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Thread: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

  1. #1
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Eep. So I was all crampified from stupid girl part stuff and Forrest was kind enough to take me over to Starbucks. There is another more boho coffee place near me which I usually prefer at night, but it is still too tough on my ankle to take the hill there and Starbucks has a parking lot.

    So I'm sitting there drinking an organic double latte and Forrest is having one of their seasonal peppermint something or other concoctions.

    I see this woman come in, trailing a little red suitcase on wheels behind her, weave slightly askew, looking hunted and a little starved. I mention to Forrest that in an independent film, three mobster henchmen would be coming in soon after looking for her. Then this bizarrely thuggish-looking gigantic security guard comes in and there is this sort of chase-music sounding piece playing over the sound system and Forrest and I both crack up because it seemed sort of on cue.

    Only then the security guard turns out in fact to have been after her and he gets in this horrible struggle with her when she gets out of the bathroom and maces her THREE times inside the Starbucks, hitting, among other people, one of the really super nice baristas who always gets my drinks right. Then he drags the woman he was chasing outside screaming and bleeding from the face and the barista is heaving behind the counter and customers are picking up the woman's purse and hopefully her bag and giving them to the non-heaving chick behind the counter. The whole scene is horrid and pretty much pandemonium and customers near the macing try to make it away from the agonizing gas.

    I went outside and called 911. I've still got a headache from the mace and I was at the opposite side of the restaurant. What kind of a fucktard maces someone waaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than himself INSIDE a crowded restaurant on a Saturday night?

  2. #2
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    What a fucking moron. Seriously. Someone should get fired. And maced.

  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    Eep. So I was all crampified from stupid girl part stuff and Forrest was kind enough to take me over to Starbucks. There is another more boho coffee place near me which I usually prefer at night, but it is still too tough on my ankle to take the hill there and Starbucks has a parking lot.

    So I'm sitting there drinking an organic double latte and Forrest is having one of their seasonal peppermint something or other concoctions.

    I see this woman come in, trailing a little red suitcase on wheels behind her, weave slightly askew, looking hunted and a little starved. I mention to Forrest that in an independent film, three mobster henchmen would be coming in soon after looking for her. Then this bizarrely thuggish-looking gigantic security guard comes in and there is this sort of chase-music sounding piece playing over the sound system and Forrest and I both crack up because it seemed sort of on cue.

    Only then the security guard turns out in fact to have been after her and he gets in this horrible struggle with her when she gets out of the bathroom and maces her THREE times inside the Starbucks, hitting, among other people, one of the really super nice baristas who always gets my drinks right. Then he drags the woman he was chasing outside screaming and bleeding from the face and the barista is heaving behind the counter and customers are picking up the woman's purse and hopefully her bag and giving them to the non-heaving chick behind the counter. The whole scene is horrid and pretty much pandemonium and customers near the macing try to make it away from the agonizing gas.

    I went outside and called 911. I've still got a headache from the mace and I was at the opposite side of the restaurant. What kind of a fucktard maces someone waaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than himself INSIDE a crowded restaurant on a Saturday night?
    You sure he even was a Security Guard? Were there other stores she may have come out of? It sounds pretty strange, tho I would not put much past a rent-a-cop.They tend to be way overzealous and borderline retarded. Better to deal with the Police.


  4. #4
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    wow, why can't cool stuff like that happen here.....damn Georgia......

  5. #5
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    I remember stuff like that happening all the time when I lived in Georgia. Except I would have been scared calling the police wouldn't help the woman there.

    This Starbucks is in a strip mall and there is usually a guard around. I've seen smaller guards in the same uniform remove scarier-looking and bigger people from that very Starbucks with no incident and no fuss. At that hour, I think the only other things open were a Ralph's and a Jamba Juice, but, even if she shoplifted a whole damn turkey and a blender, there is no call to mace a whole bunch of innocent bystanders and brutalize someone for a petty crime.

    He was probably a real security guard. Just not a real good one. And, once the manager of that Starbucks (who is really cool and on-top-of-it) finds out about the guy injuring a good employee and chasing off customers on a weekend night and making it so they have to freaking sterilize ALL of their drink-making equipment ... well, I'm guessing he won't be a security guard of any kind in that strip mall anyway.

  6. #6
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    I remember stuff like that happening all the time when I lived in Georgia. Except I would have been scared calling the police wouldn't help the woman there.

    This Starbucks is in a strip mall and there is usually a guard around. I've seen smaller guards in the same uniform remove scarier-looking and bigger people from that very Starbucks with no incident and no fuss. At that hour, I think the only other things open were a Ralph's and a Jamba Juice, but, even if she shoplifted a whole damn turkey and a blender, there is no call to mace a whole bunch of innocent bystanders and brutalize someone for a petty crime.

    He was probably a real security guard. Just not a real good one. And, once the manager of that Starbucks (who is really cool and on-top-of-it) finds out about the guy injuring a good employee and chasing off customers on a weekend night and making it so they have to freaking sterilize ALL of their drink-making equipment ... well, I'm guessing he won't be a security guard of any kind in that strip mall anyway.
    I've hated rent-a-cops for several years now. You ever get insomnia after drinking copious quantities of alcohol? This is fucking ridiculous.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Probably didn't want to use a taser, now that there's so much fuss about them not being safe.

  8. #8
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    ... hitting, among other people, one of the really super nice baristas who always gets my drinks right.

    what's a barista? are you being taken to court or something?

    by the way, the process used to choose employees as security guards is very much like the one used to select Imperial Stormtroopers. intelligence isn't very high on the list.

  9. #9
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by sheramil
    what's a barista? are you being taken to court or something?

    by the way, the process used to choose employees as security guards is very much like the one used to select Imperial Stormtroopers. intelligence isn't very high on the list.
    Barista is a fancy name for somebody that makes coffee. Lattes etc.

  10. #10
    ForrestBlack's Avatar Administrator
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by sheramil
    what's a barista? are you being taken to court or something?

    by the way, the process used to choose employees as security guards is very much like the one used to select Imperial Stormtroopers. intelligence isn't very high on the list.
    I've actually talked to a bunch of the security guys over there and the other ones we're reasonable and ok. One even peacefully ejected a skinhead twerp that was causing problems with customers and then tried to get into it with me because he didn't like the fact that my last name is Black.

    The scuffle this evening seriously looked more like a bad domestic dispute though, rather than ejecting an undesirable. There was a door two feet from the disturbance, and instead of just making her leave, he mauled her, maced her, and pushed her to the floor, and then pushed her bleeding mace covered self all the way through the entire place to the far door while she's screaming 'call 911'. So, I think he was getting off on being an ass in public. He really could have just been like, uhm, ma'am, you need to leave the property... I think she would have gone without a problem.

  11. #11
    sheramil's Avatar Maracite Inreach program
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    Barista is a fancy name for somebody that makes coffee. Lattes etc.
    kewlies! now we need fancy terms for other low-status jobs:

    Basurata: garbage collector
    Arbeiter: slave worker
    Capullo: spammer
    Gilipollas: Republican Candidate

  12. #12
    adorn_shadow's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Sweet jesus! That is nuts1 I';ve never even heard of anything remotely close to that cool happening here! Sounds like some tarantino flick. lol Dont move or I'll mace every last mother fucking one of you!

  13. #13
    TheQuietPlace's Avatar The Delivery Expert
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by adorn_shadow
    lol Dont move or I'll mace every last mother fucking one of you!

  14. #14
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by sheramil
    kewlies! now we need fancy terms for other low-status jobs:

    Basurata: garbage collector
    Arbeiter: slave worker
    Capullo: spammer
    Gilipollas: Republican Candidate


  15. #15
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    So what was all the stuff enventually about? **

  16. #16
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by BrightStar
    So what was all the stuff enventually about? **
    No idea. I went to a different Starbucks (new improved, now without mace) when I went for coffee next. I assume it was either a domestic dispute and they knew each other, but the guy happened to be a security guard and carried mace or the chick did something she shouldn't have like shoplifting at the supermarket or more likely trying to clean herself up a bit in the bathroom at the supermarket and the guy chased her for a while until he was pissed off enough to be a violent idiot about it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!


    i work at starbucks and wouldn't mind macing a fair portion of our clientele.

  18. #18
    Lucius's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Van Orsdel

    i work at starbucks and wouldn't mind macing a fair portion of our clientele.
    Same here. I work at a cafe and most of the people there are rude!

  19. #19
    MistressJennifer's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Gee Amelia, have you thought about purchasing your own coffee machine?

  20. #20
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Born in London. Lived everywhere.

    Default Re: Go to Starbucks and get MACED!

    Quote Originally Posted by MistressJennifer
    Gee Amelia, have you thought about purchasing your own coffee machine?

    I have my own, but I was thinking about quitting when the espresso side broke. I'm going to get some allergy tests and, if they don't say I really need to stay the heck away from coffee, I think it is high time I replaced the espresso machine.

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