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Thread: True Thoughts.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Born in London, bred in Yorkshire, laid in Dublin.

    Default True Thoughts.

    What do you really think about getting married, or living in a civil union? For and against?

    Or would you do it just because everyone else expects it?

  2. #2
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I sure as hell would not do it just because of social pressure from friends or family. To me, marriage is just a commitment to someone, because you really want to let them know that you think they are cool enough to spend the rest of your life with them. I tend to think that there *might* be someone better that might come along, but if you marry someone, it's because even if someone "better" came along, you would still be happy to be with the person you decided to marry. It's not like both people will never want someone else, or never have non-monogamous thoughts. It's just a way of saying that you will be happy to stick with that one person. That you get along well enough, and find them attractive enough, to stick with them long-term. Even if you end up having an open marriage. Marriage still says that you will commit to sticking with that other person. And I have a hell of a lot less trouble with that idea of commitment, than I do the traditional idea...

  3. #3
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I think that marriage is a beautiful thing. To me it's been spoiled and tainted by the profusion of people who marry because their parents want them to, because it's what you're 'supposed' do to, because it's conveinent, etc etc. I am not averse to getting married but unlike a lot of people I know it's not in my top ten to do list in life.

    I personally will not get married until I want to. When I think it's right and special I will do it. Not until then.

  4. #4
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    I think that marriage is a beautiful thing. To me it's been spoiled and tainted by the profusion of people who marry because their parents want them to, because it's what you're 'supposed' do to, because it's conveinent, etc etc. I am not averse to getting married but unlike a lot of people I know it's not in my top ten to do list in life.

    I personally will not get married until I want to. When I think it's right and special I will do it. Not until then.

    And then we are off to Vegas or Mexico for a quickie wedding with no guests... then to Jamaica for a week at Hedonism II or III (might wanna check out the new one on the North Coast, since we've been to Negril)

    That is...... if you will marry me ?

  5. #5
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I dont beleive in living in a 'control' situation wich is what marriage is , if it isn't, then why is it?

  6. #6
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    did you scam that pic off hamncheez?

  7. #7
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    marriage is good if you want to settle down i think many people get married too early thats why the divorce rate is so high i may get married but im gonna wait till im at least 35 or so that way ill probably be tired of dating so ill be less likely to cheat i really buy in to freuds idea of mature love

  8. #8
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I'm in a common law state so at some point it'll all be legit in the legal eyes no matter my say.

  9. #9
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Karl
    I dont beleive in living in a 'control' situation wich is what marriage is , if it isn't, then why is it?
    How is it control when in order for it to be binding you gotta say "I do"? unless you're totally pussy wipped...that's a whole other issue then really.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I dunno about marriage at this point I am single and I don't think it's going to change, by choice. I thought maybe oneday but the person iwas willing to give up alot decide everything wasn't enough and aslo advised me marriage was not in the plans. That person is now engaged. I would have waited forever for that person. I moved away from a dying father to a new place. I really have very little want or need for companionship all the lying and cheating and stuff....uh uh no way. enough is enough. I like being single. I think alot of people gte married for all the wrong reasons and I look at this world and the dissfunctional families and mass of suburbanite dreams. I feel kinda let down that I will never meet someone who shares the same interest but with all the confusion and apathy I can't be part of that I want to give something special and not have it taken for granted.Don't get me wrong I am happy and for those who have wonderful creative constructive independentally respected lifestyles and reciprocal relationships my big most heartfelt best wishes.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    did you scam that pic off hamncheez?
    No, it was posted on a spanish LJ. Maybe he scammed it from somewhere else ...

  12. #12
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight
    And then we are off to Vegas or Mexico for a quickie wedding with no guests... then to Jamaica for a week at Hedonism II or III (might wanna check out the new one on the North Coast, since we've been to Negril)

    That is...... if you will marry me ?
    How could I say no to a man who loves me when I'm stinky and cranky.

    You me and Elvis baby. Then it's all about sun on bare ass.

  13. #13
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    To quote what's his name in "Four Weddings and a Funeral", I think it's great if you love the person with all your heart. I am a romantic, I think people should be in love.

    I hate to see couples that are not in love, and one is using the other one, the other one is miserable, they fight all the time, etc. I just cannot respect that. I was in a miserable relationship for too long, it is a waste of life.

    So I guess the question is, can love last forever?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by MistressJennifer
    So I guess the question is, can love last forever?
    I think that couples have to accept that they grow and develop, and that their feelings of love change too over the years. It'll never be the way it was that first time ... but perhaps that's a good thing too, if only couples would take the time to explore each other and to keep up with the changes they experience.

  15. #15
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    How could I say no to a man who loves me when I'm stinky and cranky.

    You me and Elvis baby. Then it's all about sun on bare ass.


    Maybe we could have Lange come dressed as Evil Santa along with his Mrs. Evil Santa (the lovely Ms. Dana Dark) as best man and maid of 'honor', could even have Bridget the Midget as flower girl .... with Elvis officiating... it's everything I could ever dream our wedding would be.

    Between the 6 of us, Vegas would never be the same afterwards.

  16. #16
    Lange's Avatar Bull Shit!! I love Amelia
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight

    Maybe we could have Lange come dressed as Evil Santa along with his Mrs. Evil Santa (the lovely Ms. Dana Dark) as best man and maid of 'honor', could even have Bridget the Midget as flower girl .... with Elvis officiating... it's everything I could ever dream our wedding would be.

    Between the 6 of us, Vegas would never be the same afterwards.
    Done Deal! Now that would be the best wedding ever. When is it? I will get the 59' Conv. Caddy too (must have a pimp ride for such an occasion). Oh...man. WOO HOO

  17. #17
    HelenaHotpants's Avatar Exception, not the rule
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight

    Maybe we could have Lange come dressed as Evil Santa along with his Mrs. Evil Santa (the lovely Ms. Dana Dark) as best man and maid of 'honor', could even have Bridget the Midget as flower girl .... with Elvis officiating... it's everything I could ever dream our wedding would be.

    Between the 6 of us, Vegas would never be the same afterwards.
    And where the hell am I? I see how it is.

    And you wonder why I want to kill you? LOL

  18. #18
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    i see nothing wrong with getting married hopefuly il find some girl who enjoys sailing or being near the ocean, videogames, explosives, candy, war movies and porn then im gettin hitched

  19. #19
    CorporateGoth's Avatar Devout follower of Bob
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Ive been married for over 11 yrs now, so the obvious answer would be that I think its great, etc..... and it is. However, I've seen many friends and aquaintences get married WAY to soon and for the wrong reasons. I never thought I'd get married, but then I fell in love with my best friend, and well.... 2 I Do's later and here we are. I think that your spouse should be your best friend, cause your going to have to spend not just the rest of your life, but EVERY DAY of the rest of your life with that person. You should be able to forgive the other person fairly easily, because you WILL fight. I dont mean just forgive them to get to the make up sex (not that I've never done that before), but actually forgive them. My wife and I have forgiven each other a thousand times, and for some really terrible things too. I think that your spouse isn't just someone to be with at the end of the day, but THE person you WANT to be with at the end of the day. I think a lot of people rush into marrige because they think they want to be married period (like no matter to whom), or they are tired of dating, etc... That is a recipie for disaster.

  20. #20
    Forestghost's Avatar Knowlege is power!
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I agree with the statement about marrying your best-friend. I married my best friend 6 months ago, after a 6 month engagement and 3+ years of dating!
    It's important to marry the person that you can understand, trust, enjoy and truely love. It's also important that the person you want to marry has the same ideas about the future as you. I think it's totally wrong when people get married before discussing things like children, money, places they want to live, etc. It's important to cover EVERYTHING before you are married, because many people discover to late that their spouse doesn't want kids when they do.....
    Marriage solidifies everything, I think it's great, but only when both are ready!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Well, I would prefer the living together rather than marriage, though if I knew that they for sure wouldn't leave Me, then I might agree to marriage.

  22. #22
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I wouldn't mind getting married........ I don't know if I want kids though. Once again I figure my mom already has 2 grandsons. So I don't need to be a father just yet. But I won't know until I get married.

    BTW Hempknight and Nudemuse........ congratulations.

  23. #23
    Mr Karl's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    How is it control when in order for it to be binding you gotta say "I do"? unless you're totally pussy wipped...that's a whole other issue then really.

    And who came up with the rule that says you gotta say "I DO" ? Why cant it be be I will or I'll do that but not that or I suppose I could do that or why not how bad can it be

    who knows, maybe I'm just an old fashioned living in sinner

  24. #24
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lange
    Done Deal! Now that would be the best wedding ever. When is it? I will get the 59' Conv. Caddy too (must have a pimp ride for such an occasion). Oh...man. WOO HOO
    KICK ASS !!!

    I would have to say sometime next winter ... gives us time to get our shit together and all that jazz... plus not that Evil Santa and the Mrs. would be outta place in Vegas anytime of year, but during the holiday season there would be many more freebies and comp'd shit for all of us hanging with the Claus'

    Gives us a good reason to get the hell outta the rain and get you outta the sub-zero temps and away from the several feet of snow of Gotham. I found the perfect wedding present too, HERE, *insert Homer Simpson drooling sound* .... 240 fifths... HELL YEAH.

    Make you a deal... I'll get you one for Xmas (without the hookers) and you can get us one for our wedding (having it shipped here or we'd never leave Vegas or get to Jamaica for a nekkid sun drenched honeymoon).

  25. #25
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HelenaHotpants
    And where the hell am I? I see how it is.

    And you wonder why I want to kill you? LOL

    Ummm... well..... it's not that WE don't want you there... but after talking with the local police about your conduct on your last visit to their fair city, THEY don't want you there.

    Well, they do... something about a warrant and all... lewd and lascivious behaviour or whatnot. Would really hate to have you arrested during the ceremony... but we would send you pictures none the less.

    You wanna kill me?... you would never do anything like that... like you have a hateful bone in your body... evil, yes.

    Still love ya Hotpants

  26. #26
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    i see nothing wrong with getting married hopefuly il find some girl who enjoys sailing or being near the ocean, videogames, explosives, candy, war movies and porn then im gettin hitched

    Got that covered
    That's my girl

  27. #27
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by hewhoisagod
    I wouldn't mind getting married........ I don't know if I want kids though. Once again I figure my mom already has 2 grandsons. So I don't need to be a father just yet. But I won't know until I get married.

    BTW Hempknight and Nudemuse........ congratulations.
    Thank you...
    and as far as kids go...
    umm... not really a 'need to have' kinda thing.
    Adoption would be more the thing... later, much later.
    Children and our lifestyle clash at the moment and doubt that would change anytime soon.

  28. #28
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HempKnight

    Maybe we could have Lange come dressed as Evil Santa along with his Mrs. Evil Santa (the lovely Ms. Dana Dark) as best man and maid of 'honor', could even have Bridget the Midget as flower girl .... with Elvis officiating... it's everything I could ever dream our wedding would be.

    Between the 6 of us, Vegas would never be the same afterwards.
    I sent this comic strip privately to someone in this thread earlier today, but I think it is pertinent here too:

  29. #29
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    I sent this comic strip privately to someone in this thread earlier today, but I think it is pertinent here too:


    Are you saying that hanging out with Lange will make alcoholics of us all??

  30. #30
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    All I have to say is that Miss Hotpants will be under my dress where she belongs and Naughty Langy Claus and Dana Dark Claus and hell; anybody else that wants to come bring it babies.

    But remember. The bride does get to cop at least one feel per guest thank you.

  31. #31
    HempKnight's Avatar Large Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    All I have to say is that Miss Hotpants will be under my dress where she belongs and Naughty Langy Claus and Dana Dark Claus and hell; anybody else that wants to come bring it babies.

    But remember. The bride does get to cop at least one feel per guest thank you.
    What dress?

    You mean it ain't a nekkid weddin'?

  32. #32
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    Marriage and civil unions between consenting adults of any sort should have equal weight under the law.
    Personally, I believe marrying for dual citizenship to be an especially noble endeavor.


  33. #33
    DharmaLion's Avatar Devil's Advocate
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    Default Re: True Thoughts.

    I am getting married March 26 and I've never been so excited about something in my entire life.

    My fiance is the grrl of my dreams and I proclaim our love to anyone who will listen....Including the mayor, who will be performing our "ceremony" at the local pub where Jenifer and I courted. Then its an evening of Dropkick Murphys covers and Guiness.

    Neither Jenifer or myself have ever been married and, to be honest, I don't think either of us ever thought we would...funny how perspectives change.

    Daily Thought: It should be illegal to marry before the age of 30.

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