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Thread: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    it's not so much that lawyers are liars, just exagerators. they take meaningless shit and make it seem important. like if you're on trial for murder, they'll point out that your victim was easy in bed, or was disliked by her coworkers, as if you're not the one who's guilty for murder because the person that got knifed wasn't a saint. it's basically the idea to take a bunc hof people and confuse the shit out of them so hopefully they'll decided in your favor. like when the laywer is like i'd like to sight the case of yadda yadda vs. blah blah blah. we'll that's all well and good, but since the rest of us don't have every court case memorised or looked up before the trial, they could be talking about that lady who sued mcdonalds for hot coffee, but since we don't know what they are talking about, it makes them sound smart and like they just said something that must have been important, even if we don't know what it is.

  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    What do you think?
    The whole thing with attorneys is that the justice system is based on the adversarial system.
    The real problem is how much litigation is filed in this country for trivial reasons. It depends on what type of law they practice.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    I have looked over some of the basics of the legal systems of various countries, but havent memorized it yet. So far , Norway seems to have the best legal system, along with Holland, but those were only glimpses of their systems and laws, though a bunch of their stuff seems cool. I dont know if it still is that way, but supposedly Medical bills are dealt with by the city/country, or whatever, so there is no reason to sue people.*

  5. #5
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    Scottish Law is pretty fascinating. It has actually remained relatively constant under the UK. There a lot less torts tho I don't know about health care. It is socialized medicine, anyways.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    Is it possible to be a human without lying? Does not knowing the truth about something and stating what you think you know considered lying? I haven't had too much experience with lawyers and what experience I have had hasn't been great. My boyfriend's father is a lawyer and he is a pretty big asshole. I met him and I felt like he was either lying to me or condescending me and his own son and trying to be nice about it. When my sister died, the lawyer we got lied to us and pretty much screwed us over with how much we were supposed to get out of her death (not that any amount of money could replace my sister). My mom's boyfriend's lawyer who was working on his child custody case, screwed him over by lying in court. He lost all 5 of his children to his exwife who didn't even care about them.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    I'm prosecuting a woman at the moment. It isn't a case of her lawyer lying as her lying to him and him making the best possible case he can for the judge. It's a written case (not in front of the judge, only on paper) and each of the preposterous claims this woman has put through so far has been easy to counteract, but it's intriguing seeing how far she will go through her lawyer.

  8. #8
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    Actually, I think a lot more people deserve to be taken to court than ever are. For every totally stupid I-spilled-coffee-on-myself-and-am-suing-the-restaurant case, there are thousands of genuine wrongs that people did not have the resources to put through the judicial system.

    My father is an attorney and he is honest almost to a fault.

  9. #9
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    Actually, I think a lot more people deserve to be taken to court than ever are. For every totally stupid I-spilled-coffee-on-myself-and-am-suing-the-restaurant case, there are thousands of genuine wrongs that people did not have the resources to put through the judicial system.

    That is probably true in cases where people don't have the resources. Corporations are notorious for filing frivilous law suits against ngos just to quash their suits or silence them. The folks with the resources tend to clog the court systen to the point where folks without would not even have the time. A corp makes a few motions and a legitimate suit can drag out for years.

    My father is an attorney and he is honest almost to a fault.
    A lot of my family are attorneys. They are a bit paternalistic in the truths they reveal but never dishonest.


  10. #10
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Is it possible to be a Lawyer without Lying?

    the problem with everything, the legal system most of all is that it really has no basis for judging what is True because it has no counter comparison. The sky never opened up and golden words filtered down to humanity by the hand of God... everthing that is decided is based on a small minority's opinion of what they think.. and most people agree with it, because they have always been told that's what's Right and Wrong, nd never took the time to consider an alternative, mainly because they don't have the power to decide lgeislation, otherwise they would. In the end there is no Truth, just perspectives.

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