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Thread: Is there any drug you want to try?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Is there any drug you want to try?

    Is there any drug you have never had but want to try? If you have not tried it, what is the reason?

  2. #2
    CorporateGoth's Avatar Devout follower of Bob
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Not too many I havent tried that I wish I did. In fact the list would be longer for drugs I tried and wished I didn't. However, I always did want to try MDMA. Not the bathtub Extacy that flooded the market, that shit scares me to death, but actual lab quality MDMA. I was in a years long love affair with LSD and never got to try it the few times I had the chance. I dont know if I would actually do it now...(Jesus I'm old ), but I used to want to try it. Now, .... Viagra

  3. #3
    Camby Savelle's Avatar Stars shaped like hearts
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by CorporateGoth
    In fact the list would be longer for drugs I tried and wished I didn't.
    There so many better things you can "try" doing besides drugs. I've had a very long run with drugs. I'm glad I was strong enough to pull out of it. it took someone close to me dieing over drugs that opened my eyes. if you want to do drugs, fine it's your life. I only worry about mine.<------@Incog

  4. #4
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    i'll stick to caffiene, nicotine and THC.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    To be honest, I think I gain more from life without the drugs or the drug effects. There are none that I wish to try - excluding new wines and cigars, of course.

  6. #6
    CorporateGoth's Avatar Devout follower of Bob
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by Camby Savelle
    There so many better things you can "try" doing besides drugs. I've had a very long run with drugs. I'm glad I was strong enough to pull out of it. it took someone close to me dieing over drugs that opened my eyes. if you want to do drugs, fine it's your life. I only worry about mine.<------@Incog
    Hey, listen, I fully agree. Im not trying to glorify using drugs in any way. Ive been clean (barring alcohol, which yes, I know is a drug) for years. I got lucky, in that I never OD'd, lost everything I had, went to jail, etc.. But I know that I am just that, LUCKY. Due to the fact that I never had a really bad experience while doing drugs, sometimes I tend to make my "heyday" sound romantic or whatever, and truth be told, I did have one hell of a lot of fun while getting fucked up. I did have people close to me who did OD, go to jail, lose everything, etc.. so thats how I know that Im lucky. I would never go back to waking up with a joint and going to sleep with a Xanny bar. Like I said, Im just too damn old anymore (or at least I feel like it) and I know better. However, I would never preach to anyone about drug use because when your caught up in it, you just dont want tot hear it. I had many many people try to show me the "error of my ways" and I blew them off entirely. People have to be ready to hear what you're telling them, and if they aren't your'e wasting your breath. At best you are clearing your own concience (sp?). After I "cleaned up" I had the grave displeasure of watching a dear freind of mine spiral down into serious addiction. The worst thing is that is was an addiction to the lifestyle, not any one drug in particular. Whatever was avalible, she took it. This was a simply beautiful intelligent girl that came from money, breeding etc...All the opportunities she could ask for she had, but she chose to get strung out. I tried to be there for her and used myself as an example, but to no avail. She was involved in a terrible car accident (she was NOT driving) which killed two and cut one of them in half. She was a victim of a violent sex crime while fucked up, and had to have an abortion because of it. I tried to get her to pull out of it, but eventually, she quit returning our calls (she was my wife's friend too) or having anything to do with us. I have no idea what happened to her, which scares me to death.
    I'm sorry you had to lose someone, and Its good to hear that you pulled out ok.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I do not want to try the drugs this woman is on:

    A bogus princess is suing American Express for £1.2million for "letting" her spend £600,000.

    Wall Street worker Antoinette Millard, 40, cannot afford to pay the debt.

    She says the credit card firm should have spotted her "irrational" spending reports The Sun.

    Millard, from Buffalo, US, claimed to be a Saudi princess on her application. She faces trial on fraud charges.

  8. #8
    hewhoisagod's Avatar Captain Obvious
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I had a cousin that died from sniffing butane, his lungs crystalized. The only ones I'm interested in are: marijuana (never done it), shrooms, and maybe some other natural hallucinogen. Nothing opium or amphetamine based.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I wanted to try shrooms, but then decided against it. I've only smoked pot, done E, and done nitrous. I don't do any of it anymore.

  10. #10
    Camby Savelle's Avatar Stars shaped like hearts
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    CorporateGoth I quoted you because I agree with you. my statement was aimed at Incog.

  11. #11
    Camby Savelle's Avatar Stars shaped like hearts
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Im sorry about your friend. espeshily about the sex crime part. (drugs or no drugs) I hate how socitey treats women in this time. almost every female I ever loved (including my mom & sister) has had to deal with being put through some form of sexual (or attempted) abuse. it isn't fucking right.

    Maybe you could try (if you haven't already) tracking your friend down & see how she is doing. even if she isn't any better. sometimes it's good to remind people they still have friends.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    IVe done them all no point in trying more. Kinda regret it.

  13. #13
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Lost a few people to heroin. No real desire to go down the few roads I chose not to travel.


  14. #14
    CarnalxKiss's Avatar Carnal Love Goddess
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I would love to try X...but i hear just one try and it destroys so many brain cells that wont reform themselves....i cant...i need all i have left! The pot took enough! I tried the MDMA of the 80's the fresh blotter and the natural shrooms but im too old for that stuff anymore. Hell, I can hardly go out drinking once in a while without paying for it 5 days later.

  15. #15
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    ive always wanted to try marijuana but im to much of a wuss thanks to D.A.R.E

  16. #16

    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by incog
    Is there any drug you have never had but want to try? If you have not tried it, what is the reason?
    Yeah man. Crystal Meth and Heroin. Crystal meth I am actually getting tomorrow. Heroin I fear I will become horribly addicted to, so so much for that. What would you try that you haven't?

    Love, JJ Slash

  17. #17
    Camby Savelle's Avatar Stars shaped like hearts
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Crystal Meth is rather addicting. (comming from an x-tweaker)

  18. #18
    CorporateGoth's Avatar Devout follower of Bob
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by Camby Savelle
    Im sorry about your friend. espeshily about the sex crime part. (drugs or no drugs) I hate how socitey treats women in this time. almost every female I ever loved (including my mom & sister) has had to deal with being put through some form of sexual (or attempted) abuse. it isn't fucking right.

    Maybe you could try (if you haven't already) tracking your friend down & see how she is doing. even if she isn't any better. sometimes it's good to remind people they still have friends.
    Ive tracked her down a few times, but like a lot of addicts, she moves often, so once I find her, she moves again. Also, I agree that society treats women pretty bad, but in this case she treated herself pretty bad too. Before I go any further, IT WAS NOT HER FAULT. I am not trying to say that the victim of such crimes is ever at fault. However, she is old enough to know better than to get herself into that position in the first place. Once I got the whole story, I was amazed that someone that intelligent could act so stupid. This is not the place to get into the details, but trust me, I think most women would agree with me that she acted beyond recklessly.
    Ive moved about 60 miles from the last place I knew she lived, maybe I will give another try at finding her....

  19. #19
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I'm addicted to pain killers. hydrocordone *vicadin* darvocet, codine. i want to try X.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by morbid_lady
    i'll stick to caffiene, nicotine and THC.
    You and me both. Ive done them all. Now all i do is amoke i don't even drink. It was a fun ride tho.

  21. #21
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I once thought about getting high on G-O-D, but on observance i've seen that it causes delusions and kills too many brain cells.

  22. #22
    grebo's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    VIAGRA, just to see what the difference is, & for those embaressing emergencys

  23. #23
    bre.star's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    the only drug that i havent tried that i would like to try is acid... i havent tried it though because ive never had an oppurtunity to do it during a time where i wouldnt have to speak to my parents or drive or something that involves being responsible and staying sober.

  24. #24
    suicidal_tendencies's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by grebo
    VIAGRA, just to see what the difference is, & for those embaressing emergencys
    they give you major headaches. just trust me on that one.

  25. #25
    episode allah's Avatar iconoclast
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    jesus, what's with you guys.....stop smudging everything with the same brush.....

    yes there are dangerous and addictive drugs, namely heroin, crack, speed and to an extent cocaine, then there are the pleasurable drugs, namely grass and if used moderately MDMA. Then there are the psycedelics and disassociatives...these ones can have deep philosophical and religious import.

    Stop saying drugs are bad and that they'll waste your braincells if you don't even know how to distinguish between them. Drugs aren't necesarily bad....as for this natural V synthetic bullshit......the way I see it, everything on this earth is of this earth alone.


  26. #26
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    drugs are a tool to take you away from reality - this is exactly what your enemies want - i have done (more than) my fair share and that is my final conclusion - it is funny that, even though i know i feel that way, i really want to try absinthe... sun tzu would not approve. <grunts and groans signalling inner struggle >

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I've done most every drug but I've never shot anything. I have an art gallery across the street from the needle exchange. It's depressing, especially when you see people you used to hang out with trying to slip in without being seen.

    Lately a good friend rolled into town with a batch of pure MDMA. I mean the straight chemist 100% shit, all crystal powder.

    We've been having a lot of fun cheezing out & playing records for the last month or so. Pure Molly is a lot more subtle than pills of E that are cut with a variety of drugs. It doesn't hit you quite the same way.

    My buddy had a bunch of nice shrooms too so I got a half ounce, cooked it into tea and brought it down to my favorite local bar to give out. I dosed half the people there then busted out another quarter and we started munching the fuck out of 'em. Not bad for a Wendsday night.....

    One thing I'd like to try is Peyote

  28. #28
    morbid_lady's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    Quote Originally Posted by grebo
    VIAGRA, just to see what the difference is, & for those embaressing emergencys
    two of my friends tried that, they said something about seeing everything in a blue tinge, like when wearing blue lensed sunglasses.

  29. #29
    Zoe_Zoebaboe's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I would honestly like to try Paxil, see it would help my mood swings....

    As far as the hard drugs, the few things I wanted to try I did, no need for anything more.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    ** Drug Free **

    But Thats Only My Opinion, I respect the Choices of others

  31. #31
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    I'm interested.
    I'm from western Europe......(as far west as you can go actually) and I wanna know what are the most difficult substances for you dudes in the US. to get your hands on?

    For example, pot and pills are dead easy here, whereas acid and speed seem difficult to get hold of.
    Ketamine, mesculine and peyote are completely out.

    Then again....I'm not very 'connected'.

  32. #32

    Default Re: Is there any drug you want to try?

    i barely even drink anymore, but there are a few things i am still slightly curious about.

    i am curious about opium. i used to really want to do payote but now i think i would hate it.

    and yeah i've done viagra before, as a joke. i got an erection in my friends car and he almost crashed laughing/freaking out.

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