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Eep. So I was all crampified from stupid girl part stuff and Forrest was kind enough to take me over to Starbucks. There is another more boho coffee place near me which I usually prefer at night, but it is still too tough on my ankle to take the hill there and Starbucks has a parking lot.
So I'm sitting there drinking an organic double latte and Forrest is having one of their seasonal peppermint something or other concoctions.
I see this woman come in, trailing a little red suitcase on wheels behind her, weave slightly askew, looking hunted and a little starved. I mention to Forrest that in an independent film, three mobster henchmen would be coming in soon after looking for her. Then this bizarrely thuggish-looking gigantic security guard comes in and there is this sort of chase-music sounding piece playing over the sound system and Forrest and I both crack up because it seemed sort of on cue.
Only then the security guard turns out in fact to have been after her and he gets in this horrible struggle with her when she gets out of the bathroom and maces her THREE times inside the Starbucks, hitting, among other people, one of the really super nice baristas who always gets my drinks right. Then he drags the woman he was chasing outside screaming and bleeding from the face and the barista is heaving behind the counter and customers are picking up the woman's purse and hopefully her bag and giving them to the non-heaving chick behind the counter. The whole scene is horrid and pretty much pandemonium and customers near the macing try to make it away from the agonizing gas.
I went outside and called 911. I've still got a headache from the mace and I was at the opposite side of the restaurant. What kind of a fucktard maces someone waaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than himself INSIDE a crowded restaurant on a Saturday night?