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Thread: What Were You Like In Highschool???

  1. #41
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Born in London. Lived everywhere.

    Default Re: What Were You Like In Highschool???

    Quote Originally Posted by HelenaHotpants
    I am soooooo totally going to be the odd man out here. You can blame Nudie for inviting me in the first place. LOL

    I think in HS I belonged to just about every single social order there was. I started off freshman year as a smoker who wore all black. I was 'hardcore', listened to metal, got in a TON of fights. Can we say assault charge? Then during soph year I got really into meth. I was dating an older guy who was a total drug addict. And I was using the meth not only for the high but for the weight loss too. Stupid, I know. I got clean, came back junior year as a cheerleader and homecoming court. I was on like every school committee. Student council, junior rotary, you name it. Senior year, I just didn't care. I went to the "popular" people's parties, show up either hungover or drunk for school, went to school for like an hour a day before signing myself out, and poured myself into speech club and drama. I was all over the place in HS. I am still like that. College was one extreme to another. Total social chameleon. Though, if pressed, I will just say I like to be experienced. I was in a sorority and a RH cast in college. How is that for crazy ends of the spectrum?

    Besides, it was all fun and I met some really cool people from all walks of life. Its amazing what you can learn.
    Actually, I think that is a perfect Blue Blood trait. I think Blue Blood folks tend to be seekers more than they are gothic, metal, punk, fetish, blah, blah, label, blah.

    When I got to college, it was my 12th school in 12 years. One thing that moving so often really showed me was that I could be exactly the same in my heart and have people in different places respond wildly differently to me. What made me the coolest girl ever one place made me a pariah another and vice-versa. I was class president when I was 15. In some ways, I feel like I sort of experienced what so many different lives would have been like but never totally committed to one. In some ways, I feel like I was pretty much the same inside, but other people reacted to almost irrelevant externals like how lowcut my shirt was or how high my grades were.

  2. #42
    HelenaHotpants's Avatar Exception, not the rule
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: What Were You Like In Highschool???

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    Actually, I think that is a perfect Blue Blood trait. I think Blue Blood folks tend to be seekers more than they are gothic, metal, punk, fetish, blah, blah, label, blah.

    When I got to college, it was my 12th school in 12 years. One thing that moving so often really showed me was that I could be exactly the same in my heart and have people in different places respond wildly differently to me. What made me the coolest girl ever one place made me a pariah another and vice-versa. I was class president when I was 15. In some ways, I feel like I sort of experienced what so many different lives would have been like but never totally committed to one. In some ways, I feel like I was pretty much the same inside, but other people reacted to almost irrelevant externals like how lowcut my shirt was or how high my grades were.
    EXACTLY! I could not have said it better myself. It didn't matter what color my hair was or what music I listened to, I always kept the same ideals with me the whole time. No matter who my friends were, I knew that they would have given them the shirt off my back to help them. The outside, that is just surface. I learned its the inside that counts. All my social jumping made me appreciate all kinds of people too. I think that is valueable for anyone.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Originally From Wisconsin

    Default Re: What Were You Like In Highschool???

    Very Very Quiet.
    No Friends
    Sat by myself at lunch, then came home from school and sat in the basement with my easel and some paint( most days)

    I was a " freak " or so they called me.

  4. #44
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Default Re: What Were You Like In Highschool???

    Ahhhh the good ole days. Im 24 now. I was 17 when i droped out. I kinda feel like im the same person. Just a little more tired now. I was the Evil guy in school. My school was only 10% white but there where some cool people that went to school.

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