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Thread: horrible comic book movie's

  1. #1
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default horrible comic book movie's

    catching on the recent thread of horrible (insert genre) adaptations, how about some terrible comic book movies. This was sparked by the upcoming film Sin City based on the comic by Frank Miller. Do we need to be reminded of the last movie based on Frank's work? ( and although he is probibly the best writer in the industry) sadly we must.. let us go back to the Horror that we'd all hoped that if we forgot it, it would go away. History should not be forgotten, lest it be repeated... that movie was... Dare Devil.. *sob*... starring Ben Affleck.. *sob*

  2. #2
    Kidthorazine's Avatar hippiepotsmoker
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    yeah there hasnt been a truly amazing comic book movie since tim burtons original batman though i did like spiderman 2 i just saw the Punisher recently that was OK except they added all that crap about drug dealers i wish they would just stick to the original story. You know i would love to see a Sandman movie but it would have to be mad independantly to be any good i think.

  3. #3
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    yeah, the new punisher was pretty good, the story was a little thick, but it backed it up with enough action to make it badass, a 20 minute bare-handed fight in which a whole apartment building is nearly demolished, and the finale when john travolta's bullet riddled body is blown up overkill with an entire car dealership, what's not to love?

    I don't know abotu tim burtons orginal bats though, sure it was better than any of the sequels, but it still didn't capture that dark, intense batman of the early days. I think the animated series was the best adaptation. plus I just have never imagined batman and the music of Prince going together.

  4. #4
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    Well technically the Daredevil film was not based on Franks run on the book exclusively. They took elements from the entire run and focused it on the miller timeline...I liked it but it didn't work out 100% since you either do the Frank Miller Daredevil or none at all...you can't mix in the kevin smith stuff or the david mack stuff and expect it to work.

    Sin City should kick ass since Robert Rodriguez AND Frank Miller are directing the film...Robert quit the DGA in order to keep Miller as co-director. A real mess of a problem that caused to say the least. I'm excited about the film and will wait for a FINAL cut to pop up before I pass judgement on it...I'm sure Ain't it cool will be all over it as it nears completion.

  5. #5
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    yeah, but it's hard not to be sceptical, like if they were going to do a Watchmen movie, based on all the other Allan Moore projects that became movies, it wouldn't leave me with very much confidence.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    Tequila Zaire is right...wait for it to come out before you pass judgement on it!

    The DGA/Miller/Rodriguez angle gives me nothing but confidence in the upcoming Sin City...if Frank Miller approves of it, and the test reel that Rodriguez shot convinced him to make the movie (after Frank was pretty much sworn off ever working on a film again), then it must be pretty damn good.

    Also, Hellboy rocked...it was an extremely faithful adaption of the comics. Don't forget also that there are a lot of comic book movies that people don't know came from comics (simply because to the average illiterate in the streets, comics=superheroes), like American Splendor, Men In Black, From Hell, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (or 'LXG' for the knobheads among us), Road To Perdition, Ghost World, The Crow, Faust, The Mask, TimeCop, and...erm..*cough* Barb Wire

    COMICS/MOVIE BUFF TRIVIA: In Daredevil, when Bullseye steals himself a motorbike, we briefly see the original, now-dead owner of the bike with a pen protruding from his forehead....that corpse is none other than Frank Miller !

  7. #7
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    You gotta admit though with Frank SO involved with the project that he'd co directing it...you can't really ask for much more then that. I got faith he'll make sure it lives up to his comic...

    Hellboy was friggin great...but then the director is such a HUGE comic book geek and ole Mike was involved pretty heavily.

    Ghost World remains my favourite though...I can watch that all day over and over and over...

  8. #8
    Cthulhu23's Avatar Dark Dreamer
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    I have been waiting 15 years for a Hellblazer adaptation....and when they finally make it who is John Constantine? The "Whoa" boy himself Keanu! Damn you Hollywood you really know how to ruin a good thing. There is no-one further from the part.

    They should have used Christopher Walken

  9. #9
    Cthulhu23's Avatar Dark Dreamer
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Ghost World remains my favourite though...I can watch that all day over and over and over...
    Ghost World is a great flick

  10. #10
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    Default Re: horrible comic book movie's

    The big problem is that movies are made for the masses. The number of issues that even a top selling comic sells is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of tickets that the average major motion picture sells. So comics are often treated more like idea mills rather than as deserving adaptation that's respectful of the source material. We've been treated to occasional exceptions like Hellboy, but more and more as studios jump on the comic movie bandwagon we're going to to be treated to things like Keanu as Constantine badly delivering dialogue ripped off from Hellraiser.

    The sad thing is that most people who aren't Hellblazer fans (and don't automatically hate anything Keanu does) seem to really like the Constantine trailer and fail to understand that even if, by some fluke, it actually turns out to be a good movie taken on its own, it's obviously not going to be a Constantine movie. There was nil in the trailer that connected the movie in my mind to the comic character and that's what aggitates me. Put a cloak on Keanu and call it Dr. Strange and it probably wouldn't make a whole lot of difference. DC movies especially have had an obsession lately with apparantly just selling off the name to people to slap on movies that aren't really based on the actual character.

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