scenario is Bush winning the popular vote but Kerry winning the electoral vote. The scariest scenario is in Colorado. A ballot inititative exists that would change the obligatory 9 electoral college votes into just a percentage ie Bush 5 Kerry 4. The possibility exists that either candidate could win the election and then have the votes taken away should this initiative pass. In any other country, these blunders would be a prelude to a civil war. I am hoping someone just wins the damn thing even if it is not my preferred candidate.

    OEC (Finally having found a use to a BA in Poli Sci, utter annoyance )

  4. #4
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: And The Slaughter Is On...

    Quote Originally Posted by Forestghost
    You know what's wrong with politics? POLITICIANS.....but I'm actually responding with a question of sorts....are Bush and Kerry the only choices on the ballots in the American presidential election?

    I have a friend who got a pizza and watched the Canadian elections this past year...I watched it on the internet...it was interesting because of all of the minority groups that were depending on votes for funding (the more votes a minority got, the more money they got to campaign for next election). We had everything from the Green Party to the Neo-marxists.
    No there are other people on the ballots like the prohibition party (234 or so votes last tome) the reform party, and ralph nader for the green party (1% percent of the total vote last time which arguably caused al gore to lose the election)

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Same place but I have been just about everywhere inbetween

    Default Re: And The Slaughter Is On...

    well it's a college electoral vote system basically the public votes on who they think is the best and then the college electorates make the choice in other words if lest say New Hampshire picked Kerry overall the the electoral would pick kerry as the wnner of the state, it seems form what i have read to be a sham system form the start. It's like yeah you;re made to think yer vote matters but in the end it's the college electorates who decide....that's gotta suck....I wonder if that's why froshes and secret societies are so big in the states and som pompus, cause they make the deicison not the common man...even though he cast his ballad and yes I do know that the college ellectoral system diesn't mean the colleges in the US....it's not the states that are to blame it's the system....

  6. #6
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: And The Slaughter Is On...

    the electorial college was origianally set up when the country was founded in order to make elections run smoother it also supposedly garuntees more equal representation of smaller states in addition supposedly it alows the public to be overidded in the case of an extreemly dangerous leader. when individuals vote they arent directly voting for president but are voting for a delagate who promises to vote for their choice of president. it worked great in the old days and really streamlined things whoever nowadays it is extreemly outdated

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